OLAP Setup and User's Guide

Part 3. Appendixes

Appendix A. Relational Storage Manager Messages

This appendix contains IBM DB2 OLAP Server relational storage manager messages. An italicized word in a message indicates a variable name or number that identifies the cause of the message. Currently, Hyperion Essbase messages are not available.

The message number 1120937 is a message concerning the RDBMS and might require the assistance of the relational database administrator. RDBMS messages are written to the Essbase application log.

1120110The system could not open the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file.

Explanation: The system will not start unless the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file is available.

User Response: System Administrator--Create a configuration file on the server. See the DB2 OLAP Server documentation for more information about the location and contents of this file.

1120111No relational database name was supplied in the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server must be told which relational database to use to store data. Without this information, the DB2 OLAP Server is unable to start.

User Response: System Administrator--Check that the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file contains these lines:

RDB_NAME=database name

where database name is the name of the relational database where the DB2 OLAP Server stores its data. See Chapter 8, Configuring DB2 OLAP Server for more information about the location and contents of this file.

1120200The cube could not be located in the cube catalog table.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server does not have a record of the required cube, and therefore, cannot complete the requested action.

User Response: Make sure the cube name you specified is correct and retry the action. If this fails, use the Application Manager to determine if the cube has been deleted or renamed. If the Application Manager lists the cube, contact IBM Software Support.

1120201The number of start-up connections is greater than the maximum pool size.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server configuration file setting for STARTCONNECTIONS is larger than the setting for MAXPOOLCONNECTIONS in that file. The DB2 OLAP Server has used the MAXPOOLCONNECTIONS setting for both.

User Response: System Administrator--Correct the values in the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file RSM.CFG. The value for STARTCONNECTIONS should be less than or equal to the setting for MAXPOOLCONNECTIONS. See Chapter 8, Configuring DB2 OLAP Server for more information about the location and contents of this file.

1120202A database with the name [%s] already exists in the relational database for this application.

Explanation: The system detected the existence (in the relational database) of a database with the same name as the database being created. This is due to either an installation problem or the incorrect deletion of sub-directories from the ESSBASE\APP directory in the file system. The new database was not created.

User Response: System administrator--Contact your IBM representative. End user--Use a different name for the database.

1120300Anchor dimension definition cannot be changed with data loaded. Outline changes rejected. Remove all data from the database and try again.

Explanation: The outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Clear all data from the cube and try again. See Identifying an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing and specifying an anchor dimension.

1120301No anchor dimension specified. Outline changes rejected. Specify an anchor dimension and try again.

Explanation: The outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Use a user-defined attribute to nominate one dimension as the anchor dimension and try again. See Identifying an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing and specifying an anchor dimension.

1120302More than one anchor dimension specified. Outline changes rejected.

Explanation: The outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Change the outline so that only one dimension is nominated as the anchor dimension. See Identifying an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing and specifying an anchor dimension.

1120303Anchor dimension specified is SPARSE. The anchor dimension must be DENSE.

Explanation: The outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Change the outline so that a dense dimension is nominated as the anchor dimension. See Identifying an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing and specifying an anchor dimension.

1120304Not enough columns remain in the fact table to store the added dimensions. Outline changes rejected.

Explanation: The fact table column limit has been exceeded.

User Response: Reduce the number of dimensions in your outline.

1120305Not enough columns remain in the fact table to store the anchor dimension members added. Outline changes rejected.

Explanation: The fact table column limit has been exceeded.

User Response: Reduce the number of members in the anchor dimension or choose a different anchor dimension.

1120306A short name for the dimension could not be created. Rename the dimension and try again.

Explanation: The outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Rename the dimension and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support. See Identifying an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing and specifying an anchor dimension.

1120307A relational name for a fact column could not be created.

Explanation: Outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Make dimension and member names as short and as unique as possible and then retry the action. See Identifying an Anchor Dimension for more information about choosing and specifying an anchor dimension.

1120308DB2 OLAP Server could not select a suitable anchor dimension from those in the outline. Outline changes have been rejected.

Explanation: Outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: If you want DB2 OLAP Server to automatically choose an anchor dimension, make sure you have at least one DENSE dimension in your outline that has a number of members less than the table column limit for your relational database minus the number of dimensions in your outline. Alternatively, you can choose an anchor dimension manually. It is recommended you choose an anchor dimension rather than letting DB2 OLAP Server choose one for you.

See Criteria for Choosing an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing the anchor dimension.

1120309The system-selected anchor dimension [%s] cannot be replaced by a user-specified anchor dimension with data loaded. Outline changes have been rejected.

Explanation: Outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Do one of the following:

See Criteria for Choosing an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing the anchor dimension.

1120310The system-selected anchor dimension [%s] has been deleted with data loaded. Outline changes have been rejected.

Explanation: Outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Do one of the following:

See Criteria for Choosing an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing the anchor dimension.

1120311The system-selected anchor dimension [%s] has been made SPARSE with data loaded. Outline changes have been rejected.

Explanation: Outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Do one of the following:

See Criteria for Choosing an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing the anchor dimension.

1120312The system-selected anchor dimension [%s] has been made SPARSE but no suitable replacement anchor dimension could be found. Outline changes have been rejected.

Explanation: Outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Do one of the following:

See Criteria for Choosing an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing the anchor dimension.

1120313The system-selected anchor dimension [%s] has been deleted but no suitable replacement anchor dimension could be found. Outline changes have been rejected.

Explanation: Outline changes have been rejected.

User Response: Do one of the following:

See Criteria for Choosing an Anchor Dimension for more information on choosing the anchor dimension.

1120314The migration of database [%s] has begun.

Explanation: The system is migrating a database created in an older release of DB2 OLAP Server so that it is compatible with the current release.

User Response: No action is required.

1120315The migration of database [%s] has ended successfully.

Explanation: The system has successfully migrated a database that was created in an older release of DB2 OLAP Server so that it is compatible with the current release.

User Response: No action is required.

1120316The addition of alias table [%s] has failed because its name is the same as a current relational attribute column name on dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The name of an alias table cannot be the same as a relational attribute column name associated with one of the dimensions.

User Response: Specify an alias table name that is different from any current relational attribute column names for any of the dimensions.

1120323Database [%s] in application [%s] was not started because the outline file does not match the outline stored in the relational database.

Explanation: The database has not been started because the outline stored in the .otl file in the file system does not match the outline information stored in the relational database.

User Response: Make sure the .otl file for the database has not been accidentally overwritten. If it has, replace the .otl file with the original, or delete and rebuild the database.

1120501Some relational database commits worked and some failed. Database [%s] in application [%s] may not be valid.

Explanation: DB2 OLAP Server was able to commit some changes but not other changes. The database may not be in a consistent state.

User Response: Use the validate command against the specified database to determine if it is still valid. If it is not valid, then clear and reload the database.

1120900The relational database environment could not be initialized.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server cannot start up because a relational database environment handle could not be allocated.

User Response: Verify the relational database installation. If the problem continues, contact IBM Software Support

1120901An error was encountered when closing the relational database environment

Explanation: The error was encountered when shutting down the DB2 OLAP Server. No work has been lost.

User Response: System Administrator--Verify the relational database installation. If the problem continues, contact IBM Software Support.

1120902Using default isolation level of cursor stability. The value specified in the configuration file is not valid.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server has used the default isolation level of cursor stability because the value specified in the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file is not valid.

User Response: System Administrator--Correct the value of the ISOLATION setting in the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file. See the DB2 OLAP Server documentation to learn more about the configuration file and the ISOLATION setting.

1120903DB2 OLAP Server could not establish a connection to the relational database %s.

Explanation: DB2 OLAP Server is unable to establish a connection to the relational database.

User Response: Database Administrator--Verify the relational database installation. Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120904DB2 OLAP Server failed to establish a connection to the relational database %s.

Explanation: DB2 OLAP Server is unable to establish a connection to the relational database.

User Response: Database Administrator--Verify the relational database installation. Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120905The relational database returned information when a connection was terminated.

Explanation: Information was returned when terminating a connection with the Relational Database. No work was lost.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120906The relational database returned information when a connection was established.

Explanation: This message is for information only. A connection to the relational database has been established.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact your support representative.

1120907The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server disconnected.

Explanation: Information was returned when disconnecting from the relational database. No work was lost.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120908Failure to set the isolation level prevented a connection to the relational database from being established.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server is unable to correctly connect to the Relational Database.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120909 Failure to set the autocommit option prevented a connection to the relational database from being established.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server is unable to correctly connect to the relational database.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120910The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server committed a transaction.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server could not commit work. Some changes may have been lost.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120911The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server aborted a transaction.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server could not abort a transaction. Some changes may have been lost.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120912An SQL statement failed to execute.

Explanation: The SQL statement submitted to the relational database could not be run. Work may have been lost.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120913The relational database returned information when running an SQL statement.

Explanation: Information was returned from the relational database when an SQL statement was run. This is information only. No work has been lost.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120914The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server released an execution statement.

Explanation: An execution statement could not be released. No work has been lost.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120915The DB2 OLAP Server could not obtain an execution statement from the relational database.

Explanation: Work could not be executed because an execution statement could not be obtained from the relational database.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120916The DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error when attempting to lock a table in the relational database.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server is unable to lock a required table. The action being processed will fail.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120918The DB2 OLAP Server was unable to lock a table because it is already locked.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server is unable to lock a required table. The action being processed will fail.

User Response: System Administrator--Contact IBM Software Support.

1120919The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server locked a table.

Explanation: Information was returned from the Relational Database when a table was locked. This message is for information only. No work has been lost.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120920The DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error while preparing to read data.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server is unable to read the required data.

User Response: System Administrator--Contact IBM Software Support.

1120921The DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error while preparing to read data.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server is unable to read the required data.

User Response: System Administrator--Contact your support representative.

1120922The DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error while preparing to run an SQL statement to read data.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server is unable to read the required data.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the 1120937 messages following this message to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120923The DB2 OLAP Server detected an internal error while reading data.

Explanation: No rows were read. The read action may have failed.

User Response: System Administrator--Contact your support representative.

1120924The relational database returned information when data was read.

Explanation: This message is for information only. The read request completed.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact your support representative.

1120925The relational database returned an error when data was read.

Explanation: Data read failed. The read action will not complete.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your support representative.

1120926The relational database returned information following an extended read.

Explanation: This is for information only. The read request completed.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact your support representative.

1120927The relational database returned an error when processing an extended read.

Explanation: Data read failed. The read action will not complete.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your support representative.

1120928The relational database returned an error when preparing an extended read.

Explanation: Data read failed. The read action will not complete.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your support representative.

1120929The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a named data cursor.

Explanation: This is for information only. The data cursor was obtained.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact your support representative.

1120930The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a named data cursor.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server was unable to obtain a cursor to read data. The current action will fail.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your support representative.

1120931The DB2 OLAP Server encountered a column with an unsupported data type while copying a table.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server could not copy the table. The action will fail.

User Response: System Administrator--Contact your support representative.

1120932The DB2 OLAP Server encountered a column with an unknown data type while copying a table.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server could not copy the table. The action will fail.

User Response: System Administrator--Contact your support representative.

1120937Database error information: %s.

Explanation: All database messages are reported using this message. Previous messages in the log indicate the state of the system.

User Response: System and database administrators should use these messages to diagnose problems with the relational database.

1120938The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a result column count.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server is unable to complete preparing to read data. The current action will fail.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120939The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a result set description.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server was able to complete preparing to read data. This message is for information only.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120940The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a result set description.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server was unable to complete preparing to read data. The current operation will fail.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1120941The DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error while preparing an SQL string.

Explanation: The length of an SQL string exceeded the amount of memory available to store the string. The SQL statement cannot be constructed or run. The current action will fail.

User Response: System Administrator--Contact IBM Software Support.

1120942The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server prepared an SQL SELECT statement.

Explanation: The expression was prepared and the current action will complete. This message is for information only.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120943The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server read internal ID data.

Explanation: This is for information only. The read request completed.

User Response: Database Administrator--If appropriate, use the 1120937 messages following this message to diagnose the problem. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

1120944The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server read internal ID data.

Explanation: Data read failed. The read action will not complete.

User Response: Database Administrator--Use the information in message 1120937 to diagnose the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your support representative.

1120945DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error when attempting to allocate a new internal ID.

Explanation: DB2 OLAP Server is unable to allocate any internal IDs. The current action will fail.

User Response: Contact IBM Software Support.

1120946DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error when attempting to query configuration information for the relational database.

Explanation: DB2 OLAP Server is unable to complete the current action.

User Response: Contact IBM Software Support.

1120947DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error because DB2 is not enabled for multiple concurrent connections.

Explanation: For S/390 Only: DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error becuase DB2 is not enabled for multiple concurrent connections.

User Response: Refer to the DB2 OLAP Server documentation and the DB2 documentation to see how DB2 should be enabled for multiple concurrent connections.

1121000DB2 OLAP Server failed to open the storage manager. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: The DB2 OLAP Server will not start.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121001DB2 OLAP Server failed to close storage manager. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121002DB2 OLAP Server failed to open the application. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121003DB2 OLAP Server failed to close an application. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121004DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121005DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121006DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a thread. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121007DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a thread. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121008DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a transaction. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121009DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a transaction. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Use the information in previous messages to diagnose and correct the problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121010DB2 OLAP Server failed to commit a transaction. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121011DB2 OLAP Server failed to abort a transaction. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121012DB2 OLAP Server failed to fix a block. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121013DB2 OLAP Server failed to fix the next block. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121014DB2 OLAP Server failed to read a block. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121015DB2 OLAP Server failed to unfix a block. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121016DB2 OLAP Server failed to set the database to a read-only state. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121017DB2 OLAP Server failed to set the database to a read-write state. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121018DB2 OLAP Server failed to clear the data from database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121019DB2 OLAP Server failed to retrieve database information. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121020DB2 OLAP Server failed to retrieve database information. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121021DB2 OLAP Server failed to free database information. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121022DB2 OLAP Server failed to restructure a database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121023DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a new database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121024DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete a database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121025DB2 OLAP Server failed to rename a database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121026DB2 OLAP Server failed to copy a database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121027DB2 OLAP Server failed to archive a database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121028DB2 OLAP Server failed to validate a database. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121029DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a new application. Report this error to your system administrator

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121030DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete an application. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121031DB2 OLAP Server failed to rename an application. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121032DB2 OLAP Server failed to copy an application. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121033DB2 OLAP Server failed to link an object. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121034DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete a linked object. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121035DB2 OLAP Server failed to update a linked object. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121036DB2 OLAP Server failed to get a linked object. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121037DB2 OLAP Server failed to get the catalog of linked objects.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121038DB2 OLAP Server failed to list the linked objects.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121039DB2 OLAP Server failed to purge the linked objects.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121041DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a list of LRO flags. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121042DB2 OLAP Server failed to free LRO memory. Report this error to your system administrator.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121200The LRO object was not updated because the provided status did not match the status in the LRO table.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database. Report this error to your system administrator.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121201The LRO object was not updated because the provided object type did not match the object type in the LRO table.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database. Report this error to your system administrator.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121202The update or get LRO operation failed because the LRO object was not found in the LRO table.

Explanation: An error occurred with the relational database. Report this error to your system administrator.

User Response: System Administrator--Check the application log file for DB2 error information. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact IBM Software Support.

1121302The removal of the relational attribute column [%s] failed because relational attributes exist in the column. The column must be empty before being removed. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The removal of a relational attribute column failed because there are still relational attributes in the column.

User Response: Delete all the relational attributes from the relational attribute column before removing the column.

1121303No relational attribute column name was found after the RELCOL keyword for the dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because no column name was found following the RELCOL keyword.

User Response: Specify a RELCOL UDA that conforms to the rules for adding a relational attribute column. For example: RELCOL columnname datatype

1121304No data type was found after the RELCOL keyword and relational attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because no data type was found following the column name after the RELCOL keyword.

User Response: Specify a RELCOL UDA that conforms to the rules for adding a relational attribute column. For example: RELCOL columnname datatype

1121305The relational attribute column name [%s] specified after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] is too long. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because the column name was too long.

User Response: Specify a RELCOL UDA that contains a column name that is not greater than the maximum length for your database.

1121306No recognized data type was found after the RELCOL keyword and relational attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because the data type specified was not recognized.

User Response: Specify a RELCOL UDA which contains a supported data type.

1121307No size was found following a character data type after the RELCOL keyword and relational attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because no size was specified with the character data type.

User Response: Specify a RELCOL UDA that conforms to the syntax for a character data type column. For example: RELCOL columnname CHAR(10)

1121308No matching single quote was found at the end of a column name after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because no matching single quote was found at the end of the column name.

User Response: Specify a RELCOL UDA that conforms to the syntax for adding a column with the columns name surrounding by single quotes. For example: RELCOL 'nnn' integer

1121309The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] does not conform to the naming convention for columns in the relational database. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because the column name contains characters not allowed in a column name by the relational database.

User Response: Specify a RELCOL UDA with a column name that conforms to the naming convention for columns in the relational database, or surround the column name with single quotes.

1121310The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] is the same as the name of a current relational attribute column or an attribute column being deleted. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because the column name is the same as either a current relational attribute column or a column that is being deleted.

User Response: Take one of the following actions:

1121311The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] is the same as the name of a current alias table. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute column failed because the column name is the same as a current alias table name.

User Response: Specify a RELCOL UDA with a column name that is different from any current alias table name.

1121312No relational attribute column name was found after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute value failed because no column name was found following the RELVAL keyword.

User Response: Specify a RELVAL UDA that conforms to the rules for adding a relational attribute value. For example: RELVAL columnname datavalue

1121313No data value was found after the relational attribute column name and RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute value failed because no value was found following the column name after the RELVAL keyword.

User Response: Specify a RELVAL UDA that conforms to the rules for adding a relational attribute value. For example: RELVAL columnname datavalue

1121314The relational attribute column name specified after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s] is too long. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute value failed because the column name was too long.

User Response: Specify a RELVAL UDA that contains a column name that is not greater than the maximum length for your database.

1121315The column name specified after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] is not recognized as an existing relational attribute column for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute value failed because the column name was not recognized.

User Response: Specify a RELVAL UDA that contains a column name that was previously specified in a RELCOL UDA.

1121316No quotes were found surrounding the character data after the RELVAL keyword and relational attribute column name for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute character value failed because it was not surrounded by single quotes.

User Response: Specify a RELVAL UDA that conforms to the syntax for a character data type column. For example: RELVAL columnname 'A string'

1121317No matching single quote was found at the end of a column name after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute value failed because no matching single quote was found at the end of the column name.

User Response: Specify a RELVAL UDA that conforms to the syntax for adding a value with the column name surrounding by single quotes. For example: RELVAL columnname 'A string'

1121318 Character data following the RELVAL keyword is larger than the size specified for the relational attribute column for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.

Explanation: The addition of a relational attribute value failed because the character data supplied is larger than the column size specified.

User Response: Specify a RELVAL UDA which has character data less than or equal to the size specified for the column.

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