Message Reference

SQL2300 - SQL2399

SQL2300NThe identifier for the table name is too long or it was not specified as part of the table name.

Explanation: The table name must be fully qualified. The format is authid.tablename where authid contains 1 to 30 characters and tablename contains 1 to 128 characters (bytes in MBCS environments).

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the fully qualified table name, including the correct qualifier.

SQL2301NThe tablename parameter is not valid. Either it is too long, only an authorization ID was specified, or the address of the name is not valid.

Explanation: The table name must be fully qualified and in the format where authid contains 1 to 30 characters and name contains 1 to 128 characters (bytes in MBCS environments) and must be located at a valid application address.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with the correct table name.

SQL2302NThe index list is not valid. Either the address for the list is not valid, the number of entries in the list is less than the number of indexes specified, or the address for an index in the list is not valid.

Explanation: The address for the list is not valid, the number of entries in the list is less than the number of indexes specified, or the address for an index in the list is not valid.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid index list.

SQL2303NThe statsopt parameter is not valid.

Explanation: The statsopt parameter in the Run Statistics command must be one of the following:

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid statsopt parameter.

SQL2304NThe sharelev parameter is not valid. It must be 'R' for reference or 'C' for change.

Explanation: The sharelev parameter in the RUN STATISTICS command must be R for reference or C for change.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid sharelev parameter.

SQL2305NThe table specified is a view. The utility cannot be run against a view.

Explanation: The tname parameter specified a view rather than a table.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid tname parameter.

SQL2306NThe table or index "<name>" does not exist.

Explanation: The table or index identified by "<name>" does not exist in the database, or the index identified by "<name>" is not defined on the specified table. The qualifier for the table or one of the indexes may be incorrect.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with valid table names and indexes.

SQL2307NThe table specified is a system table. The Runstats utility cannot be run against a system table.

Explanation: The Run Statistics utility command may not be run against a system table.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid table name.

SQL2308NThe qualifier for the index name "<name>" is too long, or it was not specified as part of the index name.

Explanation: The index name must be a fully qualified name. The format is where authid contains 1 to 30 characters and name contains 1 to 18 characters (bytes in MBCS environments).

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a fully qualified name, including the correct qualifier.

SQL2309NThe index name "<name>" is not valid. It is too long or only a qualifier was specified.

Explanation: The index name must be a fully qualified name. The format is where authid contains 1 to 30 characters and name contains 1 to 18 characters (bytes in MBCS environments).

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid index.

SQL2310NThe utility could not generate statistics. Error "<sqlcode>" was returned.

Explanation: An error occurred while the utility was gathering statistics.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Look at the message error number for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.

SQL2311NThe user does not have the authority to run the Run Statistics utility on table "<name>".

Explanation: The user attempted to run statistics on the specified table without the appropriate authorization (either the SYSADM or DBADM authority or the CONTROL privilege on the table). If the table specified in RUNSTATS is the root table of a table hierarchy, then the table name returned in the message may be a subtable of the specified root table.

The utility stops processing.

User Response: Do not attempt to call the Run Statistics utility command without appropriate authorization.

SQL2312NStatistics heap size is too small to carry out the operation. Suggested heap size is "<num>" pages.

Explanation: The setting of the database configuration parameter stat_heap_sz is not big enough to collect non-uniform distribution statistics on the table.

User Response: Update the database configuration parameter stat_heap_sz to the suggested value and try again.

SQL2313WAll available memory in the statistics heap has been used. Statistics were collected on the first "<n1>" rows out of a total of "<n2>" rows.

Explanation: The setting of the database configuration parameter stat_heap_sz is not big enough to collect non-uniform distribution statistics on the table. Only <n1> of <n2> rows could be processed.

User Response: Update the database configuration parameter stat_heap_sz by 20 percent and try again.

SQL2314WSome statistics are in an inconsistent state. The newly collected "<object1>" statistics are inconsistent with the existing "<object2>" statistics.

Explanation: Issuing RUNSTATS on the table only may result in a situation where the table level statistics are inconsistent with the already existing index level statistics. For example, if index level statistics are collected on a particular table and later a significant number of rows is deleted from this table, issuing RUNSTATS on the table only may end up with the table cardinality less than FIRSTKEYCARD which is an inconsistent state. Likewise, issuing RUNSTATS for indexes only may leave the already existing table level statistics in an inconsistent state. For example, if table level statistics are collected on a particular table and later a significant number of rows is deleted from this table, issuing RUNSTATS for the indexes only may end up with some columns having a COLCARD greater than the table cardinality.

User Response: If you issued a RUNSTATS for indexes only issue a RUNSTATS on the table as well so that table level and index level statistics are consistent. Likewise, if you issued a RUNSTATS on the table only, issue a RUNSTATS for indexes as well.

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