Installation and Configuration Supplement

Make DB2 Files Available for Installation

The DB2 install files must be accessible across your network. To copy the required files from the CD-ROM to the shared network drive that will act as the install server, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Insert the appropriate CD-ROM into the drive.

Step  2.

Create a directory by entering the following command:

   md c:\db2prods

Step  3.

Enter the cpysetup.bat command to copy the DB2 installation files to your install server. This command is located in the x:\db2\common directory, where x: represents your CD-ROM drive.

The command syntax is as follows:

   cpysetup.bat directory language


  • directory represents the directory that you created in the previous step (for example, c:\db2prods).
  • language represents the two-character country code for your language (for example, en for English). Table 39 lists the keywords for each available language.

For example, to copy all of the English DB2 install files to the c:\db2prods directory, enter the following command:

   cpysetup.bat c:\db2prods en

Set up Shared Access

This section will allow you to grant your network workstations access to the code server. From the code server, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Click on Start and select Programs-->Windows Explorer.

Step  2.

Select the directory that you want to share. For example, c:\db2prods.

Step  3.

Select File-->Properties from the menu bar. The properties window for the directory will open.

Step  4.

Select the Sharing tab.

Step  5.

Select the Shared As radio button.

Step  6.

In the Share Name field, enter a share name. For example, db2nt.

Step  7.

To specify Read access for everyone:

  1. Click the Permissions push button. The Access Through Share Permissions window opens.
  2. Ensure that the Everyone option is selected in the Name box.
  3. Click the Type of Access drop down box and select the Read option.
  4. Click OK. You are returned to the properties window of the directory for which you want to set up shared access.
  5. Click OK.

In our example, c:\db2prods uses a share name of db2nt. We will use codesrv to represent the name of the computer on which the DB2 install files were installed. These values will be used in the examples that follow.

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