SQL10002N | The password supplied is too long. |
Explanation: The length of the password is expected to be 18 characters or less. However, if the password is to be verified for an APPC conversation, it must be 8 characters or less.
User Response: Ensure that the password is not longer than the limit allowed.
sqlcode: -10002
sqlstate: 28000
SQL10003C | There are not enough system resources to process the request. The request cannot be processed. |
Explanation: The database manager could not process the request due to insufficient system resources. The resources that can cause this error include:
User Response: Stop the application. Possible solutions include:
NOTE: This is applicable only for releases of DB2 prior to Version 2.
sqlcode: -10003
sqlstate: 57011
SQL10004C | An I/O error occurred while accessing the database directory. |
Explanation: Either the system database directory or the local database directory cannot be accessed. This error may occur not only when the system is cataloging or uncataloging a database but also when the system is accessing a database that is cataloged in the directory.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Possible solutions include:
If installing the sample database, drop it and install the sample database again.
sqlcode: -10004
sqlstate: 58031
SQL10005N | The mode parameter "<parameter>" in the CONNECT TO statement is not valid. It must be SHARE for shared access, EXCLUSIVE for exclusive use or EXCLUSIVE MODE ON SINGLE NODE for exclusive use on single node. For DB2 Connect connections, only SHARE mode is supported. EXCLUSIVE MODE ON SINGLE NODE is only supported in MPP configuration. |
Explanation: The mode parameter of the CONNECT TO statement must be SHARE for shared, EXCLUSIVE for exclusive use or EXCLUSIVE MODE ON SINGLE NODE for exclusive use on single node. If connecting to a database using DB2 Connect, only shared access is allowed. EXCLUSIVE MODE ON SINGLE NODE is only supported in MPP configuration.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Resubmit the command with a valid mode parameter.
SQL10007N | Message "<msgno>" could not be retrieved. Reason code: "<code>". |
Explanation: The requested message <msgno> could not be retrieved from the message file. Reason code <code> is one of the following:
User Response: Reissue the command after verifying the following:
If all of the above are correct and the error still occurs, reinstall DB2.
SQL10009N | The codeset "<codeset>" and/or territory "<territory>" that has been specified is not valid. |
Explanation: This version of the database manager does not support the active codeset or territory or both, as specified by the Create Database command.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Refer to the Create Database command in the Administration Guide for details of valid codeset and territory pairs supported by the database manager.
SQL10010N | The specified library, "<name>", was loaded, but the function "<function>" could not be executed. |
Explanation: The function routine within the library cannot be found.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response:
sqlcode: -10010
sqlstate: 42724
SQL10011N | An interrupt was received while loading the specified DARI library "<name>". |
Explanation: When loading the DARI library, the command was interrupted, perhaps by the interrupt key (usually Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C).
Processing is stopped.
User Response: Resubmit the command.
sqlcode: -10011
sqlstate: 42724
SQL10012N | An unexpected operating system error was received while loading the specified library "<name>". |
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred when trying to load the library module specified in the program name field.
User Response: Resubmit the current command. If the error continues, stop the database manager and start it again. If the error continues, reinstall the database manager.
If reinstallation does not correct the error, record the message number (SQLCODE) and all information in the SQLCA if possible.
If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact IBM as specified in this guide.
sqlcode: -10012
sqlstate: 42724
SQL10013N | The specified library "<name>" could not be loaded. |
Explanation: The library module could not be found.
User Response: For DARI users, ensure that the specified library is available.
Federated system users: if the error message occurs as a result of issuing db2start on the federated system and the "<name>" is "from DB2_DJ_COMM" then the federated server experienced a problem loading one of the wrapper modules identified by the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable. The DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable must be updated to contain only valid wrapper modules.
If the error message occurs as a result of issuing db2start on the federated system and the "<name>" is not "from DB2_DJ_COMM", the user must re-install the federated instance.
If the library identifies a wrapper module, that module must be installed, link-edited (as required), and available in the correct directory. Refer to the Installation and Configuration Supplement for more information about configuring wrapper modules.
sqlcode: -10013
sqlstate: 42724
SQL10014N | The invoking DARI program name "<name>" specified is not valid. |
Explanation: The DARI library module or the DARI program name syntax is not correct.
User Response: Ensure that the DARI library or program name is specified correctly.
sqlcode: -10014
sqlstate: 42724
SQL10015N | There are not enough system resources to load the specified library "<name>". |
Explanation: There is not enough memory to load the library module.
User Response: Stop the application. Possible solutions are:
sqlcode: -10015
sqlstate: 42724
SQL10017N | The SQL CONNECT RESET statement is not allowed in a Database Application Remote Interface (DARI) procedure. |
Explanation: The remote procedure contains an SQL CONNECT RESET statement.
User Response: Remove the SQL CONNECT RESET statement and retry the remote procedure.
sqlcode: -10017
sqlstate: 38003
SQL10018N | The disk is full. Processing was ended. |
Explanation: The disk is full. During the export to a PC/IXF file, either the PC/IXF data file is on a fixed disk, or the PC/IXF data file and the database are on the same file system , or the PC/IXF data file and the message file are on the same file system.
The EXPORT utility stops processing. The exported data is not complete.
User Response: Provide more space on the disk or specify that the data file be located on a different file system than the database or the message file and resubmit the command.
SQL10019N | The database cannot be accessed in the specified path. |
Explanation: The database cannot be accessed for one of the following reasons:
User Response: Ensure that the path references a valid database and that the permissions are correct.
sqlcode: -10019
sqlstate: 58031
SQL10021N | The file permissions do not allow write access to the database. |
Explanation: A write operation was attempted to a database residing on a file system which does not allow write access.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Verify that the file permissions for the file system on which the database resides allow write access.