Message Reference

SQL1800 - SQL1899

SQL1800NAn invalid pointer to structure sqle_request_info was passed to the catalog admin command/api.

Explanation: The pointer to structure sqle_request_info passed as a parameter to the catalog admin command/api was invalid. For Client Configuration Assistance request this pointer must not be NULL.

User Response: Specify a valid pointer to sqle_request_info and re-submit the command.

SQL1801NInvalid request type.

Explanation: The specified request type is not supported for this command.

User Response: Ensure that the request type is one of the following supported request types:

  1. SQLE_CCA_REQUEST - CCA catalog node request for catalog and open scan command
  2. SQLE_DAS_REQUEST - DAS catalog node request for catalog and open scan command
  3. SQLE_CND_REQUEST - Open scan command for CCA and DAS catalog entries

SQL1802NNo entry belongs to the request type.

Explanation: There is no entry in the node directory that is catalogued by the given request type.

User Response: Catalog an entry with the same request type and re-submit the command.

SQL1803NThe requested operation cannot be executed in "No Package Lock" mode. An affected package is "<package-name>".

Explanation: The database manager is currently operating in "No Package Lock" mode. This mode has been activated by setting the DB2_NO_PKG_LOCK registry environment variable to "ON".

In this mode, the following classes of operations are prevented from being executed because of their impact on packages:

Since the requested operation would affect the package "<package-name>" in one of these ways, the operation is disallowed.

User Response: Do not attempt disallowed operations in "No Package Lock" mode. In order to execute the requested operation, "No Package Lock" mode must be exited. This is accomplished by unsetting the DB2_NO_PKG_LOCK environment registry variable. In order for the variable change to take effect, that database manager must be stopped and restarted.

sqlcode: -1803

sqlstate: 57056

SQL1816NWrapper "<wrapper-name>" cannot be used to access the "<type-or-version>" of data source ("<server-type>" "<server-version>") that you are trying to define to the federated database.

Explanation: The wrapper that you specified does not support the type or version of data source that you want to define.

User Response: Consult the documentation to find out which wrapper supports the type and version of data source that you want to define. Make sure that the wrapper has been registered to the federated database by the CREATE WRAPPER statement. Then recode the CREATE SERVER statement so that it specifies this wrapper, and run the CREATE SERVER statement again.

sqlcode: -1816

sqlstate: 560AC

SQL1817NThe CREATE SERVER statement does not identify the "<type-or-version>" of data source that you want defined to the federated database.

Explanation: When a CREATE SERVER statement references the wrapper that you specified, it must also identify the "<type-or-version>" of data source that is to be defined to the federated database.

User Response: In the CREATE SERVER statement, code the "<type-or-version>" option so that it designates the "<type-or-version>" of data source being defined. Then run the CREATE SERVER statement again.

sqlcode: -1817

sqlstate: 428EU

SQL1818NThe ALTER SERVER statement that you submitted could not be processed.

Explanation: The ALTER SERVER statement is preceded in a unit of work by a SELECT statement that references a nickname for a table or view within the data source (or category of data sources) that the ALTER SERVER statement references.

User Response: Let the unit of work finish; then resubmit the ALTER SERVER statement.

sqlcode: -1818

sqlstate: 55007

SQL1819NThe DROP SERVER statement that you submitted could not be processed.

Explanation: The DROP SERVER statement is preceded in a unit of work by a SELECT statement that references a nickname for a table or view within the data source (or category of data sources) that the DROP SERVER statement references.

User Response: Let the unit of work finish; then resubmit the DROP SERVER statement.

sqlcode: -1819

sqlstate: 55006

SQL1820NAction on the LOB value failed. Reason code = "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The possible reasons codes are:

  1. Not enough buffer space to store the LOB value.
  2. The remote data source does not support the current action on LOB datatype.
  3. Some internal programming limitation exceeded.

User Response: Reduce the size of the LOB or replace the function which is being applied on the LOB datatype. As a last resort, remove the LOB datatype from the statement.

sqlcode: -1820

sqlstate: 560A0

SQL1821WThe LOB value retrieved may have changed.

Explanation: The LOB value was evaluated on a deferred retrieval basis. The LOB value may have changed between the time it was first accessed and when it was actually retrieved.

User Response: Set the "deferred_lob_retrieval" to "N" in SYSSERVEROPTIONS, resubmit your query, or ignore the warning.

sqlcode: +1821

sqlstate: 01621

SQL1822NUnexpected error code "<error code>" received from data source "<data source name>". Associated text and tokens are "<tokens>".

Explanation: While referencing a data source, the federated server received an unexpected error code from the data source that does not map to a DB2 equivalent.

Possible error codes include:

User Response: Identify and correct the root cause of the problem by locating the appropriate message text and corrective action for the specified error at the data source.

SQL1823NNo data type mapping exists for data type "<data type name>" from server "<server name>".

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a nickname for an object. One or more columns of that object are of a type currently unknown to the federated server. The name of (one of) the unknown type(s) is listed in the message.

User Response: Create a mapping for the specified type name on the specified server using the CREATE TYPE MAPPING statement.

sqlcode: -1823

sqlstate: 428C5

SQL1824WSome base tables in the operands of this UNION ALL may be the same table.

Explanation: A nickname can refer to a remote base table, a remote view, a remote alias/synonym, or a remote nickname. If two operands of a UNION ALL view refer to different nicknames, they may potentially be pointing to the same table (if not both of them are known to be remote base tables). This message is issued to warn the user that potentially one remote base table can get updated/deleted twice via updates/deletes through two operands.

User Response: Verify if all operands point to different remote tables. If two operands point to the same remote base table, consider issuing a rollback to reverse the update/delete operation.

sqlcode: +1824

sqlstate: 01620

SQL1825NThis SQL statement cannot be handled in a federated environment.

Explanation: Due to some limitation, the current SQL statement cannot be handled in a federated environment. Possible limitations include:

User Response: Based on the cause:

sqlcode: -1825

sqlstate: 429A9

SQL1826NAn invalid value "<value>" was specified for column "<column-name>" in a system catalog object "<object-name>".

Explanation: An invalid value "<value>" was specified for a column "<column-name>" in a system catalog object "<object-name>".

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Refer to the SQL Reference for valid values for the specified column in the specified system catalog object. Correct the statement and reissue it.

sqlcode: -1826

sqlstate: 23521

SQL1827NNo user mapping is defined from local authorization ID "<auth-ID>" to server "<server-name>".

Explanation: An attempt was made to drop or alter a user mapping that is not defined.

User Response: If it is an ALTER USER MAPPING statement, first create a user mapping using the CREATE USER MAPPING statement. Then, alter the user mapping. If it is a DROP USER MAPPING statement, no extra action is needed because the user mapping does not exist.

sqlcode: -1827

sqlstate: 42704

SQL1828NNo server option "<option-name>" is defined for remote server "<server-name>" or for a group of remote servers: server type "<server-type>", version "<server-version>", and protocol "<server-protocol>".

Explanation: An attempt was made to drop or alter a server option that is not defined.

User Response: If it is an ALTER SERVER statement, first create a server option using the CREATE SERVER statement. Then, alter the server option. If it is a DROP SERVER statement, no extra action is needed because the server option for the servers does not exist.

sqlcode: -1828

sqlstate: 42704

SQL1830NRETURNS clause must be specified prior to a predicate specification using the EXPRESSION AS clause.

Explanation: The RETURNS clause is not specified before the PREDICATE clause that includes the EXPRESSION AS clause. The RETURNS clause may have been included after the predicate specification or may be missing.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Specify the CREATE FUNCTION statement with the RESULTS clause prior to the PREDICATE clause.

sqlcode: -1830

sqlstate: 42627

SQL1831NTable statistics for a subtable "<subtable-name>" cannot be updated.

Explanation: The statement attempts to update the statistics values of NPAGES, FPAGES, or OVERFLOW, for table "<subtable-name>", that is defined as a subtable. For typed tables, these statistics can only be updated using the root table of the table hierarchy.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Update the catalog statistics for the root table of the table hierarchy instead of the subtable.

sqlcode: -1831

sqlstate: 428DY

SQL1832NThe routine "<routine-name>" cannot be used to define a filter because it is defined as an SQL function.

Explanation: The routine (function or method) "<routine-name>" is specified in a FILTER clause for a user defined predicate specification or an index extension definition. The routine can not be defined with LANGUAGE SQL.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Specify a routine that is not defined with LANGUAGE SQL.

sqlcode: -1832

sqlstate: 429B4

SQL1881N"<option-name>" is not a valid "<option-type>" option for "<object-name>".

Explanation: The specified option might not exist, or it might not be valid for the particular data source, data source type, or database object that you're working with.

User Response: Consult the SQL Reference to verify the option that you want. Then revise and resubmit the statement that you want to run.

sqlcode: -1881

sqlstate: 428EE

SQL1882NThe "<option-type>" option "<option-name>" cannot be set to "<option-value>" for "<object-name>".

Explanation: The value that you specified either lacks the proper delimiters or is invalid.

User Response: Consult the SQL Reference to verify the value that you want. Then revise and resubmit the statement that you want to run. Be sure to delimit the value in single quotes.

sqlcode: -1882

sqlstate: 428EF

SQL1883N"<option-name>" is a required "<option-type>" option for "<object-name>".

Explanation: You did not specify an option that DB2 requires in order to process the statement that you submitted.

User Response: Consult the documentation to find out the options that are required for the statement that you want to run. Then revise and resubmit this statement.

sqlcode: -1883

sqlstate: 428EG

SQL1884NYou specified "<option-name>" (a "<option-type>" option) more than once.

Explanation: You entered a statement that references the same option multiple times.

User Response: Recode the statement so that it references the option that you want only once. Then resubmit the statement.

sqlcode: -1884

sqlstate: 42853

SQL1885NThe "<option-type>" option "<option-name>" is already defined.

Explanation: You entered a value for an option that already has a value.

User Response: Query the appropriate catalog view to determine what value the option is currently set to. If this value differs from the one that you want, recode the statement so that the SET keyword follows the OPTIONS keyword. To find out what catalog view contains the values for this option, consult the SQL Reference.

sqlcode: -1885

sqlstate: 428EH

SQL1886NThe "<operation-type>" operation is not valid because the "<option-type>" option "<option-name>" has not been defined.

Explanation: You tried to change or delete a value for an option that has not been defined for the data source, data source type, or database object that you're working with.

User Response: If you specified SET in the statement that you want to run, recode the statement, either omitting SET or replacing it with ADD (ADD is the default). Then resubmit the statement. If you specified DROP, do nothing.

sqlcode: -1886

sqlstate: 428EJ

SQL1887NSPECIFICATION ONLY clause required.

Explanation: A CREATE INDEX statement for a nickname must have a SPECIFICATION ONLY clause.

User Response: Add the SPECIFICATION ONLY clause and then resubmit the statement.

sqlcode: -1887

sqlstate: 42601

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