Release Notes

Message Reference

14.1 SQL0270N (New Reason Code 40)

The following reason code has been added to message SQL0270N:

   Reason code 40
   Under "Cause": The function IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL cannot be used
                  in a trigger or SQL function.
   Under "Action": Remove the invocation of the IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL function
                   from the trigger definition or the SQL function definition.

14.2 SQL0301N (New Explanation Text)

The Explanation section for this message has been extended. It now reads as follows:

   Explanation: A host variable could not be used as specified
                in the statement because its data type is incompatible
                with the intended use of its value.
                This error can occur as a result of specifying an incorrect
                host variable or an incorrect SQLTYPE value in a SQLDA
                on an EXECUTE or OPEN statement. In the case of a user-defined
                structured type, it may be that the associated built-in type
                of the host variable or SQLTYPE is not compatible with the parameter
                of the TO SQL transform function defined in the transform group
                for the statement.
                The statement cannot be processed.

14.3 SQL0303N (New Text)

The Explanation and User Response sections for this message have been extended. They now read as follows:

   Explanation: An embedded SELECT or VALUES statement selects into a host variable,
                but the data type of the variable is not compatible with the data type
                of the corresponding SELECT-list or VALUES-list element.
                Both must be numeric, character, or graphic. For a user-defined data type,
                it is possible that the host variable is defined with an associated
                built-in data type that is not compatible with the result type
                of the FROM SQL transform function defined in the transform group
                for the statement. For example, if the data type of the column is date
                or time, the data type of the variable must be character
                with an appropriate minimum length.
                The statement cannot be processed.  
   User Response: Verify that the table definitions are current and that the host variable
                  has the correct data type. For a user-defined data type, verify
                  that the associated built-in type of the host variable is compatible
                  with the result type of the FROM SQL transform function defined
                  in the transform group for the statement.

14.4 SQL0358N (New User Response 26)

   Reason code 26
   Explanation: DATALINK value referenced file cannot be accessed for linking.
                It may be a directory, a symbolic link, a file with permission
                bit for set user ID (SUID) on, or set group ID (SGID) on, or a file
                owned by user nobody (uid = -2).
   User Response: Linking of directories is not allowed. Use the actual file
                  name, not the symbolic link. If SUID or SGID is on, this file
                  cannot be linked using a DATALINK type. If the file was owned
                  by user nobody (uid = -2), this file cannot be linked using a
                  DATALINK type with the READ PERMISSION DB option.

14.5 SQL0408N (New Text)

The Explanation and User Response sections for this message have been extended. They now read as follows:

   Explanation: The data type of the value to be assigned to the column, parameter,
                SQL variable, or transition variable by the SQL statement
                is incompatible with the declared data type of the assignment target.
                Both must be:
                - Numeric
                - Character
                - Graphic
                - Dates or character
                - Times or character
                - Timestamps or character
                - Datalinks
                - The same distinct types
                - Reference types, where the target type of the value is a subtype
                  of the target type of the column.
                - The same user-defined structured types. Or, the static type
                  of the value must be a subtype of the static type (declared type)
                  of the target. If a host variable is involved, the associated built-in
                  type of the host variable must be compatible with the parameter
                  of the TO SQL transform function defined in the transform group
                  for the statement.
                The statement cannot be processed.  
   User Response: Examine the statement and possibly the target table or view to determine
                  the target data type. Ensure that the variable, expression, or literal value
                  assigned has the proper data type for the assignment target.
                  For a user-defined structured type, also consider the parameter
                  of the TO SQL transform function defined in the transform group
                  for the statement as an assignment target.

14.6 SQL0423N (Revised Text)

   Locator variable "<variable-position>" does not currently represent any value. 
   Explanation: A locator variable is in error. Either it has not
                had a LOB value assigned to it, the locator
                associated with the variable has been freed,
                or the result set cursor has been closed.
                If "<variable-position>" is provided, it gives
                the ordinal position of the variable in error
                in the set of variables specified. Depending on when
                the error is detected, the database manager may not
                be able to determine "<variable-position>".
                Instead of an ordinal position, "<variable-position>"
                may have the value "function-name RETURNS", which
                means that the locator value returned from the user-defined
                function identified by function-name is in error.
   User Response: If this was a LOB locator, correct the program
                  so that the LOB locator variables
                  used in the SQL statement have valid LOB values before
                  the statement is executed. A LOB value can be assigned
                  to a locator variable by means of a SELECT INTO statement,
                  a VALUES INTO statement, or a FETCH statement.
                  If this was a with return cursor, you must ensure that
                  the cursor is opened before attempting to allocate it.
   sqlcode: -423
   sqlstate: 0F001

14.7 SQL0670N (Revised Text)

Message SQL0670N refers to row length limits for tables defined in a CREATE TABLE or an ALTER TABLE statement, and to the regular table space in which these tables are created. However, SQL0670N also applies to the row lengths of declared temporary tables defined in a DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement, and to the user temporary table spaces in which these declared temporary tables are created. If a DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement fails with SQL0670N, it means that the user temporary table space cannot accommodate the row length defined in the DECLARE TEMPORARY TABLE statement.

Following is the revised message text:

   The row length of the table exceeded a limit of "<length>" bytes.
   (Table space "<tablespace-name>".)
   Explanation: The row length of a table in the database manager cannot exceed:
                - 4005 bytes in a table space with a 4K page size.
                - 8101 bytes in a table space with an 8K page size.
                - 16293 bytes in a table space with an 16K page size.
                - 32677 bytes in a table space with an 32K page size.
                The length is calculated by adding the internal lengths
                of the columns. Details of internal column lengths
                can be found under CREATE TABLE in the SQL Reference.
                One of the following conditions can occur:
                - The row length for the table defined in
                  the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement exceeds
                  the limit for the page size of the table space.
                  The regular table space name "<tablespace-name>"
                  identifies the table space from which the page size
                  was used to determine the limit on the row length.
                - The row length for the table defined in the DECLARE
                  GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement exceeds the limit
                  for the page size of the table space. The user temporary
                  table space name "<tablespace-name>" identifies
                  the table space from which the page size was used
                  to determine the limit on the row length.
                The statement cannot be processed.  
   User Response: Depending on the cause, do one of the following:
                  - In the case of CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE,
                    or DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE, specify
                    a table space with a larger pagesize, if possible.
                  - Otherwise, reduce the row length by eliminating
                    one or more columns, or reducing the lengths
                    of one or more columns. 
   sqlcode:  -670
   sqlstate:  54010

14.8 SQL1704N (New Reason Codes)

   Reason code 14
   Explanation: Table has an invalid primary key or unique constraint.
   User Response: Table has an index that was erroneously used for a primary key
                  or unique constraint. Drop the primary key or unique constraint that uses the index.
                  This must be done in the release of the database manager in use prior
                  to the current release. Resubmit the database migration command
                  under the current release and then recreate the primary key or unique constraint. 
   Reason code 15
   Explanation: Table does not have a unique index on the REF IS column.
   User Response: Create a unique index on the REF IS column of the typed table
                  using the release of the database manager in use prior to the current release.
                  Resubmit the database migration command under the current release.
   Reason code 16
   Explanation: Table is not logged but has a DATALINK column with file link control.
   User Response: Drop the table and then create the table without the not logged property.
                  This must be done in the release of the database manager in use prior
                  to the current release. Resubmit the database migration command
                  under the current release.
   Reason Code 17
   Explanation: Fail to allocate new page from the DMS system catalog table space. 
   User Response: Restore database backup onto its previous database manager system.
                  Add more containers to the table space. It is recommended to allocate 70%
                  free space for database migration. Move back to the current release and
                  migrate the database.

14.9 SQL4942N (New Text)

The Explanation and User Response sections for this message have been extended. They now read as follows:

   Explanation: An embedded SELECT statement selects into a host variable
                "<name>", but the data type of the variable
                and the corresponding SELECT list element are not compatible.
                If the data type of the column is date and time, the data type
                of the variable must be character with an appropriate minimum length.
                Both must either be numeric, character, or graphic.
                For a user-defined data type, it is possible that the host variable
                is defined with an associated built-in data type that is not compatible
                with the result type of the FROM SQL transform function defined
                in the transform group for the statement. 
                The function cannot be completed.  
   User Response: Verify that the table definitions are current, and that the host
                  variable has the proper data type. For a user-defined data type,
                  it is possible that the host variable is defined with an associated
                  built-in data type that is not compatible with the result type
                  of the FROM SQL transform function defined in the transform group
                  for the statement.

14.10 SQL20117N (Changed Reason Code 1)

The following reason code has been changed for message SQL20117N:

   Reason code 1
   Under "Explanation": RANGE or ROWS is specified without an ORDER BY
                        in the window specification.
   Under "User Response": Add a window ORDER BY clause to each window
                          specification that specifies RANGE or ROWS.

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