SQL4300N | Java support is not installed or properly configured on this platform. |
Explanation: Support for Java stored procedures and user-defined functions is not installed and configured on this server.
User Response: Ensure that a compatible Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit for the server is installed. Ensure that the "jdk11_path" configuration parameter is correctly set.
sqlcode: -4300
sqlstate: 42724
SQL4301N | Java interpreter startup or communication failed, reason code "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to start or communicate with a Java interpreter. The reason codes are:
User Response: Ensure that the Java database configuration parameters (jdk11_path and java_heap_sz) are correctly set. Ensure that a supported Java runtime environment is installed. Ensure that internal DB2 classes (COM.ibm.db2) are not overridden by user classes.
sqlcode: -4301
sqlstate: 58004
SQL4302N | Java stored procedure or user-defined function "<name>", specific name "<spec-name>" aborted with an exception "<string>". |
Explanation: The Java stored procedure or user-defined function aborted with a Java exception. The First Failure Service Log (db2diag.log) contains a Java stack traceback for the aborted method.
User Response: Debug the Java method to eliminate the exception.
sqlcode: -4302
sqlstate: 38501
SQL4303N | Java stored procedure or user-defined function "<name>", specific name "<spec-name>" could not be identified from external name "<string>". |
Explanation: The CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement that declared this stored procedure or user-defined function had a badly formatted EXTERNAL NAME clause. The external name must be formatted as follows: "package.subpackage.class!method".
User Response: Submit a corrected CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement.
sqlcode: -4303
sqlstate: 42724
SQL4304N | Java stored procedure or user-defined function "<name>", specific name "<spec-name>" could not load Java class "<class>", reason code "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: The Java class given by the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement could not be loaded. The reason codes are:
User Response: Ensure that the compiled ".class" file is installed in the CLASSPATH, for example under "sqllib/function". Ensure it implements the required Java interfaces and is "public".
sqlcode: -4304
sqlstate: 42724
SQL4306N | Java stored procedure or user-defined function "<name>", specific name "<spec-name>" could not call Java method "<method>", signature "<string>". |
Explanation: The Java method given by the EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement could not be found. Its declared argument list may not match what the database expects, or it may not be a "public" instance method.
User Response: Ensure that a Java instance method exists with the "public" flag and the expected argument list for this call.
sqlcode: -4306
sqlstate: 42724