Quick Beginnings

Verifying the Installation

If you did not install the DB2 Control Center, but did install the sample database source (either by selecting the sample database component using the db2setup utility, or by selecting the appropriate sample database fileset if you are installing DB2 manually) you can verify the installation by creating the DB2 UDB SAMPLE database and connecting to it using the command line processor as follows:

  1. Log on to the system as a user with system administrative (SYSADM) authority.
  2. Enter the db2sampl command to create the DB2 UDB SAMPLE database.

    The DB2 UDB SAMPLE database is automatically catalogued with the database alias SAMPLE when it is created.

  3. Start the database manager by entering the db2start command.
  4. Enter the following commands in a DB2 command window to connect to the SAMPLE database, retrieve a list of all the employees that work in department 20, and reset the database connection:
       db2 connect to sample
       db2 "select * from staff where dept = 20"
       db2 connect reset

    For information about entering DB2 commands, see Entering Commands Using the Command Center or Entering Commands Using the Command Line Processor.

After you have verified the installation, you can remove the SAMPLE database to free up disk space. Enter the db2 drop database sample command to drop the SAMPLE database. You can also uninstall the sample database source component to free up more disk space.

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