Status of this Function since DB2 CLI Version 5
Note: |
In ODBC version 3, SQLTransact() has been deprecated and replaced with SQLEndTran(); see SQLEndTran - End Transactions of a Connection for more information. Although this version of DB2 CLI continues to support SQLTransact(), we recommend that you begin using SQLEndTran() in your DB2 CLI programs so that they conform to the latest standards. See DB2 CLI Functions Deprecated for Version 5 for more information on this and other deprecated functions. |
Migrating to the New Function
The statement:
SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT);
for example, would be rewritten using the new function as:
Specification: | DB2 CLI 1.1 | ODBC 1.0 | ISO CLI |
SQLTransact() commits or rolls back the current transaction in the specified connection. SQLTransact() can also be used to request that a commit or rollback be issued for each of the connections associated with the environment.
All changes to the database performed on the connection since connect time or the previous call to SQLTransact() (whichever is the most recent) are committed or rolled back.
If a transaction is active on a connection, the application must call SQLTransact() before it can disconnect from the database.
SQLRETURN SQLTransact (SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, /* henv */ SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, /* hdbc */ SQLUSMALLINT Type); /* fType */
Function Arguments
Table 181. SQLTransact Arguments
Data Type | Argument | Use | Description |
SQLHENV | EnvironmentHandle | input | Environment handle.
If ConnectionHandle is a valid connection handle, EnvironmentHandle is ignored. |
SQLHDBC | ConnectionHandle | input | Database connection handle.
If ConnectionHandle is set to SQL_NULL_HDBC, then EnvironmentHandle must contain the environment handle that the connection is associated with. |
SQLUSMALLINT | Type | input | The desired action for the transaction. The value for this
argument must be one of:
In DB2 CLI, a transaction begins implicitly when an application that does not already have an active transaction, issues SQLPrepare(), SQLExecDirect(), SQLExecDirect(), SQLGetTypeInfo(), or one of the catalog functions. The transaction ends when the application calls SQLTransact().
If the input connection handle is SQL_NULL_HDBC and the environment handle is valid, then a commit or rollback will be issued on each of the open connections in the environment. SQL_SUCCESS is returned only if success is reported on all the connections. If the commit or rollback fails for one or more of the connections, SQLTransact() will return SQL_ERROR. To determine which connection(s) failed the commit or rollback operation, the application needs to call SQLError() on each connection handle in the environment.
It is important to note that unless the connection option SQL_ATTR_CONNECTTYPE has been set to SQL_COORDINATED_TRANS (to indicate coordinated distributed transactions), there is no attempt to provide coordinated global transaction with one-phase or two-phase commit protocols.
Completing a transaction has the following effects:
If the cursor position is not maintained due to any one of the above circumstances, the cursor is closed and all pending results are discarded.
If the cursor position is maintained after a commit, the application must issue a fetch to re-position the cursor (to the next row) before continuing with processing of the remaining result set.
To determine whether cursor position will be maintained after a commit, call SQLGetInfo() with the SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR information type.
If no transaction is currently active on the connection, calling SQLTransact() has no effect on the database server and returns SQL_SUCCESS.
SQLTransact() may fail while executing the COMMIT or ROLLBACK due to a loss of connection. In this case the application may be unable to determine whether the COMMIT or ROLLBACK has been processed, and a database administrator's help may be required. Refer to the DBMS product information for more information on transaction logs and other transaction management tasks.
Return Codes
Table 182. SQLTransact SQLSTATEs
SQLSTATE | Description | Explanation |
08003 | Connection is closed. | The ConnectionHandle was not in a connected state. |
08007 | Connection failure during transaction. | The connection associated with the ConnectionHandle failed during the execution of the function during the execution of the function and it cannot be determined whether the requested COMMIT or ROLLBACK occurred before the failure. |
58004 | Unexpected system failure. | Unrecoverable system error. |
HY001 | Memory allocation failure. | DB2 CLI is unable to allocate memory required to support execution or completion of the function. |
HY012 | Invalid transaction code. | The value specified for the argument Type was neither SQL_COMMIT not SQL_ROLLBACK. |
HY013 | Unexpected memory handling error. | DB2 CLI was unable to access memory required to support execution or completion of the function. |
Refer to SQLEndTran - End Transactions of a Connection.