Installation and Configuration Supplement

6. Bind Utilities and Applications to the Database Server

The steps you have just completed set up the DB2 Connect workstation to communicate with the host or AS/400 system. You must now bind the utilities and applications to the host or AS/400 database server. You need BINDADD authority to bind.

To bind the utilities and applications to the host or AS/400 database server, enter the following commands:

   connect to dbalias user userid using password
   bind path@ddcsmvs.lst blocking all sqlerror continue
        messages mvs.msg grant public
   connect reset

For example:

   connect to NYC3 user myuserid using mypassword
   bind path/bnd/@ddcsmvs.lst blocking all sqlerror continue
           messages mvs.msg grant public
   connect reset

For more information about these commands, refer to the DB2 Connect User's Guide.

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