Release Notes

Welcome to DB2 Universal Database Version 7.1!

This file contains information about the following products that was not available when the DB2 manuals were printed:

   IBM DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Edition, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Data Links Manager, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Query Patroller, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Personal Developer's Edition, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Universal Developer's Edition, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Data Warehouse Manager, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Relational Connect, Version 7.1

A separate Release Notes file, installed as READCON.TXT, is provided for the following products:

   IBM DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 7.1
   IBM DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 7.1

The What's New book contains both an overview of some of the major DB2 enhancements for Version 7.1, and a detailed description of these new features and enhancements.

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