Message Reference

SQL0300 - SQL0399

SQL0301NThe value of a host variable in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement cannot be used because of its data type.

Explanation: A host variable could not be used as specified in the statement because its data type is incompatible with the intended use of its value.

This error can occur as a result of specifying an incorrect host variable or an incorrect SQLTYPE value in a SQLDA on an EXECUTE or OPEN statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the data types of all host variables in the statement are compatible with the manner in which they are used.

sqlcode: -301

sqlstate: 07006

SQL0302NThe value of a host variable in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is too large for its corresponding use.

Explanation: The value of an input host variable was found to be too large for its use in the SELECT, VALUES, or prepared statement. One of the following occurred:

This error occurs as a result of specifying either an incorrect host variable or an incorrect SQLLEN value in an SQLDA on an EXECUTE or OPEN statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the input host variable value is the correct type and length. If the input host variables supply values to parameter markers, match values with the implied data type and length of the parameter marker.

Federated system users: for a pass-through session, determine what data source is causing the error (see the problem determination guide for procedures to follow to identify the failing data source). Examine the SQL dialect for that data source to determine which specific restriction has been violated, and adjust the failing statement as needed.

sqlcode: -302

sqlstate: 22001, 22003

SQL0303NA value cannot be assigned to a host variable in the SELECT, VALUES, or FETCH statement because the data types are not compatible.

Explanation: An imbedded SELECT or VALUES statement selects into a host variable, but the data type of the variable is not compatible with the data type of the corresponding SELECT-list or VALUES-list element. Both must be numeric, character, or graphic. For example, if the data type of the column is date or time, the data type of the variable must be character with an appropriate minimum length.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Verify that the table definitions are current and that the host variable has the correct data type.

sqlcode: -303

sqlstate: 42806

SQL0304NA value cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host variable's data type.

Explanation: A FETCH, VALUES, or SELECT into a host variable list failed because the host variable was not large enough to hold the retrieved value.

The statement cannot be processed. No data was retrieved.

User Response: Verify that table definitions are current and that the host variable has the correct data type. For the ranges of SQL data types, refer to the SQL Reference.

Federated system users: for the ranges of data types that are returned from a data source, refer to the documentation for that data source.

sqlcode: -304

sqlstate: 22001, 22003

SQL0305NThe NULL value cannot be assigned to a host variable in the SELECT or FETCH statement because no indicator variable is specified.

Explanation: A FETCH or embedded SELECT or VALUES operation resulted in the retrieval of a NULL value to be inserted into a host variable for which no indicator variable was provided. An indicator variable must be supplied if a column can return a NULL value.

The statement cannot be processed. No data was retrieved.

User Response: Examine the definition of the FETCH or SELECT object table or the elements of the VALUES list. Correct the program to provide indicator variables for all host variables where NULL values from those columns can be retrieved.

sqlcode: -305

sqlstate: 22002

SQL0306NThe host variable "<name>" is undefined.

Explanation: The host variable "<name>" is not declared in any DECLARE SECTION.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the host variable is declared and the name spelled correctly.

SQL0307NThe host variable "<name>" is already defined.

Explanation: The host variable "<name>" has already been declared in a DECLARE SECTION.

The definition is ignored. The previous definition is used.

User Response: Ensure that the host variable name is spelled correctly and the name is defined only once for each program.

SQL0308NThe limit on the number of host variables has been reached.

Explanation: The limit on the number of host variables is dependent on how many will fit in the HOST_VARS column of SYSPLAN. This limit has been reached.

The remaining variable declarations are ignored.

User Response: Either simplify the program, split the program into smaller, separate programs, or do both.

SQL0309NThe value of a host variable in the OPEN statement is NULL, but its corresponding use cannot be NULL.

Explanation: The value of an input host variable was found to be NULL but the corresponding use in the SELECT, VALUES, or prepared statement did not specify an indicator variable.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure you need a USING clause. Otherwise, ensure an indicator variable is specified only if required.

sqlcode: -309

sqlstate: 07002

SQL0310NSQL statement contains too many host variables.

Explanation: The maximum number of host variables was exceeded in the statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure the statement has fewer host variables or is less complex.

SQL0311NThe length of string host variable number "<var-number>" is negative or greater than the maximum.

Explanation: When evaluated, the length specification for the string host variable, whose entry in the SQLDA is indicated by <var-number> (based at 1), was negative or greater than the maximum defined for that host variable.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the program to ensure that the lengths of all string host variables are not negative or that they are not greater than the maximum allowed length.

sqlcode: -311

sqlstate: 22501

SQL0312NThe host variable "<host-name>" is used in a dynamic SQL statement, a view definition, or a trigger definition.

Explanation: The host variable "<host-name>" appears in the SQL statement, but host variables are not allowed in dynamic SQL statements, in the SELECT statement of a view definition, or in the triggered action of a trigger definition.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Use parameter markers (?) instead of host variables for dynamic SQL statements. Do not use host variables and parameter markers in view or trigger definitions.

sqlcode: -312

sqlstate: 42618

SQL0313NThe number of host variables in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is not equal to the number of input values required.

Explanation: The number of host variables specified in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is not the same as the number of host variables or parameter markers (?) appearing in the SQL statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the application program so the number of host variables specified in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement and the number of host variables or parameter markers in the SQL statement are the same.

sqlcode: -313

sqlstate: 07001, 07004

SQL0314NThe host variable "<name>" is incorrectly declared.

Explanation: The host variable "<name>" is not declared correctly for one of the following reasons:

The variable remains undefined.

User Response: Ensure that you correctly specify only the declarations the database manager supports.

SQL0315NThe host variable is incorrectly declared.

Explanation: The host variable is not declared correctly for one of the following reasons:

The variable remains undefined.

User Response: Ensure that you correctly specify only the declarations the database manager supports.


Explanation: The end of input was reached during processing of a DECLARE SECTION.

Precompilation is terminated.

User Response: Add an END DECLARE SECTION statement to end a DECLARE SECTION.

SQL0318NAn END DECLARE SECTION was found without a previous BEGIN DECLARE SECTION.

Explanation: An END DECLARE SECTION statement was found, but there was no previous BEGIN DECLARE SECTION.

The statement cannot be processed.


SQL0324NThe "<usage>" variable "<name>" is the wrong type.

Explanation: Either the INDICATOR variable "<name>" is not a small integer or the STATEMENT variable "<name>" is not a character data type.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the variable is the correct type and is specified correctly.

SQL0332NThere is no available conversion for the source code page "<code page>" to the target code page "<code page>". Reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: No conversion of data is supported from the source code page to the target code page. This error can occur under the following conditions:

The reason codes are as follows:

source and target code page combination is not supported by the database manager.

source and target code page combination is either not supported by the database manager or by the operating system character conversion utility on the client node.

source and target code page combination is either not supported by the database manager or by the operating system character conversion utility on the server node.

User Response: Possible solutions include:

AS/400 users should be aware that AS/400 CCSID 65535 is not supported. AS/400 data encoded using CCSID 65535 must be converted to a supported CCSID before it can be accessed using DB2 Connect.

Federated system users: for data source code page support, see the Installation and Configuration Supplement.

sqlcode: -332

sqlstate: 57017

SQL0334NOverflow occurred while performing conversion from codepage "<source>" to codepage "<target>". The maximum size of the target area was "<max-len>". The source string length was "<source-len>" and its hexadecimal representation was "<string>".

Explanation: During the execution of the SQL statement, a code page conversion operation has resulted in a string that is longer than the maximum size of the target object.

User Response: Modify the data to avoid the overflow condition, depending on the circumstances, by:

Note:Automatic promotion of character or graphic string data types will not occur as part of character conversion. If the resultant string length exceeds the maximum length of the data type of the source string then an overflow has occurred. To correct this situation either change the data type of the source string or use data type casting to allow for an increase in the string length due to conversion.
sqlcode: -334

sqlstate: 22524

SQL0338NAn ON clause associated with a JOIN operator is not valid.

Explanation: An ON clause associated with a JOIN operator is not valid for one of the following reasons.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the ON clause to reference appropriate columns or delete any subqueries or scalar fullselects. Remove any dereference operations, SQL functions, or SQL methods from the ON clause.

If using full outer join ensure that all functions in the ON clause are deterministic and have no external action.

sqlcode: -338

sqlstate: 42972

SQL0340NThe common table expression "<name>" has the same identifier as another occurrence of a common table expression definition within the same statement.

Explanation: The common table expression name "<name>" is used in the definition of more than one common table expressions in the statement. The name used to describe a common table expression must be unique within the same statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Change the name of one of the common table expressions.

sqlcode: -340

sqlstate: 42726

SQL0341NA cyclic reference exists between the common table expressions "<name1>" and "<name2>".

Explanation: The common table expression "<name1>" refers to "<name2>" in a FROM clause within its fullselect and "<name2>" refers to "<name1>" in a FROM clause within its fullselects. Such forms of cyclic references are not allowed.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Remove the cyclic reference from one of the common table expressions.

sqlcode: -341

sqlstate: 42835

SQL0342NThe common table expression "<name>" cannot use SELECT DISTINCT and must use UNION ALL because it is recursive.

Explanation: There are two possible explanations:

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Remove the keyword DISTINCT from the common table expression, add the keyword ALL following UNION, or remove the recursive reference within the common table expression.

sqlcode: -342

sqlstate: 42925

SQL0343NThe column names are required for the recursive common table expression "<name>".

Explanation: The recursive common table expression "<name>" must include the specification of the column names following the identifier of the common table expression.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Add column names following the identifier of the common table expression.

sqlcode: -343

sqlstate: 42908

SQL0344NThe recursive common table expression "<name>" has mismatched data types, lengths or code pages for column "<column-name>".

Explanation: The recursive common table expression "<name>" has a column "<column-name>" that is referred to in the iterative fullselect of the common table expression. The data type, length and code page are set based on the initialization fullselect for this column. The result of the expression for the column "<column-name>" in the iterative fullselect has a different data type, length or code page that may result in failure to assign the value for the column.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Correct the column used in the fullselects of the recursive common table expression so that the initialization column matches the iterative columns.

sqlcode: -344

sqlstate: 42825

SQL0345NThe fullselect of the recursive common table expression "<name>" must be the UNION of two or more fullselects and cannot include column functions, GROUP BY clause, HAVING clause, or an explicit join including an ON clause.

Explanation: The common table expression "<name>" includes a reference to itself and therefore:

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Change the common table expression by:

sqlcode: -345

sqlstate: 42836

SQL0346NAn invalid reference to common table expression "<name>" occurs in the first fullselect, as a second occurrence in the same FROM clause, or in the FROM clause of a subquery.

Explanation: The common table expression "<name>" includes an invalid reference to itself as described by one of the following.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Change one of the following:

sqlcode: -346

sqlstate: 42836

SQL0347WThe recursive common table expression "<name>" may contain an infinite loop.

Explanation: The recursive common table expression called "<name>" may not complete. This warning is based on not finding specific syntax as part of the iterative portion of the recursive common table expression. The expected syntax includes:

The absence of this syntax in the recursive common table expression may result in an infinite loop. The data or some other characteristic of the recursive common table expression may allow the successful completion of the statement anyway.

User Response: To prevent an infinite loop, include the expected syntax as described.

sqlcode: +347

sqlstate: 01605

SQL0350NLOB, DATALINK, or structured type column "<column-name>" cannot be used in an index, a key, a unique constraint, a generated column, or a declared temporary table.

Explanation: Even in cases where it would not violate the maximum size of an index, key, or unique constraint, a LOB column, DATALINK column, or structured type column cannot be used in an index, key or unique constraint. These data types are also not supported as column types of a generated column or a declared temporary table. This restriction includes the use of distinct type column based on a LOB or DATALINK.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Remove the LOB, DATALINK or structured type column from the specification of the index, key, unique constraint, generated column, or declared temporary table. An index defined on a structured type column may be defined using an index extension.

sqlcode: -350

sqlstate: 42962

SQL0351NAn unsupported SQLTYPE was encountered in position "<position-number>" of the output SQLDA (select list).

Explanation: The element of the SQLDA at position "<position-number>" is for a data type that either the application requestor or the application server does not support. If the application is not using the SQLDA directly, "<position-number>" could represent the position of an element in the select list or a parameter of a CALL statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Change the statement to exclude the unsupported data type. For a select statement, remove the names of any columns in the select-list with the unsupported data type or use a cast in the query to cast the column to a supported data type.

sqlcode: -351

sqlstate: 56084

SQL0352NAn unsupported SQLTYPE was encountered in position "<position-number>" of the input list (SQLDA).

Explanation: The element of the SQLDA at position "<position-number>" is for a data type that either the application requestor or the application server does not support. If the application is not using the SQLDA directly, "<position-number>" could represent the position of an input host variable, parameter marker, or a parameter of a CALL statement.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Change the statement to exclude the unsupported data type.

sqlcode: -352

sqlstate: 56084

SQL0355NThe column "<column-name>", as defined, is too large to be logged.

Explanation: Large Object data types (BLOB, CLOB, and DBCLOB) may be created in sizes up to 2 gigabytes (2147483647 bytes). Logging of data values is allowed only upon objects which are less than or equal to than 1 gigabyte (1073741823 bytes) in size. Therefore, large objects greater than 1 gigabyte in size can not be logged.

User Response: Either explicitly indicate logging of data is not required, by using the NOT LOGGED phrase during column creation, or reduce the maximum size of the column to 1 gigabyte or below.

sqlcode: -355

sqlstate: 42993

SQL0357NThe DB2 Data Links Manager "<name>" is not currently available. Reason code = "<reason-code>".


The statement requires processing on the DB2 Data Links Manager "<name>". The DB2 Data Links Manager is not currently available as indicated by the reason code.

The DB2 Data Links Manager is not available.

The database server, instance, or database from which the operation was attempted is not registered with the appropriate DB2 Data Links Manager.

Access to the DB2 Data Links Manager is currently disallowed.

The DB2 Data Links Manager is registered with the database but is an unknown server.

An error occurred while communicating with the DB2 Data Links Manager.

The installation type of the DB2 Data Links Manager is not compatible with that registered to the database.
The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: The action depends on the reason code as follows.

The DB2 Data Links Manager or a communication link may be down. Wait a while and try again, or check with the DB2 Data Links Manager administrator. If the problem persists, disconnect the application from the database, and retry after connecting again.

Register the database server, instance, or database with the DB2 Data Links Manager.

Access to the DB2 Data Links Manager is disallowed until DB2 can ensure that it is in a consistent state. Wait until DB2 does this asynchronously. It is possible that DB2 is unable to do this because of conditions in other reason codes. So, if the problem persists, check the db2diag.log file of the instance to find out the condition and correct that condition. For more information, refer to the Administration Guide for information on crash recovery for DB2 Data Links Managers.

Check that the DB2 Data Links Manager configured to the database is available on the network.

Check that the DB2 Data Links Manager and the communication link are up. If the problem persists, disconnect the application from the database, and retry after connecting again.

If the DB2 Data Links Manager was installed for DFS, then it must added as a CELL to the database. If it was installed for native file systems, then it must be added as a NODE. Refer to the Command Reference for details on ADD DATALINKS MANAGER command.
sqlcode: -0357

sqlstate: 57050

SQL0358NUnable to access file referenced by a DATALINK value. Reason code = "<reason-code>".

Explanation: A DATALINK value could not be assigned. The possible reason codes are as follows:

DATALINK value data location format is not valid.

DATALINK value DB2 Data Links manager is not registered with the database.

DATALINK linktype value is not valid.

DATALINK value referenced file cannot be found by a DB2 Data Links Manager.

DATALINK value referenced file is already linked to a database.

DATALINK value referenced file cannot be accessed for linking. It may be a directory, a symbolic link or a file with permission bit for set user ID (SUID) on or set group ID (SGID) on.

DATALINK value data location or comment is too long.

Existing registry on the DB2 Data Links Manager does not allow this file to be linked (No matching prefix on DLFM).

The DB2 Data Links Manager does not authorize the DB2 user to link this file.

A link is already in progress for the file by another application.

File copy by the DB2 Data Links Manager is not complete for the file to be unlinked. The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: The action is based on the reason code as follows.

Correct the data location format. If hostname is not specified, DB2 can use the local hostname as default only if the database manager configuration parameter Datalinks is set to YES.

Ensure that the correct DB2 Data Links Manager is specified and if so have it registered to the database. Registered DB2 Data Links Managers are ignored unless the database manager configuration parameter Datalinks is set to YES.

Correct the linktype value.

Check that the correct file is specified and that the file exists.

Either unlink the existing reference to the file or do not specify the file in this statement.

Linking of directories is not allowed. Use the actual file name, not the symbolic link. If SUID or SGID is on, this file cannot be linked using a DATALINK type.

Reduce the length of the data location value or the comment.

Contact the DB2 Data Links Manger administrator to add the registration necessary to link this file.

Contact the DB2 Data Links Manager administrator to get the necessary authorization.

Do not link this file or retry later.

Allow some time for the file copy to complete and retry later.
sqlcode: -0358

sqlstate: 428D1

SQL0359NThe range of values for the identity column is exhausted.

Explanation: DB2 attempted to generate a value for an identity column, however all allowable values for the identity column have already been assigned.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Redefine the table with a larger range of values for the identity column. To do this, drop the existing table. Recreate the table with a different data type for the identity column, specifying a data type that has a larger range of values than the current data type for the identity column.

sqlcode: -359

sqlstate: 23522

SQL0360WDATALINK values may not be valid because the table "<table-name>" is in Datalink Reconcile Pending (DRP) or Datalink Reconcile Not Possible (DRNP) state.

Explanation: DATALINK values in table "<table-name>" may not be valid because the table is either in Datalink Reconcile Pending (DRP) or Datalink Reconcile Not Possible (DRNP) state. While in either of these states, control of the files on the DB2 Data Links Manager is not guaranteed.

Statement processing continues.

User Response: Refer to the Administration Guide for information on Datalink Reconcile Pending (DRP) and Datalink Reconcile Not Possible (DRNP) states to take appropriate action.

sqlcode: +360

sqlstate: 01627

SQL0368NThe DB2 Data Links Manager "<name>" is not registered to the database.

Explanation: A DATALINK value already exists that references the DB2 Data Links Manager "<name>" that is not registered to the database.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Contact the database administrator to determine why the DB2 Data Links Manager is no longer registered.

sqlcode: -0368

sqlstate: 55022

SQL0370NThe parameter in position "<n>" must be named in the CREATE FUNCTION statement for LANGUAGE SQL function "<name>".

Explanation: All parameters for functions defined with LANGUAGE SQL must have a parameter-name for each parameter.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Include a parameter name for each parameter of the function.

sqlcode: -370

sqlstate: 42601

SQL0372NOnly one IDENTITY or ROWID column is allowed in a table.

Explanation: An attempt was made to do one of the following:

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: For a CREATE TABLE statement, select only one column to have the ROWID data type or the IDENTITY attribute. For an ALTER TABLE statement, a ROWID column or IDENTITY column already exists for the table. Do not attempt to add another column with data type ROWID or with the IDENTITY attribute to the table.

sqlcode: -372

sqlstate: 428C1

SQL0373NThe DEFAULT clause cannot be specified for GENERATED column "<column-name>".

Explanation: A DEFAULT clause may not be specified for a column which has been identified as a GENERATED column.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Remove the DEFAULT clause and resubmit the statement.

sqlcode: -373

sqlstate: 42623

SQL0374NThe "<clause>" clause has not been specified in the CREATE FUNCTION statement for LANGUAGE SQL function "<function name>" but an examination of the function body reveals that it should be specified.

Explanation: The following situations may be the cause of this error.

NOT DETERMINISTIC must be specified if either of the following conditions apply within the body of the function:

READS SQL DATA must be specified if the body of the function defined with LANGUAGE SQL contains a subselect or if it calls a function that can read sql data.

EXTERNAL ACTION must be specified if the body of the function defined with LANGUAGE SQL calls a function that has the EXTERNAL ACTION property.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Either specify the clause or change the function body.

sqlcode: -374

sqlstate: 428C2

SQL0385WAssignment to an SQLSTATE or SQLCODE variable in an SQL routine may be over-written and does not activate any handler.

Explanation: The SQL routine includes at least one statement that assigns a value to the SQLSTATE or SQLCODE special variables. These variables are assigned values by processing of SQL statements in the SQL routine. The value assigned may therefore be over-written as a result of the SQL statement processing. Furthermore, the assignment of a value to the SQLSTATE special variable does not activate any handlers.

The routine definition was processed successfully.

User Response: None required. Remove any assignments to the SQLSTATE or SQLCODE special variable to prevent the warning.

sqlcode: +385

sqlstate: 01643

SQL0388NIn a CREATE CAST statement for function "<function-name>", either the source "<source data type name>" and target "<target-data-type-name>" are both built-in types or they are the same type.

Explanation: One of the data types must be a user-defined type. The source type and the target type cannot be the same data type.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Change the data type of either the source or the target.

sqlcode: -388

sqlstate: 428DF

SQL0389NThe specific function instance "<specific name>" identified in a CREATE CAST statement either has more than one parameter, has a parameter that does not match the source data type, or returns a data type that does not match the target.

Explanation: A cast function must

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Either chose a different function instance, change the source data type, or change the target data type.

sqlcode: -389

sqlstate: 428DG

SQL0390NThe function "<function-name>" resolved to specific function "<specific-name>" that is not valid in the context where it is used.

Explanation: A function resolved to a specific function that is not valid in the context where it is used. If "<specific-name>" is an empty string, then the function resolved to the built-in function identified by "<function-name>". Some of the possible situations include:

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Ensure that the correct function name and arguments are specified and that the current path includes the schema where the correct function is defined. You may need to change the function name, the current path (using SET CURRENT FUNCTION PATH or the FUNCPATH bind option), or change the context in which the function is used.

sqlcode: -390

sqlstate: 42887

SQL0391NInvalid use of the row based function "<function_name>".

Explanation: The statement uses a row based function "<function_name>" that cannot be used for one of the following reasons:

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Remove "<function-name>" from the context where it is not allowed.

sqlcode: -391

sqlstate: 42881

SQL0392NSQLDA provided for cursor "<cursor>" has been changed from the previous fetch.

Explanation: The application is running with DB2 rules, and has requested that LOB data be returned as a LOB in one FETCH statement, and as a locator in another FETCH statement. This is not permitted.

User Response: The statement cannot be executed.

Either do not use DB2 rules, or change the application to not change the data type code from LOB to locator (or the reverse) in the SQLDA between successive fetches.

sqlcode: -392

sqlstate: 42855

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