IBM DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide

Before You Begin

Before you begin the installation, ensure that you have the following items and information:

__  1.

Your system is running either DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition or DB2 Enterprise Edition Version 7 and has a working instance. For more information on how to install, possibly migrate, and configure either of these DB2 servers, refer to the appropriate Quick Beginnings manual.

__  2.

An available port in the x:\windir\system32\drivers\etc\services file, where x:\windir is the drive and directory where you installed your Windows operating system. This port will be reserved for DB2 Query Patroller communications. By default, the setup program will reserve the service name DQP1 and the first available port number after and including 55000 for communications. If you want to reserve a different service name and port number, you must perform a Custom installation.

__  3.

The instance running on your DB2 server has been stopped. To stop an instance, log on to the system as a user with System Administrative (SYSADM) authority and enter the db2stop command. For more information on SYSADM authority and the users to which this authority is granted, refer to the Administration Guide.

__  4.

A database whose queries you want to manage using the DB2 Query Patroller Server. If you do not have a database, the setup program will give you the option to create a database during the installation.

__  5.

A user account that will be used to perform the installation. This user account must:

  • Belong to the local Administrators group.
  • Have the following advanced user rights:
    • Act as part of the operating system
    • Create a token object
    • Replace a process level token.

__  6.

A user account, with the username iwm, that will be associated with the DB2 Query Patroller service. This user will be given SYSADM authority over the instance that contains the database where you want to capture running queries.

In a DB2 Enterprise Edition environment, the iwm user account can be a local or a domain user account. In a DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition environment, this user account must be a domain user account.

The setup program gives you the option to create this user account during the installation, if it does not already exist. If this user account does not already exist, we recommend that you let the setup program create it for you.

If you are installing this product on a DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition server and you want the setup program to create the iwm user account, the user account you use to perform the installation must also belong to the Domain Admins group.

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