All occurrences of the phrase "Warehouse Manager" in product screens and in product documentation should read "DB2 Warehouse Manager".
When you install either the DB2 Warehouse Manager or the DB2 OLAP Server, a default information catalog is created on DB2 Universal Database for Windows NT.The statement is incorrect. You must define a new information catalog. See the "Creating the Information Catalog" section for more information.
When you publish DB2 OLAP Integration Server metadata, a linked relationship is created between an information catalog "dimensions within a multi-dimensional database" object type and a table object in the OLAP Integration Server.The statement should say:
When you publish DB2 OLAP Integration Server metadata, a linked relationship is created between an information catalog "dimensions within a multi-dimensional database object and a table object".This statement also appears in the second paragraph on page 143 ("Metadata mappings between the Information Catalog Manager and OLAP Server" section).
In Appendix D: Information Catalog Manager reason codes, some text might be truncated at the far right column for the following reason codes: 31014, 32727, 32728, 32729, 32730, 32735, 32736, 32737, 33000, 37507, 37511, and 39206. If the text is truncated, please see the PDF version of the book to view the complete column.
The error caused a rollback of the information catalog, which failed. The information catalog is not in stable condition, but no changes were made.
The information catalog contains too many objects or object types.The administrator response should say:
Delete some objects or object types from the current information catalog using the import function.
The information catalog must be registered before you can use it. The information catalog might not have been registered correctly.
The ATTACHMENT-IND value was ignored for an object because that object is an Attachment object.
Information Catalog window: The online help for the Selected menu Open item incorrectly says "Opens the selected object". It should say "Opens the Define Search window".
The DB2 Query Patroller client is a separate component that is not part of the DB2 Administration client. This means that it is not installed during the installation of the DB2 Administration Client, as indicated in the Query Patroller Installation Guide. Instead, the Query Patroller client must be installed separately.
To install DB2 Query Patroller using installp or smit, perform the steps listed below. Refer to Manual Installation Commands for detailed syntax and parameter information.
Note: | These filesets must be installed in the above order. If you are not using smit to install the filesets, ensure that this order is respected. Furthermore, if the filesets db2_07_01.cj and db2_07_01.jdbc were not installed when you set up your DB2 EE or EEE instance, you need to install these prior to starting the installation of the Query Patroller Agent. |
Note: | These filesets must be installed in the order given. Furthermore, if the filesets db2cj71 and db2jdbc71 were not installed when you set up your DB2 UDB EE or EEE instance, you need to install these prior to starting the installation of the Query Patroller Agent. |
If you are performing a migration from Version 6 to Version 7.1, refer to the DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide.
If you have installed the server, set up the license as follows:
. INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile
Note: | If a C shell is being used, add source /sqllib/db2cshrc to the .login file. |
The Query Patroller Server must be set up on either the DB2 UDB EE or the DB2 UDB EEE main node where the instance was created. For Query Patroller Server installation:
dqpcrt -s -p port_name instance_name
The port_name variable is the port name you used in Step 2. instance_name is the name of the DB2 UDB EE or EEE instance. Refer to Manual Installation Commands for detailed syntax and parameter information.
Note: | To remove a dqp instance you can run the dqpdrop instance_name command. You can only run this command on the node where the server is set up. |
dqpsetup -D database_name -g nodegroup_name -n node_number -t tablespace_name -r result_tablespace_name -l tablespace_path
Refer to Manual Installation Commands for detailed syntax and parameter information.
For Query Patroller Agent installation, enter:
dqpcrt -a -p port_name instance_name
The port_name variable is the port name you used in Step 2. instance_name is the name of the DB2 UDB EE or EEE instance. Refer to Manual Installation Commands for detailed syntax and parameter information.
To manually create the DB2 Query Patroller schema and bind all the application bind files perform the following steps:
db2_qp_schema <schema_input_filename> <database_alias> <user> <password> <querypatroller_tablespace>
db2_qp_schema <schema_input_filename> <database_alias> <querypatroller_tablespace>
db2 bind @db2qp.lst blocking all grant public
db2 bind iwmsx001.bnd isolation ur blocking all grant public insert buf datetime iso
db2 bind @db2qp_sp.lst blocking all
This command is used to allocate a node on the DB2 UDB EE or DB2 UDB EEE system as a DB2 Query Patroller server. The port name to be used with the DB2 Query Patroller instance, and the name of the DB2 UDB EE or EEE instance designated as the DB2 Query Patroller server, are required parameters. Syntax:
>>-dpqcrt----+--s---p--port_name instance_name--+-------------->< +--a---p--port_name instance_name--+ '--h-------------------------------'
Table 5. dqpcrt Command Parameters
Parameter | Description |
-s | Used to create a DB2 Query Patroller server on the named DB2 UDB EE or EEE instance. |
-a | Used to create a DB2 Query Patroller agent on the named DB2 UDB EE or EEE instance. |
port_name | Identifies the port name to be used with the DB2 Query Patroller server or agent. |
instance_name | Identifies the name of the DB2 UDB EE or EEE instance that is to designated as a DB2 Query Patroller server instance. |
-h | Displays command usage information. |
This command is used to set the parameters for the DB2 Query Patroller server. The size_DMS parameter and the -o flag are optional. The -o flag can be used to remove schema objects from a previously installed version of this product. Syntax:
>>-dqpsetup----+-| setup parameters |--+----------------------->< '--h--------------------' setup parameters |----d--database_name-----g--nodegroup_group--------------------> >------n--node_number-----t--tablespace_name--------------------> >------r--result_tablespace_name-----l--tablespace_path---------> >-----+---------------+---+-----+---instance_name---------------| '--s--size_DMS--' '--o--'
Table 6. dqpsetup Command Parameters
Parameter | Description |
-d database_name | Name of the database to be used with the DB2 Query Patroller server. |
-g nodegroup_name | Name of the nodegroup that contains the table space for the DB2 Query Patroller server. |
-n node_number | Node number of a single node where the nodegroup is defined. |
-t tablespace_name | Name of the DB2 Query Patroller table space. The default type is an SMS table space. |
-r result_tablespace_name | Name of the Result Table Space to be used |
-l tablespace_path | Full path name of the table space. |
-s size_DMS | Size of the DMS table space. Use the -s flag to specify the size for the DMS table space. This parameter is optional and only specified if a DMS table space is to be used. The default is an SMS table space. |
-o | Overwrites any existing DB2 Query Patroller schema objects. This parameter is optional. |
instance_name | Name of the DB2 UDB EE or EEE instance that is to be designated as a DB2 Query Patroller server. |
-h | Displays command usage information. |
This command is used to find the name of the DB2 UDB EE or the DB2 UDB EEE instance being used as the DB2 Query Patroller server. It can only be run from the node where the DB2 Query Patroller server was created. Syntax:
>>-dpqlist----+-----+------------------------------------------>< '--h--'
The -h flag displays command usage information.
This command is used to drop an existing DB2 Query Patroller server instance. This command can only be run from the node where the DB2 Query Patroller server was created. Syntax:
>>-dpqdrop----+-instance_name--+------------------------------->< '--h-------------'
The -h flag provides usage information. The instance_name parameter is the name of the DB2 Query Patroller instance that you want to drop.
In the "Getting Started" chapter under "Enabling Query Management", the text should read:
You must be the owner of the data base, or you must have SYSADM, SYSCTRL, or SYSMAINT authority to set database configuration parameters.
In the "Using QueryAdministrator to Administer DB2 Query Patroller" chapter, instructions are provided for starting QueryAdministrator from the Start menu on Windows. The first step provides the following text:
If you are using Windows, you can select DB2 Query Patroller --> QueryAdministrator from the IBM DB2 program group.
The text should read:
DB2 Query Patroller --> QueryAdmin.
In the "User Administration" section of the "Using QueryAdministrator to Administer DB2 Query Patroller" chapter, the definition for the Maximum Elapsed Time parameter indicates that if the value is set to 0 or -1, the query will always run to completion. This parameter cannot be set to a negative value. The text should indicate that if the value is set to 0, the query will always run to completion.
The Max Queries parameter specifies the maximum number of jobs that the DB2 Query Patroller will run simultaneously. Max Queries must be an integer within the range of 0 to 32767.
In the "Job Queue Administration" section of the "Using QueryAdministrator to Administer DB2 Query Patroller" chapter, the screen capture in the steps for "Creating a Job Queue" should be displayed after the second step. The Information about new Job Queue window opens once you click New on the Job Queue Administration page of the QueryAdministrator tool.
References to the Job Queues page or the Job Queues tab should read Job Queue Administration page and Job Queue Administration tab, respectively.
For a user with User authority on the DB2 Query Patroller system to submit a query and have a result table created, the user may require CREATETAB authority on the database. The user does not require CREATETAB authority on the database if the DQP_RES_TBLSPC profile variable is left unset, or if the DQP_RES_TBLSPC profile variable is set to the name of the default table space. The creation of the result tables will succeed in this case because users have the authority to create tables in the default table space.
[common] DisableKeySetCursor=1