Message Reference

SQL1400 - SQL1499

SQL1400NAuthentication is not supported.

Explanation: The authentication type supplied is not one of the supported types.

The command can not be processed.

User Response: The user should reissue the command with a valid parameter value.

See Application Development Guide for a list of supported authentication types.

SQL1401NAuthentication types do not match.

Explanation: The user is attempting to connect to a remote database which is cataloged on the local node with a different authentication type from the remote node.

Federated system users: this message can also appear when:

User Response: The command can not be processed.

The user should recatalog the database alias on the client node with the same authentication type as the remote database. Resubmit the command.

Federated system users:

sqlcode: -1401

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1402NUnable to authenticate user due to unexpected system error.

Explanation: Call your system administrator. On unix-based systems, the file db2ckpw may not have the correct permission bits set, or the system may have run out of swap/paging space. On Windows NT, the DB2 security service may not have been started.

The command can not be processed.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: On unix-based systems, have the system administrator ensure the correct access permissions are set for db2ckpw, and that there is enough swap/paging space allocated. On Windows NT, have the system administrator verify that the DB2 security service is installed and started.

SQL1403NThe username and/or password supplied is incorrect.

Explanation: The username and/or password supplied is incorrect or not a valid username/password combination or the database to which you are attempting to connect to has an authentication type of SERVER and no username and password was supplied on the CONNECT TO statement.

If DB2 Connect is being used, the problem may be that the DCS directory entry for the host connection could not be found.

If a connection is being made from an OS/2 client to a UNIX-based server with authentication server, and the userid and password are being picked up from UPM, then the userid on the server must be defined in lowercase and have an uppercase password.

The command can not be processed.

Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.

User Response: Supply the correct username and password combination.

Federated system users: ensure that the entry in SYSCAT.USEROPTIONS contains the correct username and password for the data source being accessed.

sqlcode: -1403

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1404NPassword expired.

Explanation: Your password has expired.

User Response: Change your password, then retry the request using the new password. You can use the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant, or Command Line Processor CONNECT and ATTACH commands to change your password.

sqlcode: -1404

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1405NUnable to communicate with local DB2 authentication server.

Explanation: The application failed to authenticate due to an error while communicating to the local DB2 authentication server.

User Response: Ensure that the DB2 authentication server is started by entering the following command from an OS/2 window:

  detach db2upm

SQL1415NThe statement was compiled for diagnostic purposes only and has not been executed.

Explanation: The statement was processed through parts of the system to collect diagnostic information using service features. The necessary steps to allow further processing of the statement have not been completed.

User Response: This error is returned to prevent further processing by the system of statements prepared using service features and is expected.

SQL1420NToo many concatenation operators.

Explanation: The database manager has reached an internal limit while evaluating an expression, of long or large object string result type, that contains concatenation operators.

User Response: Reduce the number of concatenations in the expression and try again.

sqlcode: -1420

sqlstate: 54001

SQL1421NMBCS conversion error occurred when converting host variable or sqlvar "<number>" to or from wchar_t format. Reason code "<rc>".

Explanation: A C/C++ application with embedded SQL statements was precompiled with the WCHARTYPE CONVERT option. At runtime, the application received an error which occurred during conversion in either wcstombs(), for input host variables, or mbstowcs(), for output host variables. The host variable or sqlvar number indicates which data item experienced the problem. Valid reason codes are:

the problem occurred with input data

the problem occurred with output data

User Response: If application data is already in MBCS format, re-precompile the application with WCHARTYPE NOCONVERT and re-build. If application data is intended to be in wchar_t format, then input data failing in wcstombs() may be corrupt. Correct the data and re-execute the application.

sqlcode: -1421

sqlstate: 22504

SQL1422NThe size of the container is invalid.

Explanation: One of the containers to be used in a database managed table space is either too large or too small. A container must be at least extentsize + 1 pages in length. The maximum size of a container is operating system dependent. The most common system limit is 2 gigabytes (524288 4K pages).

User Response: Check the diagnostic log for details. Then correct the SQL statement.

sqlcode: -1422

sqlstate: 54039

SQL1423NThe query includes a column with a large object data type.

Explanation: The query includes a column with a data type of BLOB, CLOB or DBCLOB. In general, such data types cannot be handled from clients available prior to Version 2.1.

The error occurred for a condition that corresponds to warning SQLCODE +238. See this message for details that explain the condition. The client level receiving this message cannot process BLOB data types. It may be able to handle CLOB and DBCLOB data types by using the SUBSTR function or by setting the data type in the SQLDA to one of the character data types available in Version 1 if the LOB column is not larger than the supported length of the character data type.

User Response: Change the query to exclude any column that has a data type of BLOB, CLOB or DBCLOB. This is the only possible action if the query includes a column of type BLOB. If the column (say C1) is a CLOB, you could use CAST(C1 AS LONG VARCHAR) to get the first 32700 characters. Similarly for DBCLOB column (DC1) use CAST(DC1 AS LONG VARGRAPHIC) to get the first 16350 characters. If the application code can be changed, code can be added to change the SQLDA to use LONG VARCHAR or LONG VARGRAPHIC for CLOB and DBCLOB.

sqlcode: -1423

sqlstate: 56093

SQL1424NToo many references to transition variables and transition table columns or the row length for these references is too long. Reason code="<rc>".

Explanation: The trigger includes a REFERENCING clause that identifies one or more transition tables and transition variables. The triggered action of the trigger contains references to transition table columns or transition variables with one of the following conditions identified by the reason code:

references total more than the limit of the number of columns in a table

sum of the lengths of the references exceeds the maximum length of a row in a table.

User Response: Reduce the number of references to transition variables and transition table columns in the trigger action of the trigger so that the length is reduced or the total number of such references is less than the maximum number of columns in a table.

sqlcode: -1424

sqlstate: 54040

SQL1425NA password has been supplied without a userid.

Explanation: Any command/API that accepts a userid and password will not accept a password without a userid.

User Response: Resubmit the command/API and supply a userid if you are also supplying a password.

SQL1426NA default instance cannot be determined.

Explanation: If an explicit 'attach to instance' has not been performed, instance commands try to form an implicit attachment to a default instance. The default instance is determined from the DB2INSTDFT and DB2INSTANCE environment variables. If neither of these are set, then no implicit attachment can be formed.

User Response: Set one of these environment variables to a valid instance name and resubmit the command.

SQL1427NAn instance attachment does not exist.

Explanation: The application is not attached to an instance. The attempted command/API cannot be executed unless there is an existing instance attachment.

User Response: If the error occurred when detaching from an instance, continue processing. If the error occurred during the execution of any other command, attach to an instance and reissue the failed command.

SQL1428NThe application is already attached to "<nodename1>" while the command issued requires an attachment to "<nodename2>" for successful execution.

Explanation: In order to successfully process the command, an attachment to a node other than that which currently exists is required. The application must either: 1) have no attachment when the command is issued, or 2) already be attached to the node required by the command.

User Response: Ensure that the application has no attachment before issuing the command or that the attachment that exists is to the correct node.

SQL1429NA node directory entry cannot be created in which the node name matches the value of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable.

Explanation: The CATALOG NODE command or API does not allow an entry whose nodename matches the value of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable.

User Response: Choose another node name for the node being cataloged and try again.

SQL1430NThe database name "<database>" cannot be found in the system database directory on node "<nodename>".

Explanation: When specific database names are provided to the database monitor, those databases must reside either at the node to which you are currently attached or at the local node.

User Response: Make sure the databases listed in the request all reside at the node to which you are attached or at the local node. Reissue the request.

SQL1431NThe relative path "<path>" is not allowed when executing remotely.

Explanation: When the application is remote from the server, relative paths are not allowed.

User Response: Specify a fully qualified path that is valid at the server and reissue the command.

SQL1432NA request has been sent to a server using a database protocol which the server does not recognize.

Explanation: This error is caused by sending a DB2 request to a server which does not understand the database protocol being used to transmit the request. This situation will occur most frequently when sending a DB2 ATTACH request to a server listed in your node directory which is not a DB2 Version 2 or greater server. This error will also arise if you send an attach request to DB2 for AS/400, DB2 for MVS, or DB2 for VM and VSE servers.

User Response: Do not attempt to attach to any of the servers listed above.

SQL1433NThe application is already connected to "<database1>" while the command issued requires a connection to "<database2>" for successful execution.

Explanation: In order to successfully process the command, a connection to a database other than that which currently exists is required. The application must either: 1) have no connection when the command is issued, or 2) already be connected to the database required by the command.

User Response: Ensure that the application has no connection before issuing the command or that the connection that exists is to the correct database.

SQL1434NA CONNECT or ATTACH statement failed because of a client/server incompatibility between 32 bit and 64 bit platforms.

Explanation: This release does not support client/server connections between 32 bit and 64 bit platforms.

User Response: You can issue a CONNECT or ATTACH statement in the following scenarios:

sqlcode: -1434

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1440WThe WITH GRANT OPTION has been ignored on the GRANT (Database Authorities) statement, GRANT (Package Privileges) statement, GRANT (Index Privileges) statement, or when granting CONTROL privilege on a table or view.

Explanation: The WITH GRANT OPTION is not applicable when granting database authorities or privileges on packages or indexes. The WITH GRANT OPTION does not apply to CONTROL privilege on tables, views, indexes, or packages.

All valid requested privileges were granted.

User Response: When granting database authorities, package privileges or index privileges do not include the WITH GRANT OPTION clause. When granting CONTROL, use a separate grant statement for the CONTROL privilege without specifying the WITH GRANT OPTION clause.

sqlcode: +1440

sqlstate: 01516

SQL1441NInvalid parameter. Reason code "<code>".

Explanation: The following is a list of valid reason codes:

A NULL was passed in for the context pointer.

The context pointer has been initialized, but not to a valid context area.

Invalid option

reserved parameter was not NULL

User Response: Ensure that the application context pointer has been properly initialized and that any options used are valid and try again.

SQL1442NThe context is not in use or is not in use by the current thread. Reason code "<code>".

Explanation: The call failed because:

The context is not in use by any thread (no attach was done)

The context is not in use by the current thread.

The current thread is not using a context.

User Response: For a detach call, ensure that the context is the one in use by the current thread, and that a corresponding attach was done.

For a get current context call, ensure that the thread is currently using a context.

SQL1443NThread is already attached to a context.

Explanation: The user attempted to attach a context to a thread, and the thread is already using a context.

User Response: Detach from the previous context before attaching to a new one.

SQL1444NThe application context cannot be destroyed because it is in use.

Explanation: The user attempted to destroy an application context while it is still in use. Either there is a thread attached to the context, or the context has a CONNECT or ATTACH associated with it. A CONNECT RESET or DETACH must be done (if a CONNECT or ATTACH has been done), and all threads must detach from the context before it can be destroyed.

User Response: Ensure that all calls to attach to a context have a corresponding detach, all CONNECTS have a corresponding CONNECT RESET, and all ATTACHES have a corresponding DETACH.

SQL1445NThread or process does not have a context to use.

Explanation: A context type of SQL_CTX_MULTI_MANUAL is in effect, but the current thread or process has not been attached to a context.

User Response: Make sure the current thread or process is attached to a context before making any database calls.

SQL1450NInvalid registration information pointer.

Explanation: An invalid registration information pointer was passed to the register/deregister DB2 server command/API.

User Response: Verify that a valid pointer was passed to the register/ deregister DB2 server command/API.

SQL1451NRegister/deregister DB2 server must be issued from a server node.

Explanation: Register/deregister DB2 server was issued from an invalid node.

User Response: Reissue the register/deregister DB2 server command/API from a server node.

SQL1452NAn invalid registration location was specified.

Explanation: An invalid registration location was passed to the register/deregister DB2 server command/API.

User Response: Verify that a valid registration location was passed to the register/deregister DB2 server command/API.

SQL1453NThe entry in the database manager configuration file for file server name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The file server name specified in the configuration command/API or in the database manager configuration file is missing or invalid.

User Response: Verify that a file server name was specified, that the name does not contain invalid characters, and is not longer than 48 characters in length. Update the file server name in the database manager configuration file and resubmit the command/API.

SQL1454NThe entry in the database manager configuration file for object name is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The object name specified in the configuration command/API or in the database manager configuration file is missing or invalid.

User Response: Verify that an object name was specified, that the name does not contain invalid characters, and is not longer than 48 characters in length. Update the object name in the database manager configuration file and resubmit the command/API.

SQL1455NThe entry in the database manager configuration file for IPX socket number is missing or invalid.

Explanation: The IPX socket number specified in the configuration command/API or in the database manager configuration file is missing or invalid.

User Response: Verify that an IPX socket number was specified, that the number does not contain invalid characters, and is not longer than 4 characters in length. Update the IPX socket number in the database manager configuration file and resubmit the command/API.

SQL1456NThe object name specified in the database manager configuration file already exists on the NetWare file server.

Explanation: A duplicate object name was found when trying to register the DB2 server object name on the NetWare file server.

User Response: The object name specified in the database manager configuration file is already in use. Change the object name and then re-register the DB2 server.

SQL1457NRegister/deregister failed to login to the NetWare file server specified because a NetWare directory services connection is already established to that file server.

Explanation: A bindery login using NWLoginToFileServer cannot be performed if a NetWare directory services connection is already established to the specified file server.

User Response: Sever the directory services connection by logging out and detaching from Directory Services, and then reissue register/deregister.

SQL1458NIPX/SPX has been configured in the database manager configuration file for direct addressing. It is not necessary to register/deregister the DB2 server at/from a NetWare file server.

Explanation: Issuing register/deregister is not necessary since the database manager configuration file has been configured for IPX/SPX direct addressing. ie. Fileserver and objectname have been specified as '*'.

User Response: Note that since the DB2 server has been configured for direct addressing only, IPX/SPX clients using fileserver addressing will not be able to connect to this server. For the server to support both types of IPX/SPX client addressing, specify a fileserver and objectname in the database manager configuration file.

SQL1460NThe environment variable "<variable>" required for SOCKS server name resolution is not defined or not valid.

Explanation: The SOCKS environment variable SOCKS_NS or SOCKS_SERVER is not defined. SOCKS protocol support requires that both these environment variables be defined.

This is the IP address of the domain name server where the SOCKS server is defined.

This is the hostname of the SOCKS server.

User Response: Define the missing environment variable and resubmit the command.

SQL1461NThe security option "<security>" is not valid.

Explanation: The SECURITY option for a TCP/IP node has a value other than 'SOCKS'. This option is used to enable the TCP/IP node being cataloged to use SOCKS protocol support to traverse a firewall. No value other than 'SOCKS' is permitted.

User Response: Verify that SOCKS protocol support is required. If so, re-catalog the node with SECURITY SOCKS. If not, re-catalog the node, but omit the SECURITY option.

SQL1462NRequest is only valid for a syncpoint manager connection.

Explanation: A request was attempted which is only valid for a syncpoint manager connection, but the syncpoint manager instance is not connected to.

User Response: Connect to the syncpoint manager instance and reissue the request.

SQL1468NThe database manager TCP/IP listener must be configured and running on the server instance "<instance>" (nodenum "<node-num1>") before attempting to CONNECT or ATTACH to node "<node-num2>".

Explanation: The SET CLIENT command or api or the environment variable DB2NODE was used to set the node for CONNECT or ATTACH to "<node-num2>". In order to CONNECT or ATTACH to this node, the Database Manager TCP/IP listener must be configured and running on the server instance "<instance>" (node "<node-num1>").
Note:This message may be returned by an implicit CONNECT or ATTACH.

User Response: Either:

sqlcode: -1468

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1469NInstance "<instance-name>" (nodenum "<node-num1>") does not have node "<node-num2>" specified in its db2nodes.cfg file.

Explanation: The SET CLIENT command or api or the environment variable DB2NODE was used to set the node for CONNECT or ATTACH to "<node-num2>". Subsequent CONNECT or ATTACH processing was unable to locate this node in the db2nodes.cfg file on the instance "<instance-name>" (node "<node-num1>").
Note:This message may be returned by an implicit CONNECT or ATTACH.

User Response: Ensure that the node number specified by the SET CLIENT command or api or the DB2NODE environment variable exists in the db2nodes.cfg file of the intermediate instance "<instance-name>", node "<node-num1>".

sqlcode: -1469

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1470NValue of DB2NODE environment variable is not valid.

Explanation: The DB2NODE environment variable indicates the node the application will attempt to connect to. If DB2NODE is unset or is blank, the application will attempt to connect to the default node. Otherwise, DB2NODE must be set to the node number of one of the nodes defined on the same host as the application.

User Response: Set the DB2NODE environment variable to one of the following values:

causes the application to connect to the default node.

causes the application to connect to the default node.

A number
causes the application to connect to the node with that node number. The node must be running on the same host as the application.

sqlcode: -1470

sqlstate: 08001

SQL1471NCannot connect to database "<database-name>" on node "<node-number>" because the database on this node is not synchronized with catalog node.

Explanation: The end-of-log information on this node does not match the corresponding record on the catalog node. This can be caused by restoring the database on various nodes with backups taken from different times.

User Response: If the database is restored without rolling forward on one node, ensure that the database is restored from consistent offline backups on all nodes without rolling forward.

sqlcode: -1471

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1472NCannot connect to database "<database-name>" on node "<node-number>" because the difference between the system time on the catalog node and the virtual timestamp on this node is greater than the max_time_diff database manager configuration parameter.

Explanation: The system time difference for the machines in the configuration (listed in the db2nodes.cfg file) is greater than the max_time_diff database manager configuration parameter.

User Response: Synchronize the system times on all machines, and ensure that the max_time_diff parameter is configured to allow for normal communication delays among the database machines.

If the above does not fix the problem, see the Administration Guide for possible causes and actions.

sqlcode: -1472

sqlstate: 08004

SQL1473NCannot commit the transaction because the time difference between the system time on the local node and the virtual timestamps of node(s) "<node-list>" is greater than the max_time_diff database manager configuration parameter. The transaction is rolled back.

Explanation: The system time difference for the machines in the configuration (listed in the db2nodes.cfg file) is greater than the max_time_diff database manager configuration parameter.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User Response: Synchronize the system times on all machines, and ensure that the max_time_diff parameter is configured to allow for normal communication delays among the database machines.

sqlcode: -1473

sqlstate: 40504

SQL1474WThe transaction completed successfully, but the time difference between the system time on the local node and the virtual timestamps of node(s) "<node-list>" is greater than the max_time_diff database manager configuration parameter.

Explanation: The system time difference for the machines in the configuration (listed in the db2nodes.cfg file) is greater than the max_time_diff database manager configuration parameter.

This warning message is returned to read-only transactions because they are not affected by this condition. However, other transactions would be rolled back. This message is to inform the user about this condition so that action can be taken at the earliest possible time.

If ",..." is displayed at the end of the node list, see the syslog file for the complete list of nodes.

User Response: Synchronize the system times on all machines, and ensure that the max_time_diff parameter is configured to allow for normal communication delays among the database machines.

sqlcode: 1474

sqlstate: 01607

SQL1475WA system error occurred during CONNECT RESET processing.

Explanation: The CONNECT RESET was successful but a system error such as a node failure or a communications error may have occurred.

User Response: Check the db2diag.log file for details. The database at this node may need to be restarted.

sqlcode: 1475

sqlstate: 01622

SQL1476NThe current transaction was rolled back because of error "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: A table was being created with the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY option, or NOT LOGGED INITIALLY was activated for an existing table. During the same unit of work, either an error occurred, or a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement was issued. This unit of work is rolled back, with the following effects:

The "<sqlcode>" reported is the SQLCODE of the original error. The "<sqlcode>" will be 0 if a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT was issued in the transaction.

User Response: Correct the problem, then run the transaction again. Remove any ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement that is used in the same transaction in which a NOT LOGGED INITIALLY table is created or activated.

sqlcode: -1476

sqlstate: 40506

SQL1477NTable "<table-name>" cannot be accessed.

Explanation: An attempt was made to access a table that is not accessible. The table may not be accessible because of one of the following reasons:

Access to this table is not allowed because its integrity cannot be guaranteed.

User Response: One of the following actions can be taken.

sqlcode: -1477

sqlstate: 55019

SQL1478WThe database has been started but only one buffer pool has been activated.

Explanation: Only one small buffer pool with no extended storage has been activated. This is because of one of the following reasons:

User Response: Check the db2diag.log file for the correct source of the problem. Possible solutions will be:

After making the changes, disconnect from the database and start the database again.

sqlcode: +1478

sqlstate: 01626

SQL1479WAttempt to fetch before the result set returned the first rowset.

Explanation: The requested rowset overlapped the start of the result set and, depending on the fetch orientation specified:

one of the following situations:

the absolute value of the fetch offset was less than or equal to the current rowset size.

the fetch offset was negative, and the absolute value of the fetch offset was greater than the result set size but less than or equal to the current rowset size.

User Response: No action needed.

SQL1480NThe discover type specified in the DISCOVER database manager configuration parameter is invalid.

Explanation: Valid values for the DISCOVER parameter in the database manager configuration file are: DISABLE, KNOWN, or SEARCH.

User Response: Update the DISCOVER database manager configuration parameter with a type of DISABLE, KNOWN, or SEARCH.

SQL1481NOne or more of the communications protocols specified in the DISCOVER_COMM parameter is invalid.

Explanation: Valid values for the DISCOVER_COMM parameter in the database manager configuration file are any combination of NETBIOS, and TCPIP, separated by commas.

User Response: Update the DISCOVER_COMM database manager configuration parameter with any combination of NETBIOS, and TCPIP, separated by commas.

SQL1482WThe BUFFPAGE parameter will only be used if one of the buffer pools is defined with a size of -1.

Explanation: This is a warning that the BUFFPAGE database configuration parameter will be ignored if none of the database's buffer pools is defined with a size of -1. -1 indicates that the buffer pool is to use the BUFFPAGE parameter as the number of buffer pool pages.

User Response: You can select from the SYSCAT.BUFFERPOOLS to review the buffer pool definitions. If none of the buffer pools are defined with size -1 (NPAGES), then setting the BUFFPAGE parameter will not change the size of the buffer pools for the database.

SQL1490WActivate database is successful, however, the database has already been activated on one or more nodes.

Explanation: Database has already been explicitly started (activated) on one or more nodes.

User Response: Refer to the diagnostic log to see which node returns the warning.

SQL1491NThe database "<name>" was not deactivated because the database is still being used.

Explanation: The database cannot be deactivated if there are any applications connected to the specified database.

User Response: Ensure that all applications have done a CONNECT RESET, then try again.

SQL1492NThe database "<name>" was not deactivated because it was not activated.

Explanation: The database cannot be deactivated because the specified database was not active.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL1493NThe application is already connected to an active database.

Explanation: The ACTIVATE DATABASE and DEACTIVATED DATABASE commands cannot proceed because the application is already connected to a database.

User Response: Disconnect from the database then re-submit the command.

SQL1494WActivate database is successful, however, there is already a connection to the database.

Explanation: There is already database connection on one or more nodes.

User Response: Refer to the diagnostic log to see which node returns this warning.

SQL1495WDeactivate database is successful, however, there is still a connection to the database.

Explanation: There is still database connection to one or more nodes.

User Response: Refer to the diagnostic log to see which node returns this warning.

SQL1496WDeactivate database is successful, but the database was not activated.

Explanation: Database was not explicitly started on one or more nodes when deactivate database was executed.

User Response: Refer to the diagnostic log to see which node returns this warning.

SQL1497WActivate/Deactivate database was successful, however, an error occurred on some nodes.

Explanation: Activate/Deactivate database is successful at least on the catalog node and coordinator node, however, on some other node(s) an error has occurred.

User Response: Refer to the diagnostic log to find out what error has occurred on which node, fix the problem if possible and then reissue the activate/deactivate database command.

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