Release Notes

SQL Reference



The schema is SYSIBM.

The IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL function is a non-deterministic function that returns the most recently assigned value for an identity column, where the assignment occurred as a result of a single row INSERT statement using a VALUES clause. The function has no input parameters.

The result is a DECIMAL(31,0), regardless of the actual data type of the identity column to which the result value corresponds.

The value returned is the value assigned to the identity column of the table identified in the most recent single row INSERT statement with a VALUES clause for a table containing an identity column. Note that the INSERT statement must be issued at the same level 1 (that is, the value is available locally at the level it was assigned, until it is replaced by the next assigned value).

The assigned value could be a value supplied by the user (if the identity column is defined as GENERATED BY DEFAULT), or an identity value generated by DB2.

The function returns the null value in the following situations:

The result of the function is not affected by the following statements:



16.2 OLAP Functions

The following represents a correction to the "OLAP Functions" section under "Expressions" in Chapter 3.

                              '-| window-partition-clause |--'
     '-| window-order-clause |--+--------------------------------------+--'
                                '-| window-aggregation-group-clause |--'
              V                       .-| asc option |---.  |
|---ORDER BY-----sort-key-expression--+------------------+--+---|
                                      '-| desc option |--'
asc option
         .-NULLS LAST--.
         '-NULLS FIRST-'
desc option
          .-NULLS FIRST--.
          '-NULLS LAST---'
|---+-ROWS--+---+-| group-start |---+---------------------------|
    '-RANGE-'   +-| group-between |-+
                '-| group-end |-----'
|---+-UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING-----------+---------------------------|

In the window-order-clause description:

The window ordering considers null values before all non-null values in the sort order.

The window ordering considers null values after all non-null values in the sort order.

In the window-aggregation-group-clause description:

The aggregation group of a row R is a set of rows, defined relative to R in the ordering of the rows of R's partition. This clause specifies the aggregation group. If this clause is not specified, the default is the same as RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW, providing a cumulative aggregation result.

Indicates the aggregation group is defined by counting rows.

Indicates the aggregation group is defined by an offset from a sort key.

Specifies the starting point for the aggregation group. The aggregation group end is the current row. Specification of the group-start clause is equivalent to a group-between clause of the form "BETWEEN group-start AND CURRENT ROW".

Specifies the aggregation group start and end based on either ROWS or RANGE.

Specifies the ending point for the aggregation group. The aggregation group start is the current row. Specification of the group-end clause is equivalent to a group-between clause of the form "BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND group-end".

Includes the entire partition preceding the current row. This can be specified with either ROWS or RANGE. Also, this can be specified with multiple sort-key-expressions in the window-order-clause.

Includes the entire partition following the current row. This can be specified with either ROWS or RANGE. Also, this can be specified with multiple sort-key-expressions in the window-order-clause.

Specifies the start or end of the aggregation group based on the current row. If ROWS is specified, the current row is the aggregation group boundary. If RANGE is specified, the aggregation group boundary includes the set of rows with the same values for the sort-key-expressions as the current row. This clause cannot be specified in group-bound2 if group-bound1 specifies value FOLLOWING.

Specifies either the range or number of rows preceding the current row. If ROWS is specified, then value is a positive integer indicating a number of rows. If RANGE is specified, then the data type of value must be comparable to the type of the sort-key-expression of the window-order-clause. There can only be one sort-key-expression, and the data type of the sort-key-expression must allow subtraction. This clause cannot be specified in group-bound2 if group-bound1 is CURRENT ROW or value FOLLOWING.

Specifies either the range or number of rows following the current row. If ROWS is specified, then value is a positive integer indicating a number of rows. If RANGE is specified, then the data type of value must be comparable to the type of the sort-key-expression of the window-order-clause. There can only be one sort-key-expression, and the data type of the sort-key-expression must allow addition.

16.3 SQL Procedures/Compound Statement

Following is a revised syntax diagram for the Compound Statement:

                         .-NOT ATOMIC--.
   '-label:--'           '-ATOMIC------'
      |  .-----------------------------------------.  |
      |  V                                         |  |
      '-----+-| SQL-variable-declaration |-+---;---+--'
            +-| condition-declaration |----+
            '-| return-codes-declaration |-'
      |  .--------------------------------.  |
      |  V                                |  |
      '----| statement-declaration |--;---+--'
      |  .-------------------------------.  |
      |  V                               |  |
      |  .------------------------------.  |
      |  V                              |  |
      '----| handler-declaration |--;---+--'
      V                               |
               V                      |
                     .-DEFAULT NULL-------.
      |              '-DEFAULT--constant--' |
             V                   |
|---DECLARE----+-SQLSTATE--CHAR (5)--+---+--------------------+-|
               '-SQLCODE--INTEGER----'   '-DEFAULT--constant--'
      V               .-VALUE-.             |
          '-NOT FOUND--------------------'

A statement-declaration declares a list of one or more names that are local to the compound statement. A statement name cannot be the same as another statement name within the same compound statement.

16.4 LCASE and UCASE (Unicode)

In a Unicode database, the entire repertoire of Unicode characters is uppercased (or lowercased) based on the Unicode properties of these characters. Double-wide versions of ASCII characters, as well as Roman numerals, now case convert correctly.


Change the description of this function to the following:

   The schema is SYSFUN.
   Returns the week of the year of the argument as an integer value
   in range 1-53. The week starts with Monday and always includes 7 days.
   Week 1 is the first week of the year to contain a Thursday,
   which is equivalent to the first week containing January 4.
   It is therefore possible to have up to 3 days at the beginning of a year
   appear as the last week of the previous year. Conversely, up to 3 days
   at the end of a year may appear as the first week of the next year.
   The argument must be a date, timestamp, or a valid character string
   representation of a date or timestamp that is neither
   a CLOB nor a LONG VARCHAR. 
   The result of the function is INTEGER. The result can be null;
   if the argument is null, the result is the null value. 
   The following list shows examples of the result of WEEK_ISO and DAYOFWEEK_ISO.
   ---------- ----------- -------------
   1997-12-28          52             7
   1997-12-31           1             3
   1998-01-01           1             4
   1999-01-01          53             5
   1999-01-04           1             1
   1999-12-31          52             5
   2000-01-01          52             6
   2000-01-03           1             1

16.6 Naming Conventions and Implicit Object Name Qualifications

Add the following note to this section in Chapter 3:

   The following names, when used in the context of SQL Procedures,
   are restricted to the characters allowed in an
   ordinary identifier, even if the names are delimited:
   - condition-name
   - label
   - parameter-name
   - procedure-name
   - SQL-variable-name
   - statement-name

16.7 Queries (select-statement/fetch-first-clause)

The last paragraph in the description of the fetch-first-clause:

   Specification of the fetch-first-clause in a select-statement
   makes the cursor not deletable (read-only). This clause
   cannot be specified with the FOR UPDATE clause. 

is incorrect and should be removed.

16.8 Libraries Used by the CREATE WRAPPER Statement on Linux

Linux uses libraries called LIBDRDA.SO and LIBSQLNET.SO, not LIBDRDA.A and LIBSQLNET.A as may have been documented previously.


A new level is initiated when a trigger, function, or stored procedure is invoked.

Interfaces that automatically commit after each statement will return a null value when the function is invoked in separate statements, unless the automatic commit is turned off.

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