Message Reference

SQL4900 - SQL4999

SQL4901NPrecompiler Services requires reinitialization because of a previous error.

Explanation: On a previous function call, an error occurred. The requested function call cannot be processed until Precompiler Services is reinitialized.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Call the sqlainit function to reinitialize Precompiler Services

SQL4902NAt least one of the characters in parameter "<n>" of function "<function>" is not valid.

Explanation: The specified parameter in the specified function contains at least one character that is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the specified parameter and call the function again.

SQL4903NThe length of parameter "<n>" of function "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The length of the specified parameter in the specified function is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the specified parameter and call the function again.

SQL4904NThe pointer to parameter "<n>" of function "<function>" is not valid.

Explanation: The pointer to the specified parameter in the specified function is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the specified parameter and call the function again.

SQL4905NThe value of parameter "<n>" of function "<function>" is not within the valid range.

Explanation: The value of the specified parameter in the specified function is outside the valid range for that parameter. If the specified parameter is a structure, it may contain values that are within the valid range but are not valid when considered together. Some structures contain headers that specify the allocated size and how much of that size is being used. It is not valid for the allocated size to be less than the used size.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the specified parameter and call the function again.

SQL4906NThe list of table space names specified is an incomplete set for the rollforward operation.

Explanation: The list of table space names is incomplete for one of the following reasons:

User Response: Check the table space list and resubmit the rollforward command with the complete table space list.

SQL4907WDatabase "<name>" is recovered but one or more of the tables in the table space list included for the rollforward operation are placed in check pending states.

Explanation: One or more of the tables involved in the point-in-time tablespace recovery have referential constraints with tables outside of the table space list used for recovery. All these tables are placed in check pending state. Rollforward operation is otherwise completed successfully.

User Response: Check the state for the tables in the table spaces and take appropriate actions if necessary.

SQL4908NThe table space list specified for roll-forward recovery on database "<name>" is invalid on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: If starting a new table space rollforward, one or more of the table spaces specified in the list to be rolled forward is not in rollforward pending state on the specified nodes. If continuing a table space rollforward that is already in progress, one or more of the table spaces specified in the list to be rolled forward is not in rollforward in progress state on the specified nodes.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

Roll-forward recovery stops.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Use the LIST TABLESPACES SHOW DETAIL command on the nodes specified to find out which table spaces are not ready to be rolled forward. Use the QUERY STATUS option of the rollforward command to determine the status of the table space rollforward. If the rollforward status is "TBS pending", a new table space rollforward can be started. If the rollforward status is "TBS working", a table space rollforward is already in progress.

If starting a new table space rollforward, put the tablespaces into rollforward pending state by restoring them.

If continuing a table space rollforward and one or more of the table spaces involved have been restored and put into rollforward pending state, the table space rollforward in progress must be canceled. Submit the rollforward command again with the CANCEL option and the same table space list. When the rollforward in progress is canceled, the table spaces will have been put into restore pending state. Restore the table spaces and submit the original rollforward command again.

SQL4909WRoll forward recovery has completed successfully but one or more table spaces have their tables put in DRP/DRNP state. Check the db2diag.log file for details on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: One or more table spaces have tables in DATALINK Reconcile Pending (DRP) state or DATALINK Reconcile Not Possible (DRNP) state for one of the following reasons:

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

(Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.)

User Response: Look in the db2diag.log file to find out what tables are put in DRP/DRNP state. See the Administration Guide for information on reconciling tables that are in DRP/DRNP state.

SQL4910NOverflow log path "<log-path>" is not valid.

Explanation: The overflow log path specified on the ROLLFORWARD command is not valid. The overflow log path must be a directory in a file system. This directory must be accessible by the instance owner id.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid overflow log path.

SQL4911NThe host variable data type is not valid.

Explanation: The data type of the host variable is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the data type of the host variable and call the function again.

SQL4912NThe host variable data length is out of range.

Explanation: The length of the host variable is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the length of the host variable and call the function again.

SQL4913NThe host variable token ID has already been used.

Explanation: The token ID of the host variable has already been used. The token ID must be unique within the module.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the token ID of the host variable and call the function again.

SQL4914NThe host variable token ID is not valid.

Explanation: The token ID of the host variable is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the token ID of the host variable and call the function again.

SQL4915NThe "sqlainit" function has already been called.

Explanation: Precompiler Services has already been initialized.

User Response: No action is required. Continue processing.

SQL4916NThe "sqlainit" function has not been called.

Explanation: Precompiler Services must be initialized before the requested function call can be processed.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Issue an sqlainit function call to initialize Precompiler Services.

SQL4917NElement "<number>" in the option array is not valid.

Explanation: The option array contains an element with an option.type or option.value that is not valid. The element number in the message is the nth element in the option portion of the option array.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the values stored in the option array. Call the function again.

SQL4918NThe term_option parameter of function "sqlainit" is not valid.

Explanation: The term_option parameter is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the term_option parameter and call the function again.

SQL4919NThe task_array parameter of function "sqlacmpl" is too small.

Explanation: The task array structure passed to Precompiler Services on the sqlacmpl function call is too short.

The function did not complete successfully.

User Response: Increase the size of the precompiler task array structure allocated by the precompiler. Recompile the application program.

SQL4920NThe token_id_array parameter of function "sqlacmpl" is too small.

Explanation: The token id array structure passed to Precompiler Services on the sqlacmpl() function call is too small.

The function did not complete successfully.

User Response: Increase the size of the precompiler token id array structure allocated by the precompiler. Recompile the application program.

SQL4930NBind or precompile option or option value "<option-name>" is invalid.

Explanation: Either "<option-name>" is an invalid bind or precompile option or the value specified for this option is invalid. The bind or precompile cannot continue.

User Response: Correct the bind or precompile option or option value and retry the bind or precompile command.

SQL4940NThe "<clause>" clause is not permitted or is required.

Explanation: The indicated clause is either not allowed in the context where it appears in the SQL statement or it is required in the statement.

A subquery, an INSERT statement, or a CREATE VIEW statement cannot have INTO, ORDER BY, or FOR UPDATE clauses. An embedded SELECT statement cannot have ORDER BY or FOR UPDATE clauses. An embedded SELECT statement cannot contain a set operator except in a subquery. SELECT statements used in cursor declarations cannot have an INTO clause.

An embedded SELECT statement must have an INTO clause.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Remove or add the clause to correct the statement.

SQL4941NThe SQL statement is blank or empty.

Explanation: The text following EXEC SQL was blank or empty.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Ensure that a valid SQL statement is provided following the word EXEC SQL.

SQL4942NThe statement selects an incompatible data type into host variable "<name>".

Explanation: An embedded SELECT statement selects into a host variable "<name>" but the data type of the variable and the corresponding SELECT list element are not compatible. If the data type of the column is date and time, the data type of the variable must be character with an appropriate minimum length. Both must either be numeric, character, or graphic.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Verify that the table definitions are current and that the host variable has the proper data type.

SQL4943WThe number of host variables in the INTO clause is not the same as the number of items in the SELECT clause.

Explanation: The number of host variables specified in both the INTO clause and the SELECT clause must be the same.

The function is processed.

User Response: Correct the application program to specify the same number of host variables as SELECT list expressions.

SQL4944NAn update or insert value is NULL but the object column cannot contain NULL values.

Explanation: One of the following occurred:

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Examine the definition of the object table to determine which columns of the table have the NOT NULL attribute, and correct the SQL statement.

SQL4945NThe use of a parameter marker is not valid.

Explanation: Parameter markers can be used only in dynamic SQL statements.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Use host variables instead of parameter markers for static SQL statements.

SQL4946NThe cursor or statement name "<name>" is not defined.

Explanation: The cursor or statement name "<name>" specified in the statement is not defined.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Check the application program for completeness and possible spelling errors in the cursor or statement names.

SQL4947WAn INCLUDE SQLDA statement was encountered and ignored.

Explanation: The FORTRAN precompiler shipped by the database manager does not support the INCLUDE SQLDA statement.

The statement is ignored. Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required. To prevent this message, remove the INCLUDE SQLDA statement from the program.

SQL4950NCompound SQL statements containing user-defined SQLDAs are not supported in this environment.

Explanation: Compound SQL statements containing user-defined SQLDAs are not supported in a 16-bit application.

User Response: Move the statement out of the compound SQL block or replace the statement with one that uses host variables instead of an SQLDA.

SQL4951NThe sqlda_id parameter of function "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The sqlda_id parameter of the specified function in the application program is not valid. The sqlda_id parameter cannot be null.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the sqlda_id parameter in the application program.

SQL4952NThe sqlvar_index parameter of function "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The sqlvar_index parameter of the specified function in the application program is not valid. The sqlvar_index may be larger than the number of sqlvar elements in the SQLDA.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the sqlvar_index parameter in the application program.

SQL4953NThe call_type parameter of function "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The call_type parameter of the specified function in the application is not valid.

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the call_type parameter in the application program.

SQL4954NThe section_number parameter of function "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The section_number parameter of the specified function in the application program is not valid. Note that for the following SQL statements, the section_number parameter of the function sqlacall() is used to pass in the statement type:

The function cannot be completed.

User Response: Correct the section_number parameter in the application program.

SQL4970NRoll-forward recovery on database "<name>" cannot reach the specified stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) because of missing log file(s) on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: This message is returned in the following situations:

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

Roll-forward recovery has stopped. The database is left in roll-forward pending state.

Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.

User Response: Use the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with the QUERY STATUS option to determine which log files are missing.

Do one of the following:

SQL4971NRoll-forward recovery on database "<name>" on node "<node-number>" failed previously while stopping. Roll-forward recovery must be stopped.

Explanation: A request was made to continue rolling forward the specified database by specifying caller action SQLUM_ROLLFWD. The previous iteration of roll-forward recovery failed while stopping. If rolling forward at the database level, this means that it failed during log truncation. Roll-forward recovery for this database must now be stopped by specifying caller action SQLUM_ROLLFWD_STOP, SQLUM_STOP, SQLUM_ROLLFWD_COMPLETE, or SQLUM_COMPLETE.

Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.

User Response: Reissue the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command with caller action SQLUM_ROLLFWD_STOP, SQLUM_STOP, SQLUM_ROLLFWD_COMPLETE, or SQLUM_COMPLETE. Any stoptime specified will be ignored since the previous stoptime is already being processed.

SQL4972NLog extent "<extent>" on node "<node-number>" could not be moved to the database logpath.

Explanation: The Rollforward utility was invoked with the STOP option. As part of roll-forward processing, the log extent "<extent>" has to be truncated. This extent must exist in the database logpath. Currently, the extent exists in the overflow log path. An attempt was made to move the extent from the overflow log path to the database logpath. The attempt failed. Roll-forward processing has been stopped.

Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number indicates which node the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.

User Response: Move the extent from the overflow log path to the database logpath and then resubmit the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command.

SQL4973NForward recovery on database "<name>" cannot complete because the log information on node(s) "<node-list>" does not match the corresponding record(s) on the catalog node.

Explanation: The Rollforward utility processed all the log files found on each node, but the stop points on the specified nodes do not match the corresponding records on the catalog node. This can be caused by missing log files on either the catalog node or on the specified nodes, or the catalog node must be included in the list of nodes to be rolled forward.

The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE processing stops.

User Response: Do one of the following:

SQL4974WThe ROLLFORWARD DATABASE QUERY STATUS command encountered sqlcode "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE QUERY STATUS command encountered an error with the sqlcode "<sqlcode>". The query might not be successful on some nodes for various reasons. The most severe error is indicated by "<sqlcode>". The roll-forward status is only returned for the successful nodes.

User Response: Look up the sqlcode "<sqlcode>" in the Message Reference, or online to determine the problems on the failed nodes. Take the required corrective actions, then continue the forward recovery on these nodes.

SQL4975WRoll-forward operation was cancelled successfully. The database or selected table spaces have to be restored on node(s) "<node-list>".

Explanation: A roll-forward operation was cancelled before it successfully completed, and the database or selected table spaces are left in in an inconsistent state. The database or selected table spaces are in restore pending state on the listed nodes.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the diagnostic log for the complete list of nodes.

Note : if you are using a partitioned database server, the node number(s) indicate which node(s) the error occurred on. Otherwise, it is not pertinent and should be ignored.

User Response: Restore the database or selected table spaces on the listed nodes. The table spaces that are in restore pending state can be identified on the specified node(s) by the LIST TABLESPACES command or the db2dart utility.

SQL4976NThe ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command cannot be submitted on a non-catalog node.

Explanation: The ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command is only accepted on the catalog node.

User Response: Submit the command on the catalog node.

SQL4977NDropped table export directory "<directory>" is not valid.

Explanation: The export directory path specified on the ROLLFORWARD command is not valid. The export directory path must be a directory in a file system. This directory must be accessible by the instance owner id.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid export directory path.

SQL4978NThe dropped table can not be accessed.

Explanation: The dropped table can not be accessed. This may be due to the table being put into unavailable state because of a LOAD without copy or a NOT LOGGED INITIALLY operation.

User Response: The table can not be recovered using the DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY option.

SQL4979WUnable to export the dropped table data.

Explanation: The command was unable to export the data of the dropped table whose recovery is being attempted. This can happen when the dropped table id specified on the ROLLFORWARD command is invalid, or when not all of the logs are available for roll forward. This warning will be generated when an error occurs during a dropped table recovery using a ROLLFORWARD ... AND STOP command.

User Response: Resubmit the command after ensuring that the dropped table id provided is valid, and that all of the logs are available for roll forward.

SQL4994NPrecompilation was ended because of a user interrupt request.

Explanation: Precompilation was terminated because of an interrupt. The user may have pressed an interrupt key sequence.

Processing is terminated. No package was created.

User Response: Resubmit the precompilation if needed.

SQL4997NThe authorization ID is not valid.

Explanation: The authorization ID for the application was specified previously but it was defined with more than 8 characters or with characters that are not valid for an authorization ID.

The authorization ID must not be PUBLIC (public) and it must not begin with SYS (sys), IBM (ibm), or SQL (sql). Also, it must not contain the underscore character or any characters outside the database manager base character set.

The function cannot be processed.

User Response: Retry the application with a valid authorization ID.

SQL4998CThe application state is in error; the database connection has been lost.

Explanation: The connection to the database has been lost.

The function cannot be processed.

User Response: Reconnect to the database.

SQL4999NA Precompiler Services or Run-Time Services error occurred.

Explanation: A database manager error occurred that prevents Precompiler Services or Run-Time Services from processing function calls.

No Precompiler Services or Run-Time Services function calls can be processed.

User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and all error information form the SQLCA if possible.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility.

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