Release Notes
The DB2 OLAP Starter Kit install follows the basic procedures of the
DB2 UDB install for UNIX. The product files are laid down by the
installer to a system directory owned by root user: (for AIX:
/usr/lpp/db2_07_01; for Solaris:
Then during the instance creation phase, two DB2 OLAP directories will be
created (essbase and is) within the instance user's
home directory under sqllib. Only one instance of OLAP
server can run on a machine at a time. To complete the set up, user
must manually set the is/bin directory so that it is not a link to
the is/bin directory in the system. It should link to a
writable directory within the instance's home directory.
To complete the setup for AIX, logon using the instance ID, change to the
sqllib/is directory, then enter the following:
rm bin
mkdir bin
cd bin
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/ismesg.mdb ismesg.mdb
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/olapicmd olapicmd
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/olapisvr olapisvr
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/essbase.mdb essbase.mdb
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/libolapams.a libolapams.a
To complete the setup for Solaris, logon using the instance ID, change to
the sqllib/is directory, then enter the following:
rm bin
mkdir bin
cd bin
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/ismesg.mdb ismesg.mdb
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/olapicmd olapicmd
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/olapisvr olapisvr
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/essbase.mdb essbase.mdb
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/
To use DB2 OLAP Integration Server Desktop to create OLAP models and
metaoutlines, you must connect the client software to two servers: DB2
OLAP Integration Server and DB2 OLAP Server. The login dialog prompts
you for the necessary information for the Desktop to connect to these two
servers. On the left side of the dialog, enter information about DB2
OLAP Integration Server. On the right side, enter information about DB2
OLAP Server.
To connect to DB2 OLAP Integration Server:
- Server: Enter the host name or IP address of your Integration
Server. If you have installed the Integration Server on the same
workstation as your desktop, then typical values are "localhost" or
- OLAP Metadata Catalog: When you connect to OLAP Integration Server
you must also specify a Metadata Catalog. OLAP Integration Server
stores information about the OLAP models and metaoutlines you create in a
relational database known as the Metadata Catalog. This relational
database must be registered for ODBC. The catalog database contains a
special set of relational tables that OLAP Integration Server
recognizes. On the login dialog, you can specify an Integration Server
and then expand the pull-down menu for the OLAP Metadata Catalog field to see
a list of the ODBC data source names known to the OLAP Integration
Server. Choose an ODBC database that contains the metadata catalog
- User Name and Password: OLAP Integration Server will connect to the
Metadata Catalog using the User name and password that you specify on this
panel. This is a login account that exists on the server (not the
client, unless the server and client are running on the same machine).
The user name must be the user who created the OLAP Metadata Catalog.
Otherwise, OLAP Integration Server will not find the relational tables in the
catalog database because the table schema names are different.
The DB2 OLAP Server information is optional, so the input fields on the
right side of the Login dialog may be left blank. However, some
operations in the Desktop and the Administration Manager require that you
connect to a DB2 OLAP Server. If you leave these fields blank, then the
Desktop will display the Login dialog again if the Integration Server needs to
connect to DB2 OLAP Server in order to complete an operation that you
requested. It is recommended that you always fill in the DB2 OLAP
Server fields on the Login dialog.
To connect to DB2 OLAP Server:
- Server: Enter the host name or IP address of your DB2 OLAP
Server. If you are running the OLAP Starter Kit, then your OLAP Server
and Integration Server are the same. If the Integration Server and OLAP
Server are installed on different hosts, then enter the host name or an IP
address that is defined on OLAP Integration Server.
- User Name and Password: OLAP Integration Server will connect to DB2
OLAP Server using the user name and password that you specify on this
panel. This user name and password must already be defined to the DB2
OLAP Server. OLAP Server manages its own user names and passwords
separately from the host operating system.
The following example assumes that you created the OLAP Sample, and you
selected db2admin as your administrator user ID, and
password as your administrator password during DB2 UDB 7.1
- For OLAP Integration Server: Server is localhost, OLAP
Metadata Catalog is TBC_MD, User Name is db2admin,
Password is password
- For DB2 OLAP Server: Server is localhost, User Name is
The sample databases are created automatically when you install OLAP
Integration Server. The following instructions explain how to setup the
Catalog and Sample databases manually, if necessary.
- In Windows, open the Command Center window by clicking Start
-->Programs-->DB2 for Windows NT-->
Command Window.
- Create the production catalog database:
- Type db2 create db OLAP_CAT
- Type db2 connect to OLAP_CAT
- Create tables in the database:
- Navigate to \SQLLIB\IS\ocscript\ocdb2.sql
- Type db2 -tf ocdb2.sql
- Create the sample source database:
- Type db2 connect reset
- Type db2 create db TBC
- Type db2 connect to TBC
- Create tables in the database:
- Navigate to \SQLLIB\IS\samples\
- Copy tbcdb2.sql to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbc
- Copy lddb2.sql to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbc
- Navigate to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbc
- Type db2 -tf tbcdb2.sql
- Type db2 - vf lddb2.sqlto load sample source data into
the tables.
- Create the sample catalog database:
- Type db2 connect reset
- Type db2 create db TBC_MD
- Type db2 connect to TBC_MD
- Create tables in the database:
- Navigate to \SQLLIB\IS\samples\tbc_md
- Copy ocdb2.sql to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbcmd
- Copy lcdb2.sql to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbcmd
- Navigate to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbcmd
- Type db2 -tf ocdb2.sql
- Type db2 -vf lcdb2.sql to load sample metadata into the
- Configure ODBC for TBC_MD, TBC, AND OLAP_CAT:
- Open the NT control panel by clicking
Start-->Settings-->Control Panel
- Select ODBC (or ODBC data sources) from the list.
- Select the System DSM tab.
- Click Add. The Create New Data Source window
- Select IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER from the list.
- Click Finish. The ODBC IBM D2 Driver - Add window
- Type the name of the data source (OLAP_CAT) in the Data source
name field.
- Type the alias name in the Database alias field, or click the
down arrow and select OLAP_CAT from the list.
- Click OK.
- Repeat these steps for the TBC_MD and the TBC databases.
This section lists known limitations for DB2 OLAP Starter Kit, DB2 OLAP
Desktop client, Spreadsheet clients, and DB2 OLAP Integration Server
- The currently supported platforms for the DB2 OLAP Starter Kit are
Windows, AIX, and Sun Solaris Operating Environment.
- The OLAP Starter Kit includes four sample DB2 OLAP Server applications
named Demo, Sampeast, Sample, and Samppart. Each application includes
one or more databases. No data is loaded into any of these
databases. You must upgrade to the DB2 OLAP Server full product to be
able to load data into these databases.
- The incorrect help panels are displayed for:
- The Query Designer
Row-->Measures-->Profit window.
- The Cascade Options window.
- The Subset Dialog window.
- F1 help does not bring up the correct help screen.
- Some words or characters are not translated or are translated incorrectly
for the following windows:
- The Output Options window uses the English words "Default" and "Long
- Some Application Manager windows and error messages are localized instead
of in English.
- In combined.mtx messages, the variable %s is resolved in
- In the Query Designer, the NLV translated words for Ascending and
Descending do not appear when you expand Data Sorting in the left pane.
- In Database Object Names, some NLV characters are incorrect.
- The log files contain some incorrect NLV characters.
- In Application Manager Outline, Japanese characters are incorrect.
- The Application Manager closes when you select
You receive the following error message: Essadmin.exe
Application error "0x004fffce", refer to memory "0x4ca7b075".
Memory cannot be "read ". Press OK to finish this application.
Press Cancel to debug application.
- You must install Adobe Acrobat in order to use the tutorial and online
- There is no migration path from DB2 OLAP server to OLAP Starter
Kit. OLAP Starter Kit is targeted for first time OLAP users.
- If you use NLV characters in a Lotus 123 spreadsheet name, or use NLV
characters in the spreadsheet, you will be unable to connect, retrieve data,
or execute any other function from the spreadsheet.
- Rapid double clicking in a cell in Lotus 123 spreadsheet add-in can cause
the following error message: Microsoft Visual C++
Runtime error Program c:\lotus\123\123w.exe abnormal program
termination. WORKAROUND: Click slowly to expand the cells
one at a time.
- In Lotus 123, selecting two rows at same time and then selecting Essbase -
Keep only or Remove only, causes only one column to be kept or removed.
- In Lotus 123, an error occurs in the Essbase calculation when several rows
are selected.
- AIX. The sample applications do not contain data. You are
able to use spreadsheet programs to retrieve the database information, there
will be no values displayed other than the dimension and member names.
Some values are indicated as missing.
- If a down arrow is pressed in the Linked Objects browser, spreadsheets
crash with a DR Watson trap error. The correct error message cannot be
- In Lotus 123, if no workbook is open, an error message should be displayed
when you click on an OLAP Server menu item. Instead no message is
displayed, and you receive two warning beeps.
- In Excel, double clicking formulas in the spreadsheet causes formulas to
be deleted from the spreadsheet. Specifying Retain on Zooms does not
prevent this error.
- Currently, only English is supported for scheduling functions. In
some non-English environments, using the
Tool-->Scheduler function in the OLAP Metaoutline
standard user interface on NT client computers causes the OLAP Integration
Server to crash. The crash occurs because the NT Scheduler stores
scheduling information in language- specific format, and the OLAP Integration
Server is unable to parse the information.
- DB2 OLAP Integration Server does not support the GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC and
LONG VARGRAPHIC data type during View Table operations in the OLAP Model
standard user interface. Relational tables containing data with the
GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC or LONG VARGRAPHIC data type appear blank when View Table
is selected in the OLAP model. WORKAROUND: Make the following
addition to the DB2CLI.INI file: [SAMPLE] PATCH1=65536
- If OLAP Integration Server encounters a NULL value during a data load, it
automatically loads the data into the parent member of the NULL.
However, if the NULL is at Generation 2, OLAP Integration Server cannot load
the data to the parent member because the parent member is the dimension level
member. In this case, OLAP Integration Server records an error in the
log file. WORKAROUND: Do not include NULLs at Generation
- OLAP Integration Server does not support Relational Database Management
System (RDBMS) column names that have imbedded blanks. If OLAP
Integration Server encounters blanks, it generates invalid SQL
- OLAP Integration Server does not read some double-byte character set
(DBCS) characters, such as minus (-) signs, when retrieving relational data
source values during a preview operation. If OLAP Integration Server
encounters such characters during a preview operation, an "Unexpected Error at
Condition" error message is displayed.
- Using the DBCS minus sign (-) character in a column concatenation in an
OLAP model generates a syntax error during member loads.
WORKAROUND: When performing transformations on columns in an OLAP model,
do not use a minus sign, a hyphen, or a dash (-) character in the column
name. Do not use relational tables or relational table columns that
include a minus sign, a hyphen or a dash (-) character.
- AIX. When you start the sample application, you will see a message
indicating that the server does not have the currency conversion
- Windows: Two sample catalog databases are created during
installation for use with the DB2 OLAP Integration Server. However, if
you try to login into one of these databases from the DB2 OLAP Integration
Server Desktop, you receive a CLI error message 'Invalid connection
string attribute'. WORKAROUND: Update the
db2cli.ini file located in the sqllib directory, following
these steps:
- Make a backup copy of db2cli.ini.
from each stanza.
DATABASE=OLAPCATP <----------------------------------(delete)
DATABASE=OLAPCATD <---------------------------------(delete)
- Hyperion Integration Server does not add a metaoutline filter description
in the OLAP Metaoutline Assistant.
- Use the following workaround to avoid a scheduling problem in the AIX
English version environment.
For all new AIX servers, add <username> to the
/var/adm/cron/cron.allow command to allow scheduling for the
specified user. Create an empty file named <username> for the
specified user and provide permission equal to 555 in the
var/spool/crontabs directory. A similar setup is required
for other UNIX environments; for details, see the man page for
- A DBCS space is not recognized as a DBCS space by OLAP Integration
Server. The following transformation space settings do not work for
source data columns that contain a DBCS space:
- Dropping leading/trailing spaces
- Converting spaces to underscores
- Concatenating
- OLAP Integration Server cannot save a dimension description in the OLAP
Model Assistant if the description contains DBCS characters.
- OLAP Integration Server does not support pass-through (database specific)
transformations using SQL functions. Specifying a built-in RDBMS
function, such as Substring, or Left, causes OLAP Integration Server to
generate invalid SQL.
- Creating hierarchies in OLAP Model Assistant causes OLAP Integration
Server to create an empty folder in the Hyperion\IS\Loadinfo folder
on the client. The empty folder contains an empty
.txt file. Empty folders and files are also created
when you access either a View Sample from the Edit Hierarchy dialog box, or
the Preview Results dialog box from the Edit OLAP Model dialog box in the
standard user interface.
To prevent buildup of empty folders and files, you can delete them from the
Loadinfo folder at any time.
- OLAP Integration Server does not display a message to confirm that a
dimension table has been deleted from an OLAP model.
Following is a suggested workaround: If you did not save the OLAP
model after you added the dimension table that you want to delete, click
Close to close the OLAP model without saving any changes, then
revert back to the previous version of the model. Any other changes
that you made during the current session will also be lost.
- OLAP Integration Server does not support Essbase ESSCMD scripts.
The IS\esscript directory has not been deleted from the OLAP
Integration Server directory structure that is created during the installation
process. This directory is an empty directory that is not
Before installing DB2 OLAP Server on Windows NT, you must apply MS
Windows NT 4.0 service patch 5.
If problems occur while installing the OLAP Starter Kit spreadsheet add-in
on Windows 95 or Windows 98, this may be due to down level Microsoft System
files. Download the following files from Microsoft via a Windows 95/98
service pack, or unzip %arborpath%\bin\ and copy
the files into the windows system directory. Make sure you do not
replace any files already on your system that have a newer release
date. The Windows 9x system files and their required levels are:
- ASYCFILT.DLL 2.20.4118.1
- COMCAT.DLL 4.71.1441.1
- DCOMCNFG.EXE 4.0.1381.4
- DLLHOST.EXE 4.0.1381.4
- IPROP.DLL 4.0.1381.4
- OLEAUT32.DLL 2.20.4118.1
- OLECNV32.DLL 4.0.1381.4
- OLEDLG.DLL 4.0.1381.4
- OLEPRO32.DLL 5.0.4118.1
- OLETHK32.DLL 4.0.1371.1
- RPCLTC1.DLL 4.0.1381.4
- RPCLTCCM.DLL 4.0.1381.4
- RPCLTSCM.DLL 4.0.1381.4
- RPCMQCL.DLL 4.0.1381.4
- RPCMQSVR.DLL 4.0.1381.4
- RPCNS4.DLL 4.0.1371.1
- RPCSS.EXE 4.0.1381.4
- STDOLE2.TLB 2.20.4122.1
- STDOLE32.TLB 2.10.3027.1
In the DB2 OLAP Starter Kit, the Spreadsheet add-in has a component
called the Query Designer (EQD). The online help menu for EQD includes
a button called Tutorial that does not display anything. The
material that should be displayed in the EQD tutorials is a subset of chapter
two of the OLAP Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel, and
the OLAP Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for 1-2-3. All
the information in the EQD tutorial is available in the HTML versions of these
books in the Information Center, and in the PDF versions.
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