OLAP Setup and User's Guide

Calculating the Database

Before performing the steps in this section, see the Database Administrator's Guide to decide if the calculation would benefit from a calculator cache. The basic calculator cache is most effective when calculating a complete database. If your database has any large flat dimensions, the calculator hash table can be very effective.

Before calculating the database, run the DB2 RUNSTATS utility to update the DB2 statistics that can help you optimize queries. Also, enable the DB2 database system monitor switches to take a snapshot of the system, and reset the counters.

Then take the following steps:

If you performed any tuning during these steps, reset the DB2 database system monitor counters, and repeat the calculation. You might need to repeat this process several times, making adjustments and verifying the results until tuning is complete. When the system is tuned for calculation, repeat the data load to make sure the new settings are also effective for loading data.

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