Installation and Configuration Supplement

Configuring IPX/SPX on the Server

To access a remote database server through the IPX/SPX communications software, you must first have installed and configured communication software for both the client and server workstations. See Software Requirements for the communication protocol requirements for your platform. See Possible Client-to-Server Connectivity Scenarios for the supported communication protocols for your particular client and server.

Before you complete the steps in this section, ensure that you have completed the instructions in Setting the DB2COMM Registry Parameter. Depending on the platform of your server, you can support IPX/SPX client communications via Direct Addressing or File Server Addressing.

Direct Addressing:
The client connects to the server instance by directly specifying the IPX/SPX internetwork address of the server instance (bypassing the NetWare file server). Using this method, a NetWare file server is not required on the network. Configure a server using this addressing method if it will be accessed solely by clients using Direct Addressing.

File Server Addressing:
The server instance registers its address at the NetWare file server. The client connects to the server instance using the address stored at a NetWare file server. Configure a server using this addressing method if it will be accessed by clients using File Server and/or Direct Addressing.

For a list of the supported IPX/SPX addressing methods for your server, see Table 23. For a list of the supported IPX/SPX addressing methods for DB2 clients, see Table 14.

Table 23. IPX/SPX Supported Communication Methods for a Server
Server Direct Addressing File Server Addressing
AIX * *
HP-UX Not Supported
Linux Not supported
OS/2 * *
Solaris *
Windows NT *
Windows 2000 *

The following steps are required to set up IPX/SPX communications:

Step  1.

Identify and record parameter values.

Step  2.

Configure the server:

  1. Update the database manager configuration file.
  2. Register the server on the NetWare file server (for File Server Addressing only).

1. Identify and Record Parameter Values

As you proceed through the configuration steps, complete the Your Value column in the following table. You can fill in some of the values before you start configuring this protocol.

Table 24. IPX/SPX Values Required at the Server
Parameter Explanation Our Example Your Value
File server name (FILESERVER)

Direct Addressing: A * value indicates that you are using Direct Addressing.

File Server Addressing: The name of the NetWare file server where the database server instance is registered. This parameter must be entered in uppercase.

Direct Addressing



File Server Addressing


DB2 server object name (OBJECTNAME)

Direct Addressing: A * value indicates that you are using Direct Addressing.

File Server Addressing: The database manager server instance represented as the object OBJECTNAME on the NetWare file server. The server's IPX/SPX internetwork address is stored and retrieved from this object.

This parameter must be entered in uppercase and be unique on the NetWare file server system.

Direct Addressing



File Server Addressing


Socket number (IPX_SOCKET) Represents the connection end point in a server's internetwork address. It must be unique for all server instances, and all IPX/SPX applications running on the workstation. It is entered in hexadecimal format.

DB2 has registered well known sockets with Novell in the range 0x879E to 0x87A1. If you run more than 4 instances on the server machine, you must prevent socket collisions for instances 5 and up by choosing a socket number that is not 0x0000, in the dynamic socket range 0x4000 to 0x7FFF, or in the range 0x8000 to 0x9100 (these are well known sockets that are registered to various applications). The maximum value for this parameter is 0xFFFF.

879E (default)  
IPX/SPX Internetwork Address The internetwork address required when configuring a client to communicate with a server using Direct Addressing. 09212700.400011527745.879E

Figure 00002674 not displayed.

The following characters are not valid in the File server (FILESERVER) or the DB2 server object name (OBJECTNAME) parameters: / \ : ; , * ?

2. Configure the Server

The following steps describe how to set up your workstation to accept inbound client requests using this protocol. Replace the sample values with your values and record them on your worksheet.

A. Update the Database Manager Configuration File

You must update the database manager configuration file with the File server (FILESERVER), DB2 server object name (OBJECTNAME), and Socket number (IPX_SOCKET) parameters.

To update the database manager configuration file, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Log on to the system as a user with System Administrative (SYSADM) authority. For more information, see Working with the System Administrative Group.

Step  2.

If you are using a UNIX server, set up the instance environment and invoke the DB2 command line processor as follows:

  1. Run the start up script as follows:
       . INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile    (for Bash, Bourne or Korn shell)
       source INSTHOME/sqllib/db2cshrc (for C shell)

    where INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance.

  2. Start the DB2 command line processor by entering the db2 command.

Step  3.

In the database manager configuration file, update the File server (FILESERVER), DB2 server object name (OBJECTNAME), and Socket number (IPX_SOCKET) parameters by entering the following commands:

   update dbm cfg using fileserver FILESERVER objectname OBJECTNAME \
   ipx_socket IPX_SOCKET
Note:If you are configuring the Administration Server instance (DAS) for communications, you need to update the Administration Server's configuration file by entering the db2 update adm cfg command. The Administration Server has a reserved IPX socket, 879A, that should be used when you update this configuration file.

Direct Addressing

For example, if you have chosen a value of 87A2 for the Socket number (IPX_SOCKET) parameter, use:

   update dbm cfg using fileserver * objectname * ipx_socket 879F

File Server Addressing

For example, if the name of the File server (FILESERVER) is NETWSRV, the DB2 server's object name (OBJECTNAME) is DB2INST1, and you have chosen a value of 879F for the Socket number (IPX_SOCKET) parameter, use:

   update dbm cfg using fileserver NETWSRV objectname DB2INST1 \
   ipx_socket 879F

After the database manager is stopped and started again, view the database manager configuration file to ensure that these changes have taken effect. View the database manager configuration file by entering the following command:

   get database manager configuration

Figure 00002674 not displayed.

If you are planning to only support clients that use Direct Addressing, you will be required to enter the server's IPX/SPX internetwork address as the DB2 server object name when cataloging the node on the client.

Determine the value for the OBJECTNAME parameter by entering the db2ipxad command on the server. This command is located in the sqllib/bin/ directory for UNIX platforms, or the sqllib\bin\ directory for non-UNIX platforms.

Make note of this output on your worksheet for use when you configure an IPX/SPX client.

If you are planning to support clients using only Direct Addressing, you are now finished configuring your server for inbound IPX/SPX communications.

B. Register the Server Instance on the NetWare File Server (for File Server Addressing Only)

The server must be registered after the database manager configuration file has been updated with the IPX/SPX parameters. To register the server instance at the NetWare File server, enter the following command in the command line processor:

   register db2 server in nwbindery user USERNAME password PASSWORD

Figure 00002674 not displayed.

If you want to modify the IPX/SPX configuration parameters or change the DB2 IPX/SPX internetwork address, you need to deregister your server instance, before making the changes, and reregister the server instance after the changes are made.


  1. USERNAME and PASSWORD must be specified in UPPERCASE.

  2. The USERNAME and PASSWORD are used to log on to the NetWare file server and must have Supervisor/Administrator or Workgroup Manager security equivalence.

  3. If you want to register at a NetWare 4.x file server (which uses directory services and provides bindery emulation capability), the USERNAME used must be created within the same context as the current bindery context used by Directory Services when it does bindery emulation. The bindery emulation context currently in use can be found by checking the bindery emulation setting on the NetWare 4.x file server (for example, by using the SERVMAN utility). For more information, refer to your IPX/SPX documentation.

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