Message Reference
When using NetBIOS, the following is a list of hexadecimal
return codes that the user may encounter most frequently. It is NOT a
complete list of return codes.
- 01
- Invalid buffer length
- 03
- Invalid command
- 05
- Command timed out
- 06
- Message incomplete
- 07
- Data not received
- 08
- Invalid local session number
- 09
- No resource available
- 0A
- Session closed
This error could be caused by one of the following:
- The database agent at the server was forced off by the system
- A database agent could not be started at the server because the
maxagents database manager configuration parameter has been exceeded.
Check the First Failure Service Log (DB2DIAG.LOG) at the server to see
if an error message has been logged.
- The database agent at the server was terminated due to an abnormal
termination of a key database manager process.
- 0B
- Command cancelled
- 0D
- Duplicate name used on the network. Ensure that the nname parameter
defined in the database manager configuration file is unique on the
- 0E
- Name table full
- 0F
- Command completed (name has active sessions and is now deregistered)
- 11
- Local session table full
- 12
- Session open rejected
- 13
- Invalid name number
- 14
- Remote name not found
If this error occurs when trying to connect to the database, ensure
- The database manager has been successfully started at the server, and
NetBIOS support has also been successfully started.
- The server nname specified in the NETBIOS node entry at the client,
matches the workstation name specified in the database manager configuration
file at the server.
- 15
- Local name not found
- 16
- Name in use on remote node
- 17
- Name deleted
- 18
- Session ended abnormally
- 19
- Name conflict detected
- 21
- Interface busy
- 22
- Too many commands outstanding
- 23
- Invalid adapter
- 24
- Command already completed
- 26
- Command invalid to cancel
- 30
- Name defined by another environment
- 34
- Environment not defined, RESET must be issued
- 35
- Required operating system resources exhausted, retry later
- 36
- Max applications exceeded
- 37
- No SAPs available
- 38
- Requested resources not available
- 39
- Invalid NCB address
- 3A
- Invalid reset
- 3B
- Invalid NCB DD ID
- 3C
- Segment lock unsuccessful
- 3F
- Device driver open error.
- 40
- OS error detected
- 4F
- Perm ring status
- F6
- Unexpected CCB error
- F8
- Adapter open error
- F9
- Adapter support software internal error
- FA
- Adapter check
- FB
- NetBIOS not operational
- FC
- Open failures
- FD
- Unexpected adapter close
- FF
- Command in process
For more information on NetBIOS return codes, refer to the Local Area
Network technical reference.
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