Message Reference

Syncpoint Protocol Violation Record

* SQLCSPM_2PHASE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_208  - SNA syncpoint protocol error.     *
*                                                                            *
* This trace is produced when a protocol error occurs during the SNA         *
* syncpoint process with a remote LU.   The following are examples of SNA    *
* syncpoint protocol errors:                                                 *
*    * an unknown SNA PS header was received.                                *
*    * an SNA PS header was received in the wrong sequence.                  *
*    * an invalid LU6.2 verb sequence was detected.                          *
*    * the remote site issued DEALLOCATE TYPE(ABEND_SVC).                    *
typedef struct sqlcspm_2phase_protocol_violation_208
{                                    /*                                      */
  SQLCSPM_LUNAME  luname;            /*  Site involved in violation.         */
  SQLCSPM_LUWID   luwid;             /*  LUWID for the unit of work.         */
  SQLXA_XID       xid;               /*  XID of the thread.                  */
  char            role;              /*  Role of DB2 in LUW  -- C or P.      */
                                     /*   C for coordinator.                 */
                                     /*   P for participant.                 */
  char            local_status;      /*  Local thread status -- C, A or I    */
                                     /*   C for COMMIT.                      */
                                     /*   A for ABORT.     .                 */
                                     /*   I for INDOUBT.                     */
  char            partner_status;    /*  Partner thread status -- C, A or I  */
                                     /*   C for COMMIT.                      */
                                     /*   A for ABORT.     .                 */
                                     /*   I for INDOUBT.                     */
  SQLCSPS_TRACE   comm_trace;        /*  Communication trace of violation.   */

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