SQL2000N | The drive specified in the utility command is not a valid diskette drive or fixed disk. |
Explanation: The input or output drive specified in the utility command does not exist.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the utility command with the correct drive specifier.
SQL2001N | The utility was interrupted. The output data may be incomplete. |
Explanation: The user may have pressed the interrupt key sequence, or had called the utility with a terminate caller action.
This message can also be returned by DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition during a backup or restore operation on a database node when the database catalog node is down.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Restart the application or reissue the command, if needed. The output data from the interrupted command may be incomplete, and should not be used.
SQL2002N | The specified database utility command is not valid for remote databases. The database specified in the command must reside on your local workstation. |
Explanation: The database utility command is only valid for local databases.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Run the utility locally.
SQL2003C | A system error occurred. |
Explanation: An operating system error occurred. The return code can be found in the SQLERRD[0] field of the SQLCA.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the error return code in the SQLERRD[0] field of the SQLCA. Correct the error, if possible, and resubmit the command.
SQL2004N | An SQL error "<sqlcode>" occurred during processing. |
Explanation: The utility was using an SQL statement when an error occurred.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the SQLCODE (message number) in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2005C | An I/O error occurred during a read operation. The data may be incomplete. |
Explanation: Incomplete data was read during an I/O operation.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Determine if the I/O error can be corrected and resubmit the command.
SQL2006C | An I/O error occurred during a write operation. The data may be incomplete. |
Explanation: Incomplete data was written during an I/O operation.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Determine if the I/O error can be corrected and resubmit the command.
SQL2007N | Specified buffersize of "<buffersize>" 4K buffers is too small for "<pagesize>" page size object. |
Explanation: To backup a "<pagesize>" page size database object one needs a buffer larger than the page size. When backing up a database the data is first copied to an internal buffer. Data is then written from this buffer to the backup media when the buffer is full. The buffersize of "<buffersize>" 4K buffers that was specified is inadequate.
User Response: Use a larger buffersize.
SQL2008N | The callerac parameter is not within valid range or the requested action is out of sequence. |
Explanation: Either the callerac parameter value is not one of the acceptable values or the requested action is out of sequence.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Each utility has its own list of valid callerac values. Check the Application Development Guide for the valid values for the callerac for the utility in use. Resubmit the command with a valid callerac parameter.
SQL2009C | There is not enough memory available to run the utility. |
Explanation: More memory is needed to run the specified utility.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Possible actions include:
SQL2010N | The utility encountered an error "<error>" while connecting to the database. |
Explanation: The utility could not connect to the database.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the error number in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2011N | The utility encountered an error "<error>" while disconnecting from the database. |
Explanation: The utility could not disconnect from the database.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the error number in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2012N | Interrupt handling could not be enabled. |
Explanation: The utility could not enable interrupt handling. The actual return code can be found in the SQLERRD[0] field of the SQLCA.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the error return code in the SQLERRD[0] field of the SQLCA. Correct the error, if possible, and resubmit the command.
SQL2013N | The utility could not access the database directory. Error "<error>" was returned. |
Explanation: An error occurred while the utility was accessing the database directory.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: If the path in the database parameter is not the database directory path, resubmit the command with the correct path. Otherwise, look at the error number in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2014N | A database environment error occurred. |
Explanation: The utility received an error from a database environment command. The database manager configuration file and the database configuration file may contain incompatible values.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Check the database manager configuration file and the database configuration file for inconsistent values. Resubmit the command.
SQL2015N | The database parameter is not valid. The database name is too long, it was not specified, or the address of the name is not valid. |
Explanation: The database name is required. It must contain 1 to 8 characters and the characters must be chosen from the database manager base character set. The name must be located at a valid address for the application.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid database name.
SQL2016C | The PATH command does not contain a path to "<program-name>". |
Explanation: The utility could not find the required program using the operating system Select Path.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Update the PATH command to include the path to the indicated program name.
SQL2017N | Too many sessions are already started or OS/2 Start Session did not complete successfully. |
Explanation: The BACKUP or RESTORE utility could not start the new session because:
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Wait until some of the current sessions stop processing and resubmit the command. Or, see the SQLERRD[0] field in the SQLCA for more information and resubmit the command.
SQL2018N | The utility encountered an error "<error>" while attempting to verify the user's authorization ID or database authorizations. |
Explanation: The user attempted to execute a utility and one of the following has occurred:
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the error number in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2019N | An error occurred while binding the utilities to the database. |
Explanation: Because the current level of the utility being executed was not bound to the database, the system attempted to bind all utilities to the database and this binding process failed. Possible causes for the error include:
For the RESTORE utility, the database is restored, but at least one utility is not bound to the database. The other utilities stop processing.
User Response: Complete all activities that may be competing for system resources and resubmit the utility command. If the error continues, perform one of the following actions:
SQL2020N | The utility is not bound to the database correctly. |
Explanation: All the utilities were rebound to the database because the utility was not bound to the database or the package of the utility that was bound to the database was not compatible with the installed version of the database manager, but there is still a timestamp conflict between the installed version of the database manager and the package so the utility and bind file are not compatible.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Reinstall the database manager or reapply any recent updates or do both. Resubmit the utility command.
SQL2021N | The correct diskette is not in the drive. |
Explanation: The diskette to be used for Backup Database or for Restore Database is not in the drive or is not valid.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Verify that the correct diskette is in the drive or insert a new diskette.
SQL2023N | The utility encountered an I/O error "<code>" while accessing the log control file. |
Explanation: The read or write operation against the log control file failed.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Record the error return code value. Determine whether the I/O error can be corrected.
SQL2024N | The utility encountered an I/O error "<code>" while accessing the .BRG file. |
Explanation: An I/O error occurred while accessing the specified file.
The .BRG file is used to determine whether a Restore operation has terminated abnormally. The .BRG file resides in the local database directory of the database in question and consists of a filename equivalent to the database token and filetype of .BRG.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Record the error return code. Determine whether the I/O error can be corrected.
SQL2025N | An I/O error "<code>" occurred on media "<dir/devices>". |
Explanation: An I/O error occurred while accessing a file on the specified media.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Record the error return code. Determine whether the I/O error can be corrected.
SQL2026N | An error "<sqlcode>" occurred while trying to internally disconnect from the database. |
Explanation: The internal disconnect command failed. The SQLCODE is returned in the message.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the SQLCODE (message number) in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2027N | An error "<sqlcode>" occurred while trying to internally connect to the database. |
Explanation: The internal connection failed. The SQLCODE is returned in the message. The database manager configuration file and the database configuration file may contain incompatible values.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the SQLCODE (message number) in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command. Check that the database manager configuration file values and the backup image's database configuration file values are compatible.
SQL2028N | Error "<sqlcode>" occurred while installing the interrupt handler. |
Explanation: The utility could not enable the interrupt handler. The SQLCODE is returned in the message.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Look at the SQLCODE (message number) in the message for more information. Make changes and resubmit the command.
SQL2029N | An error "<error>" occurred while "<command-file-name>" was processing. |
Explanation: An error was returned from either the specified command file, or from the operating system.
User Response: The user has either requested a "Backup changes only" of a database enabled for ROLLFORWARD recovery, or has requested a "Backup changes only" while requesting the use of the user exit.
SQL2030N | The "<name>" drive is full. At least "<number>" free bytes are needed on this drive. |
Explanation: The specified drive does not have enough space for creating an internal subdirectory and information file.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Free the indicated space on the specified drive and resubmit the command.
SQL2031W | Warning! Please mount the target or source media on device "<device>". |
Explanation: A database utility process either writes data to or reads data from the media on the specified device. The utility returns so that the user may mount the correct media for the operation.
The utility waits for a response to continue.
User Response: Mount the media and return to the utility with the callerac parameter indicating if processing continues or ends.
SQL2032N | The "<parameter>" parameter is not valid. |
Explanation: The parameter is incorrectly specified. Either the value is out of range or is incorrect.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a correct value for the parameter.
SQL2033N | The TSM error "<error>" occurred. |
Explanation: During the processing of a database utility, TSM was called and encountered an error.
User Response: Consult the TSM documentation for a description of the error, take corrective actions and resubmit the command.
SQL2034N | The address of the "<parm>" parameter is not valid. |
Explanation: The application program used an address that is not valid for this parameter. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the character string in the buffer does not have a null terminator.
User Response: Ensure that a valid address is used in the application program and the input string is null terminated.
SQL2035N | The warning condition "<warn>" was encountered while executing the utility in non-interrupt mode. |
Explanation: The calling application invoked the utility with no interrupt mode. During the operation a warning condition was encountered.
User Response: Resubmit the operation without specifying the no interrupt condition in the callerac parameter or take actions to prevent the warning and resubmit the operation.
SQL2036N | The path for the file or device "<path/device>" is not valid. |
Explanation: The application calling the utility has supplied a source or target path that is not valid. The path or device specified may not exist or is incorrectly specified.
User Response: Reissue the utility command with a path that represents a correct path or device.
SQL2037N | TSM could not be loaded. |
Explanation: A call to a database utility specified TSM as the target or source of the backup. An attempt was made to load the TSM client. Either the TSM client is not available on the system or an error was encountered in the load procedure.
User Response: Ensure that the system has TSM available. Resubmit the command after TSM is made available, or resubmit the command without utilizing TSM.
SQL2038N | A database system error "<errcode>" occurred during processing. |
Explanation: A database system error was encountered during the processing of one of the utilities.
User Response: Examine the error code in the message for more information. Take corrective action and resubmit the command.
SQL2039N | The application calling the utility has terminated. |
Explanation: The application calling the utility has terminated. The application side of the utility is in the same process as the calling application and terminates with the application. The agent side of the utility terminates as a result.
User Response: Reissue the command after determining why the application terminated.
SQL2040N | The database alias parameter "<dbalias>" is not valid or not specified. |
Explanation: The application calling the Backup or Restore utility has supplied a database alias parameter that is not valid. The alias must be 1 to 8 bytes and the characters must be chosen from the database manager base character set.
User Response: Reissue the Backup or Restore command with a valid database alias.
SQL2041N | The buffer size parameter specified is not valid. The buffer size must be specified as 0 or be between 8 and 16384 inclusive. |
Explanation: The application calling the utility has supplied a buffer size parameter that is not valid. The buffer size is used to determine the internal buffer size. The value is the number of 4K pages that are obtained for this buffer. The value must be specified as 0 or be between 16 and 16384 inclusive.
When running the backup or restore utility, if 0 is specified, the default buffer size defined in the database manager configuration is used.
If the target media is a diskette, the buffer size must be smaller than the diskette size.
SQL2042W | Warning! I/O error "<error>" accessing device "<device>". Additional information (if available): "<additional_information>". Please ensure media is mounted and positioned correctly. |
Explanation: The application calling the utility has encountered an I/O error while trying to read or write to the tape device. The utility returns so that the user may correctly mount and position the tape.
The message may contain additional information to help diagnose the problem.
The utility waits for a response to continue.
User Response: Correctly mount and position the tape and return to the utility indicating if processing continues or ends.
The error, device and the additional information (if present) can be used to diagnose and correct the problem.
SQL2043N | Unable to start a child process or thread. |
Explanation: Unable to start up the child processes or threads required during the processing of a database utility. There may not be enough available memory to create the new process or thread. On AIX-based systems, the maxuproc value set by the chdev command may be too low. On OS/2-based systems, the THREADS value set in CONFIG.SYS may be too low. The utility stops processing.
User Response: Ensure the system limit for number of processes or threads has not been reached (either increase the limit or reduce the number of processes or threads already running). Ensure that there is sufficient memory for the new process or thread. Resubmit the utility command.
SQL2044N | An error occurred while accessing a message queue. Reason code: "<reason-code>" |
Explanation: An unexpected error or bad message was received on one of the message queues during the processing of a database utility. The following is a list of reason codes:
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Ensure the number of message queues allowed is not reached. Reduce the number of message queues in use if necessary and resubmit the utility command.
SQL2045W | Warning! Error "<error>" occurred while writing to media "<media>". |
Explanation: A database utility process encountered error "<error>" returned by the operating system while writing to the media "<media>". The utility returns so that the user may attempt to fix the problem or cancel the operation.
The utility waits for a response to continue.
User Response: Consult the problem determination documentation for your operating system and correct the "<error>" condition. Return to the utility with the correct caller action parameter to indicate if processing should continue or terminate.
SQL2048N | An error occurred while accessing object "<object>". Reason code: "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: An error occurred while accessing an object during the processing of a database utility. The following is a list of reason codes:
The utility stops processing.
User Response: If a lock object operation failed, ensure the lock timeout limit in the database configuration is adequate and resubmit the utility command. You may also consider using the QUIESCE command to bring the database to a quiesced state to ensure access.
If the error was encountered during backup, take corrective action to recover the database and resubmit the utility command.
If the error was encountered during restore or load recovery, ensure the backup or copy image is correct and resubmit the utility command.
If the object is a table space and the error was encountered during a restore, the set table space container api may be used to modify the table space before resubmitting the utility command.
SQL2054N | The backup or copy image is corrupted. |
Explanation: The backup or copy image in use is corrupted
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Discard the image as it is not a valid image. Resubmit the utility command with a valid image.
SQL2055N | Unable to access memory from memory set "<memory-heap>". |
Explanation: A database utility was unable to access memory during processing.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Stop the database manager, then restart it and resubmit the utility command.
SQL2056N | An invalid media type was encountered on media "<media>". |
Explanation: An invalid media type was encountered during the processing of a database utility.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Ensure the media used is among of the types supported by the utility. Resubmit the command with a valid media list.
SQL2057N | The media "<media>" is already opened by another process. |
Explanation: The source or target media specified during the processing of a database utility is already open by another process. The utility does not allow shared access for the operation.
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Ensure the media used is not in use currently. Resubmit the command with a valid media list.
SQL2058W | An end-of-media warning was encountered on media "<media>". |
Explanation: An end-of-media warning was encountered during the processing of a database utility. This error can also occur if an invalid tape device block size was specified.
The utility is waiting for a response to continue.
User Response: Correct the end-of-media condition and return to the utility with the correct caller action parameter to indicate if processing should continue or terminate.
The tape device block size (or blocking factor) used at restore time must be the same as that used during the backup. If a variable block size is used, then the buffer size used must be less than or equal to the maximum block size of the tape device.
SQL2059W | A device full warning was encountered on device "<device>". |
Explanation: An device full warning was encountered during the processing of a database utility.
The utility is waiting for a response to continue.
User Response: Correct the device full condition and return to the utility with the correct caller action parameter to indicate if processing should continue or terminate.
SQL2060W | The device "<device>" is empty. |
Explanation: An empty device was encountered during the processing of a database utility. The utility is waiting for a response to continue.
User Response: Mount the media and return to the utility with the caller action parameter to indicate if processing should continue or terminate.
SQL2061N | An attempt to access media "<media>" is denied. |
Explanation: An attempt to access a device, file, TSM or the vendor shared library is denied during the processing of a database utility. The utility stops processing.
User Response: Ensure the device, file, TSM or vendor shared library used by the utility allows the access requested and resubmit the utility command.
SQL2062N | An error occurred while accessing media "<media>". Reason code: "<reason-code>" |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while accessing a device, file, TSM or the vendor shared library during the processing of a database utility. The following is a list of reason codes:
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Ensure the device, file, TSM or vendor shared library used by the utility is available and resubmit the utility command. If the command is still unsuccessful, contact your technical service representative.
SQL2065W | Caller action "<caller-action>" specified is not allowed when the media "<media>" specified is the only one left connected to the utility. |
Explanation: The caller action specified is not allowed because there is only one device left connected to the database utility.
User Response: Return to the utility with the correct caller action parameter to indicate if processing should continue or terminate.
SQL2066N | Table space name "<name>" specified does not exist in the database or cannot be used for the utility operation. |
Explanation: The table space name specified is syntactically correct, but it does not exist in the database or cannot be used in an utility operation. If the utility in use is a backup operation, the table space may be disallowed because it is a system or user temporary table space or is in an inconsistent state.
User Response: Check the table space name and resubmit the utility command with the correct table space name.
SQL2068N | An invalid image was encountered on media "<media>". There was no media header. |
Explanation: An invalid image was encountered during the processing of a database utility. The utility was not able to locate a valid media header. The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the command with correct backup or copy images.
SQL2069N | An invalid image was encountered on media "<media>". The image was created for database alias "<dbalias>". |
Explanation: An invalid image was encountered during the processing of a database utility. The image provided was from a different database alias. The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the command with correct backup or copy images.
SQL2070N | An invalid image was encountered on media "<media>". The image contained timestamp "<timestamp>". |
Explanation: An invalid image was encountered during the processing of a database utility. The image provided was from a backup or copy with a different timestamp. The utility stops processing.
User Response: Resubmit the command with correct backup or copy images.
SQL2071N | An error occurred while accessing the shared library "<shr-lib-name>". Reason code: "<reason-code>" |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while accessing a vendor shared library during the processing of a database utility. The following is a list of reason codes:
The utility stops processing.
User Response: Ensure the shared library provided is valid and resubmit the utility command or use another supported media.
SQL2072N | Unable to bind the shared library "<shr-lib-name>". Reason code: "<reason-code>". |
Explanation: An error was encountered while binding the shared library during the processing of a database utility. The utility stops processing.
User Response: Note the reason code returned from the vendor utility in the message and take corrective action if possible. Resubmit the command with a valid shared library or using another supported media.
SQL2073N | DATALINK processing failed because of internal problems at the database server or DB2 Data Links Manager. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while processing DATALINK values.
User Response: Resubmit the command. If the problem still exists, resubmit the command after shutdown and restart of DB2 and the DB2 Data Links Managers.
The Restore utility can avoid DATALINK processing by specifying WITHOUT DATALINK.
SQL2074N | DATALINK processing failed because of internal problems at the database server. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while processing DATALINK values.
User Response: Resubmit the command. If the problem still exists, resubmit the command after shutdown and restart of DB2.
The Restore utility can avoid DATALINK processing by specifying WITHOUT DATALINK.
SQL2075N | DATALINK processing failed because of internal problems at the DB2 Data Links Manager. |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while processing DATALINK values.
User Response: Resubmit the command. If the problem still exists, resubmit the command after shutdown and restart of the DB2 Data Links Managers.
The Restore utility can avoid DATALINK processing by specifying WITHOUT DATALINK.
SQL2076W | The DB2 Data Links Manager "<server-name>" was not registered to the database. |
Explanation: The DB2 Data Links Manager "<server-name>" was not registered to the database with the ADD DATALINKS MANAGER command.
User Response: For details on why the ADD DATALINKS MANAGER command failed, check the diagnostic log file db2diag.log.