Call Level Interface Guide and Reference

System Functions

The system functions in this section are supported by DB2 CLI and defined by ODBC using vendor escape clauses.

Table 192. System Scalar Functions

Returns the name of the database corresponding to the connection handle (hdbc). (The name of the database is also available via SQLGetInfo() by specifying the information type SQL_DATABASE_NAME.)

DB2 for common server 1.0 MVS VM/VSE AS/400

IFNULL( exp, value )
If exp is null, value is returned. If exp is not null, exp is returned. The possible data type(s) of value must be compatible with the data type of exp.

DB2 for common server 1.2 MVS VM/VSE AS/400

Returns the user's authorization name. (The user's authorization name is also available via SQLGetInfo() by specifying the information type SQL_USER_NAME.)

DB2 for common server 1.0 MVS VM/VSE AS/400

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