OLAP Setup and User's Guide

Manually Updating Environment Variables

When you install DB2 OLAP Server, the environment variables are automatically updated for you. Use this section if you need to modify the environment variables manually.

To update your environment variables:

  1. Start Windows.
  2. Click Start --> Control Panel --> Settings
  3. Double-click the System icon.

    The System Properties window opens.

  4. Click the Environment tab.
  5. In the Variable field, type ARBORPATH
  6. In the Value field, type the drive and directory where you installed DB2 OLAP Server. For example, type c:\essbase
  7. Click Set.
  8. Select the Path variable from the System Variables list.

    The Path variable and its value are displayed in the Variable and Value fields.

  9. In the Value field, append c:\essbase\bin to the existing value, where c:\essbase is the drive and directory specified by the ARBORPATH environment variable.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Click Set.
  12. Click OK.

    The System Properties window closes.

  13. Restart your workstation.

Environment variables for DB2 OLAP Server are:
ARBORPATH = <target installation directory>
ISHOME = <target installation directory>/is

The environment variables for DB2 OLAP Starter Kit are:
ARBORPATH = <target installation directory>/sqllib/essbase
ISHOME = <target installation directory>/sqllib/is

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