Quick Beginnings

Installing DB2 Servers

The following chapters describe how to install a DB2 Universal Database server on supported UNIX-based systems using either the db2setup utility or your operating system's native administration tools. This section also contains a chapter on removing your DB2 product.

If you want to install a DB2 Administration Client, Run-Time Client, or Application Development Client see Installing DB2 Clients on UNIX Operating Systems. For information on how to deploy this product using a distributed installation, refer to the Installation and Configuration Supplement.

Before You Begin

Please read the following information before installing your DB2 product.

System requirements

Ensure that your system meets all of the memory, hardware, and software requirements to install your DB2 product. For more information, see Planning for Installation.

Product licensing

Your product CD-ROM contains several DB2 products. Your Proof of Entitlement and the License Information booklet identify the products for which you are licensed. If you are installing this product on an SMP machine, see Setting the Number of Licensed Processors after installing and configuring DB2 to update the product with the number of processors that you have purchased.

Migrating from previous versions of DB2

DB2 for UNIX Version 7 products can co-exist on the same machine with previous versions of DB2. However, if you want to migrate databases and instances that were created using DB2 Version 5.0 or Version 5.2, you must complete certain tasks before and after installing DB2. For pre-installation migration tasks, see Planning for Installation. For post-installation migration tasks, see DB2 Post-installation Migration Tasks.

NIS and NIS+ environments
If you are running Network Information Services (NIS) or NIS+, you must create group and user IDs on the master server before installing DB2. You also need to set up the user and group names in such a way that the primary group of the Administration Server must be in the secondary group list of all the instances, and the secondary group list of the Administration Server must contain the primary group of all the instances. If NIS or NIS+ is not running on the system, secondary group lists are modified automatically.

Installation parameters

You should identify and record the parameter values required to install your DB2 product. Table 5 will help you determine these values and provides space in the Your Value column to record your own parameter values. The only parameter for which you must provide a value is DB2 Product Name. All other parameters either have a default value or are optional.

We recommend that you create the following unique usernames and groups:

Usernames for the default DB2 instance and Administration Server should conform to both your operating system's naming rules and those of DB2. For more information on DB2 naming rules, see Appendix E, Naming Rules.

Table 5. Parameter Values Required for Installation
Information Required for Installation Default Value Your Value
DB2 Product Name1 None
DB2 Product Messages2 None
Documentation2 None
DB2 Instance
User Name db2inst1
UID System-generated UID
Group Name db2iadm1
GID System-generated GID
Home Directory /home/db2inst1

Fenced User Defined Functions (UDFs)

Password ibmdb2

TCP/IP Service Name

TCP/IP Port Number 50000
IPX/SPX File Server Name *
IPX/SPX Object Name *
IPX/SPX Socket Number 879E
IPX/SPX NetWare User ID None

IPX/SPX NetWare Password

User Name (UDF) db2fenc1
UID (UDF) System-generated UID
Group Name (UDF) db2fadm1
GID (UDF) System-generated GID
Password (UDF) ibmdb2
Administration Server
User Name (DAS) db2as
UID (DAS) System-generated UID
Group Name (DAS) db2asgrp
GID (DAS) System-generated GID
Home Directory /home/db2as
Password (DAS) ibmdb2
TCP/IP Port Number (DAS) 523 523
IPX/SPX File Server Name (DAS) *
IPX/SPX Object Name (DAS) *
IPX/SPX Socket Number (DAS) 87A2 87A2
IPX/SPX NetWare User ID (DAS) None
IPX/SPX NetWare Password (DAS) None


  1. You must select at least one DB2 product to install. See Installation and Configuration Supplement for a list of DB2 products available for installation.

  2. You can optionally select one or more filesets in this product. There is a separate fileset for each locale. See Installation and Configuration Supplement for the names of filesets for DB2 Product Messages and Documentation.

About the db2setup utility

We recommend that you use the db2setup utility to install DB2 products on UNIX-based systems. This utility leads you through the installation process using a simple text-based interface that includes online help. Default values are provided for all required installation parameters, but you can also enter your own values.

The db2setup utility can:

If you choose to install DB2 using another method, such as using your operating system's native administration tools, you will have to perform these tasks manually.

The db2setup utility can also generate a trace log to record errors during installation. To generate a trace log, enter the ./db2setup -d command. This generates a log in /tmp/db2setup.trc.

The db2setup utility works with bash, Bourne, and Korn shells. Other shells are not supported.

Your next step
To install DB2, go to the appropriate chapter:

Installing DB2 for AIX.

Installing DB2 for HP-UX.

Installing DB2 for Linux.

Installing DB2 for NUMA-Q.

Installing DB2 for Solaris.

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