Release Notes

OLAP Starter Kit

24.1 Completing the DB2 OLAP Starter Kit Setup on AIX and Solaris

The DB2 OLAP Starter Kit install follows the basic procedures of the DB2 UDB install for UNIX. The product files are laid down by the installer to a system directory owned by root user: (for AIX: /usr/lpp/db2_07_01; for Solaris: /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1).

Then during the instance creation phase, two DB2 OLAP directories will be created (essbase and is) within the instance user's home directory under sqllib. Only one instance of OLAP server can run on a machine at a time. To complete the set up, user must manually set the is/bin directory so that it is not a link to the is/bin directory in the system. It should link to a writable directory within the instance's home directory.

To complete the setup for AIX, logon using the instance ID, change to the sqllib/is directory, then enter the following:

rm bin
mkdir bin 
cd bin 
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/ismesg.mdb ismesg.mdb 
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/olapicmd olapicmd 
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/olapisvr olapisvr 
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/essbase.mdb essbase.mdb 
ln -s /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/is/bin/libolapams.a libolapams.a

To complete the setup for Solaris, logon using the instance ID, change to the sqllib/is directory, then enter the following:

rm bin 
mkdir bin 
cd bin 
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/ismesg.mdb ismesg.mdb 
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/olapicmd olapicmd 
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/olapisvr olapisvr 
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/essbase.mdb essbase.mdb 
ln -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/is/bin/

24.2 Logging in from OLAP Integration Server Desktop

To use DB2 OLAP Integration Server Desktop to create OLAP models and metaoutlines, you must connect the client software to two servers: DB2 OLAP Integration Server and DB2 OLAP Server. The login dialog prompts you for the necessary information for the Desktop to connect to these two servers. On the left side of the dialog, enter information about DB2 OLAP Integration Server. On the right side, enter information about DB2 OLAP Server.

To connect to DB2 OLAP Integration Server:

The DB2 OLAP Server information is optional, so the input fields on the right side of the Login dialog may be left blank. However, some operations in the Desktop and the Administration Manager require that you connect to a DB2 OLAP Server. If you leave these fields blank, then the Desktop will display the Login dialog again if the Integration Server needs to connect to DB2 OLAP Server in order to complete an operation that you requested. It is recommended that you always fill in the DB2 OLAP Server fields on the Login dialog.

To connect to DB2 OLAP Server:

24.2.1 Starter Kit Login Example

The following example assumes that you created the OLAP Sample, and you selected db2admin as your administrator user ID, and password as your administrator password during DB2 UDB 7.1 installation.

24.3 Manually creating and configuring the sample databases for OLAP Integration Server

The sample databases are created automatically when you install OLAP Integration Server. The following instructions explain how to setup the Catalog and Sample databases manually, if necessary.

  1. In Windows, open the Command Center window by clicking Start -->Programs-->DB2 for Windows NT--> Command Window.
  2. Create the production catalog database:
    1. Type db2 create db OLAP_CAT
    2. Type db2 connect to OLAP_CAT
  3. Create tables in the database:
    1. Navigate to \SQLLIB\IS\ocscript\ocdb2.sql
    2. Type db2 -tf ocdb2.sql
  4. Create the sample source database:
    1. Type db2 connect reset
    2. Type db2 create db TBC
    3. Type db2 connect to TBC
  5. Create tables in the database:
    1. Navigate to \SQLLIB\IS\samples\
    2. Copy tbcdb2.sql to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbc
    3. Copy lddb2.sql to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbc
    4. Navigate to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbc
    5. Type db2 -tf tbcdb2.sql
    6. Type db2 - vf lddb2.sqlto load sample source data into the tables.
  6. Create the sample catalog database:
    1. Type db2 connect reset
    2. Type db2 create db TBC_MD
    3. Type db2 connect to TBC_MD
  7. Create tables in the database:
    1. Navigate to \SQLLIB\IS\samples\tbc_md
    2. Copy ocdb2.sql to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbcmd
    3. Copy lcdb2.sql to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbcmd
    4. Navigate to \SQLLIB\samples\db2sampl\tbcmd
    5. Type db2 -tf ocdb2.sql
    6. Type db2 -vf lcdb2.sql to load sample metadata into the tables.
  8. Configure ODBC for TBC_MD, TBC, AND OLAP_CAT:
    1. Open the NT control panel by clicking Start-->Settings-->Control Panel
    2. Select ODBC (or ODBC data sources) from the list.
    3. Select the System DSM tab.
    4. Click Add. The Create New Data Source window opens.
    5. Select IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER from the list.
    6. Click Finish. The ODBC IBM D2 Driver - Add window opens.
    7. Type the name of the data source (OLAP_CAT) in the Data source name field.
    8. Type the alias name in the Database alias field, or click the down arrow and select OLAP_CAT from the list.
    9. Click OK.
    10. Repeat these steps for the TBC_MD and the TBC databases.

24.4 Known problems and limitations

This section lists known limitations for DB2 OLAP Starter Kit, DB2 OLAP Desktop client, Spreadsheet clients, and DB2 OLAP Integration Server

24.4.1 DB2 OLAP Starter Kit

24.4.2 DB2 OLAP Desktop Client

24.4.3 Spreadsheet Clients

24.4.4 DB2 OLAP Integration Server

24.5 OLAP Starter Kit Spreadsheet Needs Current Windows svc.pack

Before installing DB2 OLAP Server on Windows NT, you must apply MS Windows NT 4.0 service patch 5.

If problems occur while installing the OLAP Starter Kit spreadsheet add-in on Windows 95 or Windows 98, this may be due to down level Microsoft System files. Download the following files from Microsoft via a Windows 95/98 service pack, or unzip %arborpath%\bin\ and copy the files into the windows system directory. Make sure you do not replace any files already on your system that have a newer release date. The Windows 9x system files and their required levels are:

24.6 OLAP Spreadsheet Add-in EQD Files Missing

In the DB2 OLAP Starter Kit, the Spreadsheet add-in has a component called the Query Designer (EQD). The online help menu for EQD includes a button called Tutorial that does not display anything. The material that should be displayed in the EQD tutorials is a subset of chapter two of the OLAP Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel, and the OLAP Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for 1-2-3. All the information in the EQD tutorial is available in the HTML versions of these books in the Information Center, and in the PDF versions.

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