Release Notes

Administration Guide: Implementation

3.1 Chapter 4. Altering a Database

Under the section "Altering a Table Space", the following new sections are to be added:

3.1.1 Adding a Container to an SMS Table Space on a Partition

You can add a container to an SMS table space on a partition (or node) that currently has no containers.

The contents of the table space are rebalanced across all containers. Access to the table space is not restricted during the rebalancing. If you need to add more than one container, you should add them all at the same time.

To add a container to an SMS table space using the command line, enter the following:

      ADD ('<path>')
      ON NODE (<partition_number>)

The partition specified by number, and every partition (or node) in the range of partitions, must exist in the nodegroup on which the table space is defined. A partition_number may only appear explicitly or within a range in exactly one on-nodes-clause for the statement.

The following example shows how to add a new container to partition number 3 of the nodegroup used by table space "plans" on a UNIX based operating system:

      ADD ('/dev/rhdisk0')
      ON NODE (3)

3.1.2 Switching the State of a Table Space

The SWITCH ONLINE clause of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement can be used to move table spaces in an OFFLINE state to an ONLINE state if the containers associated with that table space have become accessible. The table space is moved to an ONLINE state while the rest of the database is still up and being used.

An alternative to the use of this clause is to disconnect all applications from the database and then to have the applications connect to the database again. This moves the table space from an OFFLINE state to an ONLINE state.

To switch the table space to an ONLINE state using the command line, enter:


3.2 Chapter 8. Recovering a Database

Under the section "Tivoli Storage Manager", subsection "Managing Backups and Log Archives on TSM", the third paragraph just before "Examples of Using db2adutl:" and the last sentence in that paragraph is missing information on the right-hand side of the page. The missing information is:

   You can also qualify the command with OLDER [THAN] <timestamp>
   or <n> DAYS. This will delete backups older than the given date (timestamp)
   or older than the days specified. You can also select a range of logs to be
   listed instead of seeing all of the logs. A specific backup for deletion can
   be selected by using the TAKEN AT <timestamp> parameter.

3.3 Appendix C. User Exit for Database Recovery

Under the section "Archive and Retrieve Considerations", the following paragraph is no longer true and should be removed from the list:

   A user exit may be interrupted if a remote client loses its connection
   to the DB2 server. That is, while handling the archiving of logs
   through a user exit, one of the other SNA-connected clients dies
   or powers off resulting in a signal (SIGUSR1) being sent to the server.
   The server passes the signal to the user exit causing an interrupt. 
   The user exit program can be modified to check for an interrupt
   and then continue.

The Error Handling section has a Notes list that should replace the contents of Note 3 with the following information:

3.4 Appendix I. High Speed Inter-node Communications

The following section has been updated:

3.4.1 Enabling DB2 to Run Using VI

Detailed installation information is found in DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows Quick Beginnings.

After completing the installation of DB2 as documented in DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows Quick Beginnings, set the following DB2 registry variables and carry out the following tasks on each database partition server in the instance:

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