SQL20108N | A result set contains an unsupported data type in position "<position-number>" for the cursor "<cursor-name>" opened by the stored procedure "<procedure-name>". |
Explanation: The stored procedure named by procedure-name cannot return at least one of its query result sets named by cursor-name because at least one of the columns, column position-number contains a data type which is not supported by either the DRDA Application Requestor (client) or the DRDA Application Server (server). As such the call to the stored procedure fails.
User Response: Modify the OPEN statement (and subsequent FETCH statements) for cursor cursor-name in the stored procedure procedure-name on the server to not select the unsupported data type in column position-number. The client application which invoked the stored procedure may need to be modified to reflect the change in the stored procedure.
sqlcode: -20108
sqlstate: 56084
SQL20109W | Error in DB2 debugger support. Reason code: "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: The debugger support had an error situation which will disable debugging, but not affect normal execution. The following is a list of reason codes:
User Response:
sqlcode: +20109
sqlstate: 01637
SQL20111N | A SAVEPOINT, RELEASE SAVEPOINT, or ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement cannot be issued in this context. Reason code = "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: The statement cannot be processed because it violates a restriction as indicated by the following reason code:
User Response: Remove the SAVEPOINT, RELEASE SAVEPOINT, or ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement in the trigger or global transaction.
sqlcode: -20111
sqlstate: 3B503
SQL20112N | A SAVEPOINT cannot be set because a SAVEPOINT already exists and nested SAVEPOINTS are not supported. |
Explanation: An error occurred in a SAVEPOINT or atomic compound SQL statement. A savepoint already exists and nested savepoints are not supported in this environment.
User Response: If re-establishing an existing savepoint is necessary, issue the RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement to free the existing savepoint, and then reissue the SAVEPOINT statement. For atomic compound SQL, a SAVEPOINT cannot be set until after the end of the compound statement.
sqlcode: -20112
sqlstate: 3B002
SQL20113N | Null cannot be returned from method "<method-id>" defined with SELF AS RESULT. |
Explanation: The method with method identifier "<method-id>" is defined with SELF AS RESULT. The invocation of the method used a non-null instance of a structured type so the method cannot return a null instance.
User Response: Change the method implementation to ensure that a null value is not returned as the return value for the method. One possibility is to set all the attributes of the returned structured type to null value. To determine the name of the method that failed, use the following query:
sqlcode: -20113
sqlstate: 22004
SQL20114W | Column "<column-name>" in table "<table-name>" is not long enough for the defined length of the USER default value. |
Explanation: The column "<column-name>" is defined with a length that is less than 128 bytes. The clause DEFAULT USER has been specified for this column. Since the USER special register is defined as VARCHAR(128), any attempt to assign the default value for "<table-name>" by a user with a user ID longer than the column length results in an error. A user with a user ID longer than the column length would never be able to insert or update this column to the default value.
User Response: If your system standards would not allow a user ID to exceed the length of the column, then this warning may be ignored. To prevent this warning from occuring, the length of the column must be at least 128 bytes. You can change the column length by dropping and creating the table again, or, if the data type is VARCHAR, by using ALTER TABLE to increase the length of the column.
sqlcode: +20114
sqlstate: 01642
SQL20115N | The "<routine-type>" "<routine-name>" cannot be used as a "<transform-type>" transform function in transform group "<group-name>". |
Explanation: If "<routine-type>" is FUNCTION, then the function defined by "<routine-name>" cannot be used as a transform function because it is a builtin function. If "<routine-type>" is METHOD, then the method defined by "<routine-name>" cannot be used as a transform function because it is a method.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Specify a different function for the "<transform-type>" transform function of transform group "<group-name>".
sqlcode: -20115
sqlstate: 428EX
SQL20116N | The data type of the search target "<parameter-name>" does not match that of the source key specified in the index extension "<index-extension-name>". |
Explanation: If the search target is of a built-in or distinct data type, its type must exactly match that of the source key specified in the index extension. If the data type of the search target is a structured type, it must be in the same structured type hierarchy as the data type of the source key in the index extension.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Specify a search target with a data type that matches that of the source key in the index extension.
sqlcode: -20116
sqlstate: 428EY
SQL20117N | A window specification for an OLAP function is not valid. Reason code = "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: The window specification (OVER clause) of an OLAP function invocation is not correctly specified. The incorrect specification is indicated by the "<reason-code>".
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Change the window specification to correct the invalid specification indicated by the "<reason-code>".
sqlcode: -20117
sqlstate: 428EZ
SQL20118N | Structured type "<type-name>" has more than the maximum number of allowable attributes. The maximum is "<max-value>". |
Explanation: The maximum number of attributes, including inherited attributes, allowed for each structured type has been exceeded with the definition of structured type "<type-name>". The maximum number of attributes, including inherited attributes, is "<max-value>".
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that the number of attributes for the structured type does not exceed the limit.
sqlcode: -20118
sqlstate: 54050
SQL20119N | A ROW function must define at least two columns. |
Explanation: A function that specifies ROW in the RETURNS clause must include a column list with at least two columns.
User Response: Either remove the ROW keyword from the RETURNS clause to make it a scalar function or specify multiple columns in the column list of the RETURNS clause.
sqlcode: -20119
sqlstate: 428F0
SQL20120N | An SQL TABLE function must return a table result. |
Explanation: An SQL function that specifies TABLE in the RETURNS clause must return a result that is a table. With the exception of a scalar fullselect, a scalar expression cannot be returned as the result of an SQL TABLE function.
User Response: Either remove the TABLE keyword from the RETURNS clause to make it a scalar function or specify a fullselect in the RETURN statement of the TABLE function body.
sqlcode: -20120
sqlstate: 428F1