Installation and Configuration Supplement

Verifying Connections to Oracle Data Sources

This section explains how to verify that you have correctly configured your federated system to access Oracle data sources. You must have completed all the steps in Adding Oracle Data Sources to a Federated System before continuing with this section.

Step  1.

Log on to the system with a user ID that has SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority.

Step  2.

Create the sample database on your DB2 federated server by issuing the following command:


Step  3.

Connect to the sample database on your DB2 federated server:


Step  4.

Issue the following SQL statement:


You should receive the entire contents of the SYSCAT.TABLES system catalog table.

Step  5.

Add the Oracle system catalog table ALL_TABLES to your federated environment:

  • When issuing the CREATE USER MAPPING statement, make sure the user ID at the data source holds at least SELECT permission for the sample table.
  • Create a nickname for the ALL_TABLES system catalog table.

Step  6.

Using the nickname for the Oracle system catalog table, issue a SELECT statement for a table at your Oracle data source; for example:

SELECT * FROM nickname

where nickname is the nickname for Oracle sample database's system catalog table

The result set you receive should contain all the columns and rows in ALL_TABLES.

After you successfully select data from both the federated database and the Oracle data source, you can try joining data from the two data sources to complete the verification procedure.

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