Release Notes

Control Center

19.1 Ability to Administer DB2 Server for VSE and VM Servers

The DB2 Universal Database Version 7.1 Control Center has enhanced its support of DB2 Server for VSE and VM databases. All DB2 Server for VSE and VM database objects can be viewed by the Control Center. There is also support for the CREATE INDEX, REORGANIZE INDEX, and UPDATE STATISTICS statements, and for the REBIND command. REORGANIZE INDEX and REBIND require a stored procedure running on the DB2 Server for VSE and VM hosts. This stored procedure is supplied by the Control Center for VSE and VM feature of DB2 Server for VSE and VM.

The fully integrated Control Center allows the user to manage DB2, regardless of the platform on which the DB2 server runs. DB2 Server for VSE and VM objects are displayed on the Control Center main window, along with DB2 Universal Database objects. The corresponding actions and utilities to manage these objects are invoked by selecting the object. For example, a user can list the indexes of a particular database, select one of the indexes, and reorganize it. The user can also list the tables of a database and run update statistics, or define a table as a replication source.

For information about configuring the Control Center to perform administration tasks on DB2 Server for VSE and VM objects, refer to the DB2 Connect User's Guide, or the Installation and Configuration Supplement.

19.2 Java 1.2 Support for the Control Center

The Control Center supports bi-directional languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, using bi-di support in Java 1.2. This support is provided for the Windows NT platform only.

Java 1.2 must be installed for the Control Center to recognize and use it:

  1. JDK 1.2.2 is available on the DB2 UDB CD under the DB2\bidi\NT directory. ibm-inst-n122p-win32-x86.exe is the installer program, and ibm-jdk-n122p-win32-x86.exe is the JDK distribution. Copy both files to a temporary directory on your hard drive, then run the installer program from there. (/li>
  2. Install it under <DB2PATH>\java\Java12, where <DB2PATH> is the installation path of DB2.
  3. Do not select JDK/JRE as the System VM when prompted by the JDK/JRE installation.

After Java 1.2 is installed successfully, starting the Control Center in the normal manner will use Java 1.2.

To stop the use of Java 1.2, you may either uninstall JDK/JRE from <DB2PATH>\java\Java12, or simply rename the <DB2PATH>\java\Java12 sub-directory to something else.
Note:Do not confuse <DB2PATH>\java\Java12 with <DB2PATH>\Java12. <DB2PATH>\Java12 is part of the DB2 installation, and includes JDBC support for Java 1.2.

19.3 "Invalid shortcut" Error when Using the Online Help on the Windows Operating System

When using the Control Center online help, you may encounter an error like: "Invalid shortcut". If you have recently installed a new Web browser or a new version of a Web browser, ensure that HTML and HTM documents are associated with the correct browser. See the Windows Help topic "To change which program starts when you open a file".

19.4 "File access denied" Error when Attempting to View a Completed Job in the Journal on the Windows Operating System

On DB2 Universal Database for Windows NT, a "File access denied" error occurs when attempting to open the Journal to view the details of a job created in the Script Center. The job status shows complete. This behavior occurs when a job created in the Script Center contains the START command. To avoid this behavior, use START/WAIT instead of START in both the batch file and in the job itself.

19.5 Multisite Update Test Connect

Multisite Update Test Connect functionality in the Version 7.1 Control Center is limited by the version of the target instance. The target instance must be at least Version 7.1 for the "remote" test connect functionality to run. To run Multisite Update Test Connect functionality in Version 6, you must bring up the Control Center locally on the target instance and run it from there.

19.6 Control Center for DB2 for OS/390

The DB2 UDB Control Center for OS/390 allows you to manage the use of your licensed IBM DB2 utilities. Utility functions that are elements of separately orderable features of DB2 UDB for OS/390 must be licensed and installed in your environment before being managed by the DB2 Control Center.

The "CC390" database, defined with the Control Center when you configure a DB2 for OS/390 subsystem, is used for internal support of the Control Center. Do not modify this database.

Although DB2 for OS/390 Version 7.1 is not mentioned specifically in the Control Center table of contents, or the Information Center Task information, the documentation does support the DB2 for OS/390 Version 7.1 functions. Many of the DB2 for OS/390 Version 6-specific functions also relate to DB2 for OS/390 Version 7.1, and some functions that are DB2 for OS/390 Version 7.1-specific in the table of contents have no version designation. If you have configured a DB2 for OS/390 Version 7.1 subsystem on your Control Center, you have access to all the documentation for that version.

To access and use the Generate DDL function from the Control Center for DB2 for OS/390, you must have the Generate DDL function installed:

You can access Stored Procedure Builder from the Control Center, but you must have already installed it by the time you start the DB2 UDB Control Center. It is part of the DB2 Application Development Client.

To catalog a DB2 for OS/390 subsystem directly on the workstation, select to use the Client Configuration Assistant tool.

  1. On the Source page, specify the "Manually configure a connection to a database" radio button.
  2. On the Protocol page, complete the appropriate communications information.
  3. On the Database page, specify the subsystem name in the "Database name" field.
  4. On the Node Options page, select the "Configure node options (Optional)" checkbox.
  5. Select "MVS/ESA, OS/390" from the list in the "Operating system" field.
  6. Click the Finish button to complete the configuration.

To catalog a DB2 for OS/390 subsystem via a gateway machine, follow steps 1-6 above on the gateway machine, and then

  1. On the client machine, start the Control Center.
  2. Right click on the "Systems" folder and select "Add".
  3. In the Add System dialog, type the gateway machine name in the "System name" field.
  4. Type "DB2DAS00" in the "Remote instance" field.
  5. For the TCP/IP protocol, in the Protocol parameters, specify the gateway machine's host name in the "Host name" field.
  6. Type "523" in the "Service name" field.
  7. Click "OK" to add the system. You should now see the gateway machine added under the "Systems" folder.
  8. Expand the gateway machine name.
  9. Right click on the "Instances" folder and select "Add".
  10. In the Add Instance dialog, click the "Refresh" push button to list the instances available on the gateway machine. If the gateway machine is a Windows NT system, the DB2 for OS/390 subsystem was probably cataloged under the instance DB2.
  11. Select the instance. The protocol parameters are filled in automatically for this instance.
  12. Click "OK" to add the instance.
  13. Open the Instances folder to see the instance you just added.
  14. Expand the instance.
  15. Right click on the "Databases" folder and select "Add".
  16. Click the "Refresh" push button to display the local databases on the gateway machine. If you are adding a DB2 subsystem in the Add Database dialog, type the subsystem name in the "Database name" field. Option: Type a local alias name for the subsystem (or the database).
  17. Click "OK".

You have now successfully added the subsystem in the Control Center. When you open the database, you should see the DB2 for OS/390 subsystem displayed.

19.7 Required Fix for Control Center for OS/390

You must apply APAR PQ36382 to the 390 Enablement feature of DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 and DB2 for OS/390 Version 6 to manage these subsystems using the DB2 UDB Control Center for Version 7.1. Without this fix, you cannot use the DB2 UDB Control Center for Version 7.1 to run utilities for those subsystems.

The APAR should be applied to the following FMIDs:

   DB2 for OS/390 Version 5 390 Enablement: FMID JDB551D
   DB2 for OS/390 Version 6 390 Enablement: FMID JDB661D

19.8 Change to the Create Spatial Layer Dialog

The "<<" and ">>" buttons have been removed from the Create Spatial Layer dialog.

19.9 Troubleshooting Information for the DB2 Control Center

In the "Control Center Installation and Configuration" chapter in your Quick Beginnings book, the section titled "Troubleshooting Information" tells you to unset your client browser's CLASSPATH from a command window if you are having problems running the Control Center as an applet. This section also tells you to start your browser from the same command window. However, the command for starting your browser is not provided. To launch Internet Explorer, type start iexplore and press Enter. To launch Netscape, type start netscape and press Enter. These commands assume that your browser is in your PATH. If it is not, add it to your PATH or switch to your browser's installation directory and reissue the start command.

19.10 Control Center Troubleshooting on UNIX Based Systems

If you are unable to start the Control Center on a UNIX based system, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to your Java distribution:

19.11 Possible Infopops Problem on OS/2

If you are running the Control Center on OS/2, using screen size 1024x768 with 256 colors, and with Workplace Shell Palette Awareness enabled, infopops that extend beyond the border of the current window may be displayed with black text on a black background. To fix this problem, either change the display setting to more than 256 colors, or disable Workplace Shell Palette Awareness.

19.12 Launching More Than One Control Center Applet

You cannot launch more than one Control Center applet simultaneously on the same machine. This restriction applies to Control Center applets running in all supported browsers.

19.13 Help for the jdk11_path Configuration Parameter

In the Control Center help, the description of the Java Development Kit 1.1 Installation Path (jdk11_path) configuration parameter is missing a line under the sub-heading Applies To. The complete list under Applies To is:

19.14 Solaris System Error (SQL10012N) when Using the Script Center or the Journal

When selecting a Solaris system from the Script Center or the Journal, the following error may be encountered:

   SQL10012N - An unexpected operating system error was received while
   loading the specified library "/udbprod/db2as/sqllib/function/unfenced/
   db2scdar!ScheduleInfoOpenScan". SQLSTATE=42724.

This is caused by a bug in the Solaris runtime linker. To correct this problem, apply the following patches:

   103627-06 for Solaris 2.5
   105490-06 (107733 makes 105490 obsolete) for Solaris 2.6

19.15 Help for the DPREPL.DFT File

In the Control Center, in the help for the Replication page of the Tool Settings notebook, step 5d says:

   Save the file into the working directory for the
   Control Center (for example, SQLLIB\BIN) so that
   the system can use it as the default file.

Step 5d should say:

   Save the file into the working directory for the
   Control Center (SQLLIB\CC) so that
   the system can use it as the default file.

19.16 Online Help for the Control Center Running as an Applet

When the Control Center is running as an applet, the F1 key only works in windows and notebooks that have infopops.

You can press the F1 key to bring up infopops in the following components:

In the rest of the Control Center components, F1 does not bring up any help. To display help for the other components, please use the Help push button, or the Help pull-down menu.

19.17 Running the Control Center in Applet Mode (Windows 95)

An attempt to open the Script Center may fail if an invalid user ID and password are specified. Ensure that a valid user ID and password are entered when signing on to the Control Center.

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