OLAP Setup and User's Guide

Cataloging Databases as Remote on AIX and HP-UX

On AIX and HP-UX, databases must be cataloged as remote, regardless of whether they are local or remote. To catalog a local database as remote:

  1. Gather the following information:

    The local alias you choose for the server node.

    The TCP/IP name of the server node. You can find this name by running the HOSTNAME command on the server.

    The TCP/IP service name for the server instance. You can find this name by running the following DB2 command:
    get database manager configuration

    The service_name is in the SVCENAME field, and is case sensitive.

    The name of the database that you want to access.

    The local alias that you choose for the database.
  2. Make sure that the DB2COMM variable is set for TCP/IP on the server, and make sure your /etc/services file contains entries that identify the connection and interrupt ports for the DB2 instance. For example, if your instance is db2inst1, your entries would look like this:
    db2cdb2inst1   50000/tcp   # Connection port for DB2 instance db2inst1
    db2idb2inst1   50001/tcp   # Interrupt  port for DB2 instance db2inst1        
  3. Catalog the node as remote using the following DB2 command, specifying the information that you gathered in the first step:
    catalog tcpip node db2node remote hostname server service_name

    For example:

    catalog tcpip node olapsrc remote tak3 server db2cdb2inst1
  4. Catalog the server database from the client using the following DB2 command, specifying the information that you gathered in the first step:
    catalog database database_name as database_alias at node db2node

    For example:

    catalog database SAMPLE as RSAMPLE at node olapsrc
  5. Flush the catalog buffers using the DB2 TERMINATE command.
  6. Use the DB2 command line processor to make sure that you can connect to the database alias.

    For example, test the connection by issuing the following commands:

    connect to remote_db_name
    create table t1 (product1 char(3))
    insert into t1 values ('100')
    select * from t1
    drop table t1
    connect reset

    If any failure occurs, check your DB2 setup before starting DB2 OLAP Server.

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