Installation and Configuration Supplement

Configuration Keywords by Category

CLI/ODBC Settings General Configuration Keywords

Compatibility Configuration Keywords

The Compatibility set of options are used to define DB2 behavior. They can be set to ensure that other applications are compatible with DB2.

Data Type Configuration Keywords

The Data Type set of options are used to define how DB2 reports and handles various data types.

Enterprise Configuration Keywords

The Enterprise set of options are used to maximize the efficiency of connections to large databases.

Environment Configuration Keywords

The Environment set of options are used to define the location of various files on the server and client machines.

File DSN Configuration Keywords

The File DSN set of options are used to set the TCP/IP settings for a file DSN connection.

Optimization Configuration Keywords

The Optimization set of options are used to speed up and reduce the amount of network flow between the CLI/ODBC Driver and the server.

Service Configuration Keywords

The Service set of options are used to help in troubleshooting problems with CLI/ODBC connections. Some options can also be used by programmers to gain a better understanding of how their CLI programs are translated into calls to the server.

Static SQL Configuration Keywords

The Static SQL set of options are used when running static SQL statements in CLI/ODBC applications.

Transaction Configuration Keywords

The Transaction set of options are used to control and speed up SQL statements used in the application.

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