The last sentence in the description of the PERF_DETAIL parameter should read:
A value greater than 1 is only valid on DB2 Version 2 and DB2 UDB servers, and is not currently supported on host machines.
Binds a CLI/ODBC capture file to generate a static package. A capture file contains the captured SQL statements that are executed by a CLI/ODBC application. This utility processes the capture file so that it can be used by the CLI/ODBC driver to run static SQL for the application.
For more information on how to use static SQL in CLI/ODBC applications, see the Using Static SQL in CLI Web page at
Command Syntax
>>-db2cap----+----+--bind--capture-file----d--database_alias----> +--h-+ '--?-' >-----+--------------------------------+----------------------->< '--u--userid--+---------------+--' '--p--password--'
Command Parameters
Note: | If a user ID is not specified, a trusted authorization ID is obtained from the system. |
Usage Notes
The command must be entered in lowercase on UNIX platforms, but can be entered in either lowercase or uppercase on Windows operating systems and OS/2.
This utility supports a number of user-specified bind options that can be found in the capture file. For performance and security reasons, the file can be examined and edited with a text editor to change these options.
The SQLERROR(CONTINUE) and the VALIDATE(RUN) bind options can be used to create a package.
When using this utility to create a package, static profiling must be disabled.
Updates generated columns in tables that are in check pending mode and have limited log space. This tool is used to prepare for a SET INTEGRITY statement on a table that has columns which are generated by expressions.
One of the following
Command Syntax
>>-db2gncol----d--database----s--schema_name----t--table_name---> >-----c--commit_count----+---------------------------+----------> '--u--userid---p--password--' >-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------->< '--h--'
Command Parameters
Usage Notes
Using this tool instead of the FORCE GENERATED option on the SET INTEGRITY statement may be necessary if a table is large and the following conditions exist:
This tool will regenerate all column values that were created based on expressions. While the table is being updated, intermittent commits are performed to avoid using up all of the log space. Once db2gncol has been run, the table can be taken out of check pending mode using the SET INTEGRITY statement.
The syntax diagram should appear as follows:
>>-db2look---d--DBname----+--------------+---+-----+---+-----+--> '--u--Creator--' '--s--' '--g--' >-----+-----+---+-----+---+-----+---+-----+---+-----+-----------> '--a--' '--h--' '--r--' '--c--' '--p--' >-----+------------+---+-------------------+--------------------> '--o--Fname--' '--e--+----------+--' '--t Tname-' >-----+-------------------+---+-----+---+-----+-----------------> '--m--+----------+--' '--l--' '--x--' '--t Tname-' >-----+---------------------------+---+-----+------------------>< '--i--userid---w--password--' '--f--'
Purpose Initializes a packed descriptor field for user tables. This utility should be run against any Version 6 database that is moving to a Version 7.1 instance, but only if that database has previously migrated from Version 2 to Version 6. Authorization sysadm Command Syntax db2updv6 -d dbname -----------------> | | ----- -h ------ where: -d dbname specifies a database name, and -h displays usage help.
A new option, -x, tells the command line processor to return data without any headers, including column names. The default setting for this command option is OFF.
To display the national characters for single byte (SBCS) languages correctly from the DB2 command line processor (CLP) window, change the font to True Type.
The syntax for the CALL command should appear as follows:
.-,---------------. V | >>-CALL--proc-name---(-----+-----------+--+---)---------------->< '-argument--'
The description of the argument parameter has been changed to:
Specifies one or more arguments for the stored procedure. All input and output arguments must be specified in the order defined by the procedure. Output arguments are specified using the "?" character. For example, a stored procedure foo with one integer input parameter and one output parameter would be invoked as "call foo (4, ?)".
"call DEPT_MEDIAN (51)"
A single quotation mark (') can also be used.
In the section "DB2 Data Links Manager Considerations", Step 3 of the procedure to ensure that a consistent copy of the table and the corresponding files referenced by DATALINK columns are copied for export should read:
3. Run the dlfm_export utility at each Data Links server. Input to the dlfm_export utility is the control file name, which is generated by the export utility. This produces a tar (or equivalent) archive of the files listed within the control file. For Distributed File Systems (DFS), the dlfm_export utility will get the DCE network root credentials before archiving the files listed in the control file. dlfm_export does not capture the ACLs information of the files that are archived.
In the same section, the bullets following "Successful execution of EXPORT results in the generation of the following files" should be modified as follows:
The second sentence in the first bullet should read:
A DATALINK column value in this file has the same format as that used by the import and load utilities.
The first sentence in the second bullet should read:
Control files server_name, which are generated for each Data Links server. (On the Windows NT operating system, a single control file, ctrlfile.lst, is used by all Data Links servers. For DFS, there is one control file for each cell.)
The following sentence should be added to the paragraph before Table 5:
For more information about dlfm_export, refer to the "Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference" under "Using Export to move DB2 Data Links Manager Data".
The description of the DL_TIME_DROP configuration parameter should be changed to the following:
Applies to DB2 Data Links Manager only. This parameter specifies the interval of time (in days) files would be retained on an archive server (such as a TSM server) after a DROP DATABASE command is issued.
In the section "DB2 Data Links Manager Considerations", the following sentence should be added to Step 3:
For Distributed File Systems (DFS), update the cell name information in the URLs (of the DATALINK columns) from the exported data for the SQL table, if required.
The following sentence should be added to Step 4:
For DFS, define the cells at the target configuration in the DB2 Data Links Manager configuration file.
The paragraph following Step 4 should read:
When the import utility runs against the target database, files referred to by DATALINK column data are linked on the appropriate Data Links servers.
In the section "DB2 Data Links Manager Considerations", add the following sentence to Step 1 of the procedure that is to be performed before invoking the load utility, if data is being loaded into a table with a DATALINK column that is defined with FILE LINK CONTROL:
For Distributed File Systems (DFS), ensure that the DB2 Data Links Managers within the target cell are registered.
The following sentence should be added to Step 5:
For DFS, register the cells at the target configuration referred to by DATALINK data (to be loaded) in the DB2 Data Links Manager configuration file.
In the section "Representation of DATALINK Information in an Input File", the first note following the parameter description for urlname should read:
Currently "http", "file", "unc", and "dfs" are permitted as a scheme name.
The first sentence of the second note should read:
The prefix (scheme, host, and port) of the URL name is optional. For DFS, the prefix refers to the scheme cellname filespace-junction portion.
In the DATALINK data examples for both the delimited ASCII (DEL) file format and the non-delimited ASCII (ASC) file format, the third examples should be removed.
The DATALINK data examples in which the load or import specification for the column is assumed to be DL_URL_DEFAULT_PREFIX should be removed and replaced with the following:
Following are DATALINK data examples in which the load or import specification for the column is assumed to be DL_URL_REPLACE_PREFIX ("http://qso"):
This is stored with the following parts:
This is stored with the following parts: