Message Reference

SQL1600 - SQL1699

SQL1601N The Database System Monitor input parameter "<parameter>" is a null pointer.

Explanation: The user called one of the Database System Monitor APIs and provided a null pointer instead of a required parameter.

The command can not be processed.

User Response: The user should reissue the command with a valid parameter value.

SQL1602NAn object type supplied in the input data structure (sqlma) is not supported.

Explanation: An object type specified in the variable data area of the input data structure (sqlma) for Database System Monitor Snapshot API is not supported.

The command can not be processed.

User Response: Reissue the command using a valid object type. Refer to the Administrative API Reference and Application Development Guide for further information about valid object types.

SQL1603N The parameter "<parameter>" is not specified in the input data structure (sqlma).

Explanation: A required parameter is not specified in the input data structure (sqlma) of the Database System Monitor Snapshot or Estimate Buffer Size API.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: The user should reissue the command specifying a valid parameter value.

SQL1604NThe parameter "<parameter>" is not null terminated.

Explanation: A null character is expected at the end of the character string parameter.

The command can not be processed.

User Response: Add a null character at the end of the character string parameter and reissue the command.

SQL1605WThe database "<db-alias>" is not active.

Explanation: The Database System Monitor Reset API was called for a specific database, but the database was not active.

The command completed successfully but no action was taken.

User Response: Verify that the database alias is correct and the database has been started.

SQL1606WThe Database System Monitor output buffer is full.

Explanation: The Database System Monitor output buffer area is not large enough to accommodate the returned data. Likely causes are intense system activity when the call was made, or in the case of a Database Monitor API call within a user application, the user allocated a buffer too small to contain the returned data.

The command completed successfully and data collected prior to the buffer overflow is returned in the user's buffer.

User Response: The user should reissue the command, or in the case of a Database Monitor API call within a user application, allocate a larger buffer or reduce the amount of information requested.

SQL1607NThere is not enough working memory to execute the requested Database System Monitor function.

Explanation: The database manager is out of working memory to process the Database System Monitor command.

The command can not be processed.

User Response: Reduce the buffer size in the input parameter and reissue the command.

SQL1608WTwo or more database aliases specified on input refer to the same database.

Explanation: A Database System Monitor Snapshot or Estimate Buffer Size API call was issued specifying the same request for two or more database aliases in the sqlma input data structure, and they point to the same database.

Database System Monitor executes successfully, but returns only one copy of the information in the output buffer.

User Response: No action is required. However, the user should verify that the database aliases specified on input are correct if information on different databases was expected.

SQL1609NThe database "<db-alias>" is a remote database and cannot be monitored.

Explanation: A Database System Monitor API call was issued specifying the database alias of a remote database. Database System Monitor does not support monitoring of remote databases.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: The user should verify that the database alias specified on input is correct, and reissue the command with the correct database alias.

SQL1610NThe Database System Monitor input parameter "<parameter>" is invalid.

Explanation: The user called one of the Database System Monitor APIs and specified an invalid value for the specified parameter.

The command can not be processed.

User Response: The user should reissue the command with a valid parameter value.

SQL1611WNo data was returned by Database System Monitor.

Explanation: None of the monitoring information requested by the users was available at the time the Database System Monitor API call was issued. This can occur when a requested database or application is inactive, or when a monitoring group such as the Table group is turned OFF, and Table information is requested.

User Response: The command completed successfully, but no data is returned to the user.

The user should make sure that the databases or applications for which monitoring is desired are active at the time the Database System Monitor API is called, or that the desired monitoring groups are active.

SQL1612NThe specified event monitor target path is invalid.

Explanation: The target path specified in the CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement is not a valid path name. The command could not be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the statement with the correct event monitor target path.

sqlcode: -1612

sqlstate: 428A3

SQL1613NThe specified event monitor option is invalid.

Explanation: The option specified in the CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement is not valid. Possible causes include:

The command could not be processed.

User Response: Resubmit the statement with the corrected event monitor options.

sqlcode: -1613

sqlstate: 428A4

SQL1614NAn I/O error occurred when activating an event monitor. Reason code = "<reason-code>".

Explanation: An I/O error was detected when an event monitor was activated. <reason-code> is one of the following:

Encountered an unknown event monitor target type.

The Event monitor target path was not found.

Access to event monitor target path was denied.

Event monitor target path is not the name of a pipe.

No process has opened the event monitor target pipe for reading.

Encountered an unexpected I/O error.

The target pipe was not opened in message mode. (This reason code is applicable on OS/2 only.)

The target pipe buffer is too small. The inbound pipe buffer must be at least 4096 bytes in size. (This reason code is applicable on OS/2 only.)

User Response: Where possible, fix the problem described by the reason code, and resubmit the SET EVENT MONITOR statement.

sqlcode: -1614

sqlstate: 58030

SQL1615WThe specified event monitor is already in the requested state.

Explanation: An attempt was made to either activate an already active event monitor, or deactivate an already inactive event monitor. The SET EVENT MONITOR statement was ignored.

User Response: No user response is required.

sqlcode: +1615

sqlstate: 01598

SQL1616NThe limit on the maximum number of active event monitors has already been reached.

Explanation: A maximum of 32 event monitors can be active simultaneously per database. This limit has already been reached. The specified event monitor cannot be activated.

User Response: If possible, deactivate one of the active event monitors and resubmit the SET EVENT MONITOR statement.

sqlcode: -1616

sqlstate: 54030

SQL1617NThe specified event monitor has already reached its MAXFILES and MAXFILESIZE limit.

Explanation: The specified event monitor was created with a limit on the amount of data that would be allowed in the event monitor target directory. This limit has already been reached. The specified event monitor cannot be activated.

User Response: If possible, delete some of the event monitor data files from the target directory, and resubmit the SET EVENT MONITOR statement.

sqlcode: -1617

sqlstate: 54031

SQL1618NThe target path of the specified event monitor is in use by another event monitor.

Explanation: The specified event monitor was created with the same target path as another event monitor. This other event monitor was activated at least once, and has left .evt and/or .ctl files in the target path. These files may be in use by application(s) that are reading the event information they contain.

User Response: If the other event monitor is currently active, deactivate it. After ensuring no application(s) are using the files it created in the target path, remove the files. Then resubmit the SET EVENT MONITOR statement.

Alternatively, recreate the required event monitor, specifying a different target path, and resubmit the SET EVENT MONITOR statement.

sqlcode: -1618

sqlstate: 51026

SQL1619NCannot DROP an active event monitor.

Explanation: The specified event monitor is currently active, and therefore cannot be dropped.

User Response: Deactivate the event monitor and resubmit the DROP EVENT MONITOR statement.

sqlcode: -1619

sqlstate: 55034

SQL1620NUnable to flush event monitor. Reason code "<rc>".

Explanation: The event monitor could not be flushed. Possible reasons are:

  1. The event monitor is not started.
  2. The event monitor is running at a pre-version 6 level of output, for which flush is not available.

User Response: Ensure that the event monitor is started. If the event monitor is running at a pre-version 6 level of output, do not attempt to flush it.

sqlcode: -1620

sqlstate: 55034

SQL1621NThe transaction in which the specified event monitor was created has not yet been committed. The event monitor cannot be activated.

Explanation: An event monitor cannot be activated until the transaction in which it was created has been committed.

User Response: Commit the transaction in which the event monitor was created and then reissue the SET EVENT MONITOR statement.

sqlcode: -1621

sqlstate: 55033

SQL1622NThe STATE value specified in the SET EVENT MONITOR STATE statement is invalid.

Explanation: The STATE value specified in the SET EVENT MONITOR STATE statement is not within the range of valid values, or the value is NULL as a result of an indicator variable.

Valid values for the Event Monitor State include:

to deactivate the event monitor

to activate the event monitor

The statement cannot be executed.

User Response: Correct the event monitor state value and/or any indicator variable and reissue the statement.

sqlcode: -1622

sqlstate: 42815

SQL1623NThe sqlmonsz or sqlmonss API was called with too many objects specified in the sqlma input structure.

Explanation: The limit imposed on the number of objects that are permitted in the sqlma input structure has been exceeded.

User Response: Reduce the number of objects in the sqlma parameter and try the call again.

SQL1624NAll databases referenced by the sqlmonsz or sqlmonss API must be located at the same node.

Explanation: The sqlma parameter contained references to databases that reside on different nodes.

User Response: Modify the sqlma parameter so that all database objects reference the same node and then try the call again.

SQL1625WThe monitor is not able to convert from the code page "<source>" to the code page "<target>". This conversion was attempted for data pertaining to type "<type>".

Explanation: Possible types are as follows:

  1. statement text
  2. dcs application
  3. application
  4. table
  5. locks
  6. table space

Conversion of data from the source code page to the target code page is not supported. This condition can occur under the following conditions:

  1. source and target code page combination is not supported by the database manager.
  2. source and target code page combination is not supported by the operating system character conversion utility on the server node.

This situation can occur when the monitor tries to convert data pertaining to a database whose code page is incompatible to that of the monitor application.

User Response: Check your operating system documentation for a list of supported conversions and ensure that the appropriate ones are installed and accessible to the database manager.

If possible ensure that the database being monitored and the monitoring application are in the same codepage.

SQL1626WOverflow occurred while performing conversion from codepage "<source>" to codepage "<target>". The size of the target area was "<max-len>" ,the data pertained to type "<type>" and the first eight characters are "<data>".

Explanation: Possible types are as follows:

  1. statement text
  2. dcs application
  3. application
  4. table
  5. locks
  6. table space

The monitor is unable to convert the data due to space constraints. The data is retained in its original form.

User Response: If possible ensure that the database being monitored and the monitoring application are in the same codepage.

SQL1627WA snapshot api request was made at the self-describing datastream level, but the server was only able to return a snapshot of the fixed size structure format.

Explanation: Although the application issuing the snapshot request made it at the SQLM_DBMON_VERSION6 or later level, the server returning the snapshot returned a downlevel view of the data.

User Response: In the self describing data format for snapshot (DB2 version 6 and later), collected information, including the server level, is returned as part of the snapshot datastream. In the pre-version 6 levels of DB2, the snapshot collected information is returned in an sqlm_collected structure. You must use the sqlm_collected structure, and the old data stream processing method to parse this snapshot datastream.

SQL1628WA remote get switches operation returned partial results because the output buffer is full. To retrieve the full results, use a minimum buffer size of "<size>" bytes.

Explanation: The output buffer provided was not large enough to return all the switch data available. The monitor returned as much data as possible using the given output buffer.

User Response: Allocate a larger data buffer and re-issue the switch request.

SQL1629WA remote snapshot operation failed on node or nodes "<node-list>", with reason code or codes "<reason-list>".

Explanation: Some type of failure occurred during an operation on a remote node for reason <reason-code>, which is one of the following:

FCM was unable to communicate with the target node, due to a node failure or communications error.

The snapshot operation failed to complete on the target node. Please see the db2diag.log for the specific sqlca.

User Response: If the cause of the error was a node failure, or communication error, you will need to resolve the communication error, or restart the node that failed to correct the error.

If the error was due to a snapshot operation failure on a remote node, see the db2diag.log for the sqlca from the failed operation, and refer to the instructions for that code to correct the problem.

SQL1650NThe function invoked is no longer supported.

Explanation: The user has attempted to call an API that is no longer supported in this version of the database manager.

User Response: The function required may be supported by a different API call. Check in the Administrative API Reference and Application Development Guide to determine if the function is supported through a different API call.

SQL1651NThe request cannot be executed because the DB2 server version does not support this functionality.

Explanation: Some new functionality is not supported against older DB2 server versions. Another possible cause of this error could be the request referenced objects with qualifiers of length that exceeds the support of the server version.

User Response: Execute the request against a DB2 server where the latest DB2 server version has been installed, or upgrade the server to the latest DB2 server version.

SQL1652NFile I/O error occurred.

Explanation: Error occurred either opening, reading, writing, or closing a file.

User Response: Check the db2diag.log for details. Also, check for disk full conditions, file permissions, and operating system errors.

SQL1653NAn invalid profile path was specified.

Explanation: A full path to a file where server information should be generated must be specified.

User Response: Ensure that the profile path specified is correct and not null.

SQL1654NAn instance path error was encountered.

Explanation: The instance path could not be returned.

User Response: Check that the DB2INSTANCE path was specified correctly. Check that the complete path length specified is not approaching the maximum supported by the operating system.

SQL1660NThe Generator at the server, which is used by Discovery to gather server information, has failed.

Explanation: A server system failure has occurred.

User Response: Report the failure to your DB2 server administrator. More details of the failure can be found in the server's db2diag.log file.

SQL1670NThe discover type specified in the DISCOVER database manager configuration parameter indicates discovery is disabled.

Explanation: DISCOVER = DISABLE is configured in the database manager configuration file.

User Response: If DISCOVER functionality is required, change the discover type to KNOWN or SEARCH.

SQL1671NThe search discovery request failed. Check the db2diag.log for further details.

Explanation: The search discovery request failed for one of the following reasons:

  1. Initialization failed (sqleCommonInitializationForAPIs)
  2. Failed to retrieve the client instance path (sqloinstancepath)
  3. Failed to open the output file (sqlofopn)
  4. Failed to write to output file (sqlofprt)
  5. Failed to get memory (sqlogmblk)
  6. Failed to retrieve database manager configuration (sqlfcsys)
  7. NetBIOS call failed
  8. DB2 internal system function failed (sqlogpid, sqlogmt)

Check the db2diag.log for details.

User Response:

  1. If initialization fails, try re-booting the machine or re-installing the product.
  2. If there was an instance path failure, check the DB2INSTANCE value to ensure it is correctly set.
  3. If the open or write to file failed, check that you have access to open and write a file to the <sqllib path>\<instance>\tmp directory on Intel machines, or the <instance path>/sqllib/tmp directory on UNIX machines.
  4. If get memory failed, check the available memory on your machine.
  5. If retrieving the DBM configuration failed, try re-booting the machine or re-installing the product.
  6. If a NetBIOS call failed:
  7. If a DB2 internal system function failed, check that the operating system functions on your machine are functioning correctly.

DB2 Service can provide details about the error codes returned by the above functions and written to the db2diag.log.

SQL1673NThe address list specified as input to the discover interface is invalid.

Explanation: The application program used an invalid input address list pointer. The address list points to nothing.

User Response: Ensure that a valid input address list pointer is specified in the application program, and that it is not null.

SQL1674NThe server address specified as input to the discover interface is invalid.

Explanation: The application program used an invalid input server address pointer. The server address points to nothing.

User Response: Ensure that a valid input server address is specified in the application program, and that it is not null.

SQL1675NDiscovery is only allowed against DB2 administration servers. The communications information provided does not access an administration server.

Explanation: A KNOWN discovery request was issued against a DB2 server that is not a DB2 administration server. The communications information specified is not correct.

User Response: Verify that DB2ADMINSERVER is set on the DB2 server instance you are accessing. This indicates that the server instance is a DB2 administration server. Retry the KNOWN discovery request with the correct communications information.

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