Message Reference

SQL3100 - SQL3199

SQL3100WColumn number "<column-number>" (identified as "<name>") in the output DEL format file is longer than 254 bytes.

Explanation: The length or maximum length of the specified output column is greater than 254 bytes. Columns larger than 254 are not supported by some other products.

The entire field is exported without truncation.

User Response: If the output file cannot be processed by another product, export only a substring of the incorrect column, redefine the table, or manually truncate the data in the DEL column.

SQL3101WThere is a character string delimiter in column "<column-number>" in row "<row-number>".

Explanation: The system puts character string delimiters around the character strings being exported but it found a character string that already has the delimiter in the character string.

Delimiters will be placed around the character string. Future use of that string leads to an appearance of truncation. Processing can continue.

User Response: Review the data for the given column and row in the output table or file. To avoid loss of data, change the character delimiter to some character that is not in the data.

SQL3102WThe number of columns in the METHOD parameter is greater than the number of columns in the Action String (e.g. "REPLACE into ...") parameter.

Explanation: The number of columns taken from the input file or table is greater than the number to be put in the output table or file.

Only data for the columns indicated in the output table or file will be processed. Data in the excess input columns is not processed.

User Response: Review the data in the output table or file.

SQL3103WThe number of columns in the METHOD parameter is less than the number of columns in the Action String (e.g. "REPLACE into ...") parameter.

Explanation: The number of columns taken from the input file or table is less than the number to be put in the output table or file.

Only data for the columns indicated in the input table or file will be processed. Data in the excess output columns is not processed.

User Response: Review the data in the output table or file.

SQL3104NThe Export utility is beginning to export data to file "<name>".

Explanation: This is the normal beginning message.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3105NThe Export utility has finished exporting "<number>" rows.

Explanation: This is the summary message for the export utility which is printed at the end of the message file. This message will state how many rows resulting from the SELECT statement were processed before the export utility terminated.

User Response: If an sqlcode of 0 was returned from the utility, then no response is required. If an sqlcode of 3107 was returned, check the message file for warnings that occurred during the export and resubmit the command if desired. If a negative sqlcode was returned, an error occurred during the export and the data file may not contain all the data requested. The command should be resubmitted with the error corrected.

SQL3106NAn error occurred while formatting a message for the message file.

Explanation: The error message may be incomplete or formatted incorrectly.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3107WThere is at least one warning message in the message file.

Explanation: At least one warning was received during processing.

This warning does not affect processing.

User Response: Review the message file warning.

SQL3108WUnable to access file referenced by a DATALINK value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>". Reason code = "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The possible causes of this message depend on the value of "<reason-code>":

DATALINK value data location format is not valid.

DATALINK value DB2 Data Links Manager is not registered with the database.

DATALINK linktype value is not valid.

DATALINK value referenced file cannot be found by the DB2 Data Links Manager.

DATALINK value referenced file is already linked to the database.

DATALINK value referenced file cannot be accessed for linking. It may be a symbolic link or a file with permission bit for set user ID (SUID) on or set group ID (SGID) on.

DATALINK value URL or comment is too long.

User Response: The action is based on the "<reason-code>" as follows:

Correct the data location format. If hostname is not specified, DB2 can use the local hostname as default only if support for FILE LINK CONTROL is enabled. Refer to the Administration Guide for information on enabling this support.

Ensure that the correct DB2 Data Links Manager is specified and if so have it registered to the database. Registered DB2 Data Links Managers are ignored unless support for FILE LINK CONTROL is enabled. Refer to the Administration Guide for information on enabling this support.

Correct the linktype value.

Check that the correct file is specified and that the file exists

Either unlink the existing reference to the file or do not specify the file in this statement.

Linking of directories is not allowed. Use the actual file name, not the symbolic link. If SUID or SGID is on, this file cannot be linked using a DATALINK type.

Reduce the length of the data location value or the comment.

SQL3109NThe utility is beginning to load data from file "<name>".

Explanation: This is the normal beginning message. The message may indicate the name of a temporary file created on the server instead of the source file.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3110NThe utility has completed processing. "<number>" rows were read from the input file.

Explanation: This is the normal ending message.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3111CAn I/O error occurred while closing the input data file.

Explanation: A system I/O error occurred while closing the input data file. This error can refer to a problem on either the client or the server.

The file is not closed.

User Response: Examine the input file for an I/O error.

SQL3112WThere are fewer input file columns specified than database columns.

Explanation: There are fewer columns specified in the input file than in the output table. Because the extra columns in the table are defined as nullable, the values in those columns are filled with nulls.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3113WThe data type "<type>" of the database column "<name>" is not compatible with this format file. Null values are inserted for the column.

Explanation: The database column type is not valid for this file. Because the column is nullable, nulls are inserted.

Null values are loaded for the indicated column.

User Response: If nulls are not acceptable for the column, do one of the following:

SQL3114WSome data following "<text>" in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" was not loaded.

Explanation: Some data in the specified row and column is not loaded, probably because the column contains data as follows:

The text that was loaded is shown in the "<text>" token.

The contents of the field may be incomplete.

User Response: Compare the value in the output table with the input file. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command, or edit the data in the table.

SQL3115WThe field value beginning "<text>" in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" is longer than the longest allowable table column. The value was truncated.

Explanation: The field value is longer than 32700 bytes.

The value was truncated after 32700 bytes.

User Response: Compare the value in the output table with the input file. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table. Check for unmatched character string delimiters.

SQL3116WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" is missing, but the target column is not nullable.

Explanation: A null field value was encountered in the input file. Because the target column in the table is not nullable, it cannot be loaded.

For files other than ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row of the missing data. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte position within the row of the missing data.

The row is not loaded.

User Response: If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3117WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" cannot be converted to a SMALLINT value. A null was loaded.

Explanation: The value in the specified field cannot be converted to a SMALLINT value. There may be a data type mismatch. The value may be larger than a 2-byte integer.

For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

A null value is loaded.

User Response: Examine the input value. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3118WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" cannot be converted to a SMALLINT value, but the target column is not nullable. The row was not loaded.

Explanation: The value in the specified field cannot be converted to a SMALLINT value. There may be a data type mismatch. The value may be larger than a 2-byte integer. A null cannot be loaded because the output column in the table is not nullable.

For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

The row is not loaded.

User Response: Correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3119WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" cannot be converted to an INTEGER value. A null was loaded.

Explanation: There may be a data type mismatch because the value in the specified field cannot be converted to an INTEGER value.

For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

A null value is loaded.

User Response: Examine the input value. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3120WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" cannot be converted to an INTEGER value, but the target column is not nullable. The row was not loaded.

Explanation: There may be a data type mismatch because the value in the specified field cannot be converted to an INTEGER value. A null cannot be loaded because the output column in the table is not nullable.

For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

The row is not loaded.

User Response: Correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3121WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" cannot be converted to a FLOAT value. A null was loaded.

Explanation: The value in the specified field cannot be converted to a FLOAT value. There may be a data type mismatch.

For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

A null value is loaded.

User Response: Examine the input value. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3122WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" cannot be converted to a FLOAT value, but the target column is not nullable. The row was not loaded.

Explanation: The value in the specified field cannot be converted to a FLOAT value. There may be a data type mismatch. A null cannot be loaded because the output column in the table is not nullable.

For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

The row is not loaded.

User Response: Correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3123WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" cannot be converted to a PACKED DECIMAL value. A null was loaded.

Explanation: The value in the specified field cannot be converted to a PACKED DECIMAL value. There may be a data type mismatch.

For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

A null value is loaded.

User Response: Examine the input value. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3124WThe field value in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" cannot be converted to a PACKED DECIMAL value, but the target column is not nullable. The row was not loaded.

Explanation: The value in the specified field cannot be converted to a PACKED DECIMAL value. There may be a data type mismatch. A null cannot be loaded because the output column in the table is not nullable.

For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

The row is not loaded.

User Response: Correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3125WThe character data in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" was truncated because the data is longer than the target database column.

Explanation: The length of the field data in the input file was longer than the length of the database field where it is being loaded.

The character data was truncated.

User Response: Compare the value in the output table with the input file. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table. The width of the database column cannot be increased. If necessary, define a new table with wider columns and repeat the process.

SQL3128WThe field containing "<data>" in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>". was truncated into a DATE field because the data is longer than the database column.

Explanation: The date value in the specified field is longer than the length of the string representation of a date.

The date value is truncated to fit into the table.

User Response: Compare the value in the output table with the input file. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3129WThe date, time, or timestamp field containing "<text>" in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" was padded with blanks.

Explanation: The field data in the input file was shorter than the database column.

The data on the right is padded with blanks.

User Response: Compare the value in the output table with the input file. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3130WThe field containing "<text>" in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" was truncated into a TIME field because the data is longer than the database column.

Explanation: The time value in the specified field is longer than the length of the string representation of a time.

The time value is truncated to fit into the table.

User Response: Compare the value in the output table with the input file. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3131WThe field containing "<text>" in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" was truncated into a TIMESTAMP field because the data is longer than the database column.

Explanation: The timestamp value in the specified field is longer than the length of the string representation of a timestamp.

The timestamp value is truncated to fit into the table.

User Response: Compare the value in the output table with the input file. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3132WThe character data in column "<column>" will be truncated to size "<size>".

Explanation: The character data column has a defined size that is longer than the longest default character column which can be exported; each value will be truncated to the specified size.

For example, by default, only the first SQL_LONGMAX bytes of a LOB column will be exported. If the entire LOB column is desired, the LOBSINFILE keyword must be specified in the filetype modifier and each LOB column will be stored into a separate file.

User Response: This is a warning only. No action is required.

SQL3133WThe field in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" contains invalid DATALINK value. A null was loaded.

Explanation: The DATALINK value in the specified field is invalid. For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

A null value is loaded.

User Response: Examine the input value. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3134WThe field in row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" contains invalid DATALINK value, but the target column is not nullable. The row was not loaded.

Explanation: The DATALINK value in the specified field is invalid. For delimited ASCII (DEL) files, the value of the column number specifies the field within the row that contains the value in question. For ASCII files, the value of the column number specifies the byte location within the row where the value in question begins.

User Response: Examine the input value. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command.

SQL3135NThe number of columns in the METHOD parameter is greater than the number of columns in the target table.

Explanation: The number of data columns in the METHOD parameter must be less than or equal to the number of data columns in the actual table.

User Response: Specify the correct number of input columns in the METHOD parameter and resubmit the command.

SQL3137WRow "<row-number>" is too short. At least one input value being loaded to a non-nullable database column is missing. The row was not loaded.

Explanation: If loading from a delimited ASCII file, the row contains too few fields. If loading from a non-delimited ASCII file, the row contains too few bytes of data. There is no input value for at least one non-nullable target column.

The row is not loaded.

User Response: Examine the input file and the contents of the target table. Correct the input file and resubmit the command, or edit the data in the table.

SQL3138WThe ending character string delimiter was not found before the end of the input data file was reached.

Explanation: The end of the input data file was reached before the terminating character string delimiter was found.

A closing character string delimiter is assumed at the end of the data.

User Response: Compare the value in the output table with the input file. If necessary, correct the input file and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3139WAn error "<error>" occurred while the utility was disconnecting from the database.

Explanation: The IMPORT or EXPORT utility could not disconnect from the database.

The output data may be incomplete.

User Response: Use the error number in the message to determine the exact error.

SQL3142WThe column heading for column "<column-number>" is being truncated to 240 bytes.

Explanation: The LOTUS 1-2-3** and Symphony** programs have a limit of 240 bytes for label records. If a column heading greater than 240 bytes is specified for export, it is be truncated to 240 bytes.

The column heading is truncated. Processing continues.

User Response: Verify that the column headings are 240 bytes or less. Check for a possible error in specifying the names for the columns in the output worksheet format (WSF) file.

SQL3143WA maximum length of variable length column "<column-number>" exceeds the limitation of 240 bytes. Data from the column may be truncated.

Explanation: The LOTUS 1-2-3** and Symphony** programs have a limit of 240 bytes for label records. Whenever a character field longer than 240 bytes is written to a worksheet format (WSF) file, the data will be truncated to 240 bytes.

Continue processing. Subsequent data entries for the column may be truncated.

User Response: Verify the output. If significant data from the column is lost because of truncation, investigate selecting the data from the column in several fields by substringing, or redesign the database.

SQL3144WThe length of fixed length column "<column-number>" exceeds the 240-byte limitation. Data from the column may be truncated.

Explanation: The Lotus 1-2-3** and Symphony** programs have a limit of 240 bytes for label records. Whenever a character field longer than 240 bytes is written to a worksheet format (WSF) file, the data will be truncated to 240 bytes.

All data entries for the column are truncated with no additional messages written to the message log.

Continue processing.

User Response: Verify output. If significant data from the column is lost because of truncation, investigate selecting the data from the column in several fields by substringing, or redesign the database.

SQL3145WThe data for row "<row-number>", column "<column-number>" is being truncated to 240 bytes.

Explanation: The Lotus 1-2-3** and Symphony** programs have a limit of 240 bytes for label records. Whenever a character field longer than 240 bytes is written to a worksheet format (WSF) file, the data is truncated to 240 bytes. This message is preceded by message SQL3143 associated with the column.

Processing continues. The data is truncated.

User Response: Verify the output. If significant data from the column is lost because of truncation, investigate selecting the data from the column in several fields by substringing, or redesign the database.

SQL3146NThe DATE or TIMESTAMP value for row "<row-number>" and column "<column-number>" is out of range.

Explanation: The value for a date or timestamp is not valid. A date value from 01-01-1900 to 12-31-2099 is valid for worksheet format (WSF) files.

The cell record is not created.

User Response: Compare the value in the output file with the input table. If necessary, correct the input value and resubmit the command or edit the data in the table.

SQL3147WMore than 2048 rows were exported into a worksheet formatted file.

Explanation: The number of rows exported exceeds 2048. The first generation products cannot support more than 2048 rows.

Continue processing.

User Response: The rows beyond 2048 can be read only by second and third generation products.

SQL3148WA row from the input file was not inserted into the table. SQLCODE "<sqlcode>" was returned.

Explanation: The database operation to insert a row of data read from the input file failed. One or more of the fields in the input file is not compatible with the database field where the field is being inserted.

Processing continues with the next row of input data.

User Response: See the next message in the message file for the row number not inserted. Examine the input file and the database contents. If desired, modify the database or modify the input file and rerun the operation.

SQL3149N"<number-1>" rows were processed from the input file. "<number-2>" rows were successfully inserted into the table. "<number-3>" rows were rejected.

Explanation: This summary message tells how many rows of data were read from the input file, how many rows were successfully inserted into the database table, and how many rows were rejected. If using the INSERT_UPDATE option, the number of rows updated is the number of rows processed minus the number inserted and rejected.

User Response: None, because this is a summary message. The detail messages may suggest corrective action.

SQL3150NThe H record in the PC/IXF file has product "<product>", date "<date>", and time "<time>".

Explanation: Information is given about the product that created the PC/IXF file and when it was created.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3151NNo data conversion will be done from the single-byte code page value "<code-page>" in the H record to the application single-byte code page value "<code-page>" because the FORCEIN option was specified.

Explanation: No data conversion will be performed from the IXF code page to the application code page because the FORCEIN option was specified.

User Response: No action is required. If the conversion from the IXF file code page to the application code page is supported by the database manager, the operation can be resubmitted without the FORCEIN option and the data will be converted.

SQL3152NThe double-byte code page value "<value>" in the H record is not compatible with the double-byte code page value "<value>" for the application. Data will be inserted because the FORCEIN option was specified.

Explanation: The double-byte code page values in the record and the application are not compatible. Because the FORCEIN option was used, the data is inserted.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3153NThe T record in the PC/IXF file has name "<name>", qualifier "<qualifier>", and source "<source>".

Explanation: Optional information is given about the name of the table where data was extracted, the product that created the table, and the original source of the data.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3154WThe HCNT value in the H record and the CCNT value in the T record are not compatible. The CCNT value in the T record will be used.

Explanation: The HCNT value in the H record and the CCNT value in the T record do not agree.

The CCNT value in the T record is used.

User Response: Verify that the CCNT value is correct. If not, make the necessary changes to the HCNT or CCNT values and resubmit the command.

SQL3155WThe name length field in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The value in the name length field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the name length field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3156WThe null field in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The null field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the null field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3157WThe type field in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The type field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid. The code page values may not be compatible with the column type.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the type field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3158WThe single-byte code page field in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The single-byte code page field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the single-byte code page field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3159WThe double-byte code page field in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The double-byte code page field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the double-byte code page field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3160WThe column length field in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The column length field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the column length field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3161WThe precision field in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The precision field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the precision field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3162WThe scale field in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The scale field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the scale field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3163WThe column length field in the C record for floating point column "<name>" is blank. A value of 00008 will be used.

Explanation: The column length field in the C record for the indicated column is blank.

A column length of 00008 is used.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3164WThe column length field in the C record for floating point column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The column length field in the C record for the indicated column is not valid. The indicated column is a floating point column.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the column length field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3165WThe column type field "<type>" in the C record for column "<name>" is not valid. Data from the column will not be loaded.

Explanation: The column type in the C record for the indicated column is not valid.

Data from the indicated column is not loaded.

User Response: Change the column type field in the C record and resubmit the command.

SQL3166WNo PC/IXF column was specified to be loaded into database column "<name>", or the specified PC/IXF column does not exist. Nulls will be inserted.

Explanation: Either there was not a PC/IXF column specified to be loaded into the indicated column, or the specified PC/IXF source column does not exist.

Null values are loaded for the indicated column.

User Response: No action is required. If nulls are not acceptable for this column, check the METHOD parameter for erroneous names or positions or for fewer entries in the METHOD parameter than columns stated in or implied by the Action String (e.g. "REPLACE into ...") parameter.

SQL3167WThe PC/IXF column specified to be loaded into database column "<name>" is not valid. Nulls will be inserted.

Explanation: Values in the PC/IXF column cannot be loaded into the indicated database column and the reason is given in a previous message in the log.

Null values are loaded for the indicated column.

User Response: Read the previous messages to understand why the column is not valid.

SQL3168WThe PC/IXF column specified to be loaded into database column "<name>" is not compatible with the database column. Nulls will be inserted.

Explanation: The source PC/IXF and the target database column types or lengths may not be compatible.

Null values are loaded for the indicated column.

User Response: Compare the columns in the source PC/IXF file and the database.

SQL3169NThe FORCEIN option may be used to make the PC/IXF column "<name>" acceptable for loading into database column "<name>".

Explanation: This is for information only about the optional use of the FORCEIN option.

User Response: No action required.

SQL3170WThe end of the file was reached within a row of data. The partial row of data was not loaded.

Explanation: The end of the file was reached before the end of the current row of data. The file may contain only part of the expected data.

The partial row of data is not loaded.

User Response: If the PC/IXF file was copied from one medium to another, compare the copy with the original or repeat the copy process.

SQL3171WA non-label record was found in the column header row. The record was not processed.

Explanation: The IMPORT utility expects only label records in the column header row (row one) of the worksheet format (WSF) file.

The system does not process the record and continues to the next record.

User Response: Remove all data and information except the column headers from the first row of the spreadsheet file. Resubmit the command.

SQL3172WThe specified input column "<name>" was not found. The corresponding database column will contain null values.

Explanation: The specified input column was not found in the input spreadsheet file. The database column is nullable and contains null values.

User Response: Verify the specified input column name.

SQL3173NThe inserted data for column "<name>" will always contain fewer characters than the column width.

Explanation: The database column width is larger than the maximum worksheet format (WSF) label record.

Continue processing.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3174WThe data type "<type>" of the database column "<name>" is not compatible with any WSF column type. Null values will be inserted for this column.

Explanation: The database column type is not valid for a worksheet format (WSF) file. Because the column is nullable, nulls are imported for the column.

User Response: If nulls are not acceptable for the column, do one of the following:

SQL3175WThe input record for database row "<row>", column "<column>" is not valid.

Explanation: The record in the spreadsheet file is not compatible with the data type of the database column. If the database column is a graphic data type, the input data may contain an odd number of bytes.

If the column is nullable, a null is inserted. If the column is not nullable, the row is not imported.

User Response: Either edit the data in the table or verify that the data in the spreadsheet file is valid for importing into a database manager database and resubmit the command.

SQL3176WThe value for row "<row>", column "<column>" in the WSF file is out of range for a date value.

Explanation: The record in the spreadsheet file contains a value that is too large or too small to represent a valid worksheet format (WSF) date. A valid WSF date is between 1 and 73050, inclusive.

If the column is nullable, a null is inserted. If the column is not nullable, the row is not imported.

User Response: Either edit the data in the table or verify that the data in the spreadsheet file is valid for import into a database manager database and resubmit the command.

SQL3177WThe value in the WSF file for row "<row>", column "<column>" is out of range for a time value.

Explanation: The record in the spreadsheet file contains a value that is either too large or too small to represent a valid worksheet format (WSF) time. A WSF time is a value equal to or greater than zero, but less than one.

If the column is nullable, a null is inserted. If the column is not nullable, the row is not imported.

User Response: Either edit the data in the table or verify that the value to be imported is a time value in the input spreadsheet file and resubmit the command.

SQL3178WThe type of record in the WSF file for database row "<row-number>", column "<column-number>" is not valid for representing a time value.

Explanation: The input value is an integer value. A time value must be represented by a floating point number or a fraction of a day in a worksheet format (WSF) spreadsheet file.

If the column is nullable, a null is inserted. If the column is not nullable, the row is not imported.

User Response: Either edit the data in the table or verify that the value to be imported is a time value in the input spreadsheet file and resubmit the command.

SQL3179WRow "<row>" in the input file is missing data for inserting into a non-nullable column in the database. The row was not inserted.

Explanation: The row of data from the input file has missing or not valid data for a non-nullable column. The values in the remaining database columns in that row are not inserted.

Processing continues with the next row. The row is not inserted.

User Response: Either edit the data in the table or verify that the data in the spreadsheet file is valid for inserting into a database manager database.

SQL3180WInsert diskette "<number>" into drive "<drive>".

Explanation: This is a request for the application to prompt the user to place the specified diskette in the specified drive.

The utility is waiting to be called again after the user puts the diskette in the drive.

User Response: Prompt the user for the diskette and then return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating whether processing continues or ends.

SQL3181WThe end of the file was reached before the expected ending record was found.

Explanation: During the load of a PC/IXF file created by the database manager, the A record of subtype E that is expected as the last A record was not found.

The input file probably is damaged.

Continue processing.

User Response: Check for data that was not loaded. If data is missing, edit the table or change the input file and resubmit the command. If the PC/IXF file was copied from one medium to another, compare the copy with the original or repeat the copy process.

SQL3182WInsert diskette "<number>" into drive "<drive>". The diskette that is currently inserted is not the right diskette or the continuation diskette is not valid.

Explanation: During the load of a PC/IXF file that is contained on more than one diskette, a request to insert a diskette was sent to the application, a confirmation that the diskette is in the drive was returned but the continuation file is not there or is not valid. This action does not apply to the first diskette.

The utility waits for a response from the application to either continue processing or stop processing.

User Response: Have the user verify that the correct diskette is in the drive. If the correct diskette is in the drive, call the utility again with the callerac parameter set to stop processing.

SQL3183WMultiple delimiter overrides in the filetmod parameter are not separated by blanks.

Explanation: At least one COLDEL, CHARDEL or DECPT keyword in the filetmod parameter is not at the beginning of the filetmod parameter and does not follow a blank (space). This condition may arise during the LOAD/IMPORT or export of delimited ASCII (DEL) files.

The utility stops processing. The erroneous delimiter overrides are ignored.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a correct filetmod parameter.

SQL3185WThe previous error occurred while processing data from row "<row-number>" of the input file.

Explanation: This message provides the identification of the row where the error occurred for the previous message listed in the message file (for example, SQL3306).

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3186WData was not loaded into the database, because the log was full. SQLCODE "<sqlcode>" was returned. A commit will be attempted and the operation will continue if the commit is successful.

Explanation: The utility could not insert a row of data into the database because the database transaction log is full.

The completed database transactions are committed and the insert is tried again. If the repeated insert continues to indicate that the log is full, the utility stops processing.

User Response: Be aware that a subsequent failure of the utility causes the database to roll back to the state after the last commit, not to the state before the utility was initially called.

SQL3187WAn error occurred while creating an index. SQLCODE "<sqlcode>" was returned.

Explanation: The IMPORT utility was creating an index when an error occurred. An index may already exist for some table.

This error occurs only during the import of a PC/IXF file.

The utility continues processing. The file was imported, but the index was not created on the table.

Federated system users: in addition to the previously listed cause, this error can occur when a CREATE NICKNAME statement was issued at federated server and the table at the data source had an index or indexes with too many columns, or the total index row size could not be represented in the federated server catalog. The "<sqlcode>" in the message provides further information about the problem encountered.

User Response: Read the next message in the message log (SQL3189) for the name of the index that was not created. Create the index with the CREATE INDEX command.

Federated system users: select from the data source catalog and the federated server catalog to determine which index or indexes were not created in the federated server catalog. Either:

Both of the previously listed options have potential performance implications.

SQL3188NAn error occurred while erasing the contents of the table.

Explanation: When running LOAD/IMPORT with the REPLACE option, the specified database table is truncated before inserting the data back into the table. An error occurred during the truncation processing.

The utility ends with an error.

User Response: Resubmit the command.

SQL3189NThe previous message refers to index "<name>" with columns "<column list>".

Explanation: This message always follows message SQL3187 when an error occurs while creating an index. "<name>" is the name of the index where the create failed. "<column list>" is a string of index column names. Each column name in the string is preceded by a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign indicating ascending or descending order.

The utility continues processing.

User Response: Manually create the index with the CREATE INDEX command.

SQL3190NThe indexixf option is not valid for this Import operation.

Explanation: If INDEXIXF is used in the filetmod parameter of the IMPORT command, each of the following is also required:

The utility stops processing. No data is imported.

User Response: Resubmit the command either without the INDEXIXF option or with the other parameters that are valid with the INDEXIXF option.

SQL3191NThe field in row "<row-number>", column "<column-number>" which begins with "<string>" does not match the user specified DATEFORMAT, TIMEFORMAT, or TIMESTAMPFORMAT. The row will be rejected.

Explanation: The data does not match the user specified format. This may be caused by missing fields, mismatched column separators, or a value out of range.

User Response: Examine the input value. Correct the input file or specify a DATEFORMAT, TIMEFORMAT, or TIMESTAMPFORMAT that matches the data and resubmit the command.

SQL3192NIn the filetmod a user specified format "<keyword>" beginning with the string "<string>" is not valid.

Explanation: The user specified format is not valid because it may be specified more than once, or it may contain an invalid character.

The formats must be enclosed in double-quotes.

Valid DATEFORMAT specifiers include "YYYY" and the "M", and "D" characters.

Valid TIMEFORMAT specifiers include "AM", "PM", "TT", and the "H", "M", and "D" characters.

Valid TIMESTAMPFORMAT specifiers include all of the specifiers for DATEFORMAT and TIMEFORMAT, as well as "UUUUUU". However, "M" cannot be next to both a date format specifier and a time format specifier.

A field separator is neccessary if the corresponding value in the data file can have a variable length.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Examine the format specifier. Correct the format, and resubmit the command.

SQL3193NThe specified view or summary table cannot be updated. You cannot LOAD/IMPORT into this view or LOAD into this summary table.

Explanation: The LOAD/IMPORT utility can be run against a view only if the view can be updated. The specified view is defined such that data in it may not be changed. The LOAD utility can be run against a summary table only if the summary table is not replicated. The specified table is a replicated summary table.

The LOAD/IMPORT utility stops processing. No data is inserted.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the name of a table or a view that can be updated.

SQL3194NThe specified table is a system table. You cannot load a system table.

Explanation: The utility cannot be run against a system table.

The utility stops processing. No data is loaded.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid table name.

SQL3195WThe diskette "<number>" in drive "<drive>" cannot be used for the output file. Insert a formatted diskette with writable free space.

Explanation: The EXPORT utility cannot use the current diskette for exporting to a PC/IXF file for one of the following reasons:

This warning code is a request for the application to prompt the user to place another diskette in the specified drive.

The utility is waiting to be called again after the user puts the diskette in the drive.

User Response: Prompt the user for the diskette and then return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating whether processing continues or ends.

SQL3196NThe input file was not found.

Explanation: The source file to be loaded into a database could not be found in the path indicated by the datafile parameter.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the input file does exist and that the path to it is correct.

SQL3197NAn attempt was made to execute multiple copies of import or export.

Explanation: An attempt was made to execute more than one instance of the import or export utility on a system where this is not supported.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the second operation when no other processes are attempting to execute the same utility.

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