OLAP Setup and User's Guide


The following terms are used throughout this book. You can find definitions for additional DB2 OLAP Server terms in the glossary on page "Glossary".

Application Manager
Essbase software, included with DB2 OLAP Server, that you can use to create and maintain Essbase applications.

OLAP application
An application that you create using the Essbase Application Manager or Essbase commands (in DB2 OLAP Server) or with the DB2 OLAP Integration Server desktop, which is in the Starter Kit. An Essbase application can contain one or more Essbase databases and any associated calculation scripts, report scripts, and data load rules. You can store many Essbase applications in a single relational database.

A template that contains the structure and rules for creating a database outline from an OLAP model. Using the metaoutline, you can create a database outline and load data into it. The DB2 OLAP Integration Server desktop includes a tool called OLAP Metaoutline that you can use to create one or more metaoutlines from an OLAP model.

A logical model (star schema) that you create from tables and columns in a relational database. You can use the OLAP model to create a metaoutline that generates the structure of a multidimensional database. The DB2 OLAP Integration Server desktop includes a tool called OLAP Metaoutline that you can use to design and create an OLAP model based on a relational data source.

Multidimensional data
The data in a multidimensional database. Data can include basic data values, loaded from an external source, that represent combinations of the lowest level of members in the dimensions of the database; data values that are calculated from the base data values; and rolled-up data values that are created by combining values for members in dimension hierarchies.

Multidimensional database
A database that you create using the Application Manager or commands (in DB2 OLAP Server) or with the DB2 OLAP Integration Server desktop, which is in the Starter Kit. A multidimensional database includes a database outline, data, associated optional calculation scripts, optional report scripts, and data load rules. The relational storage manager stores the actual data and a shadow of the database outline in tables in a relational database. You can store many multidimensional databases in a single relational database. The multidimensional data storage manager stores the outline and data in files in the file system.

Relational database
A database that is organized and accessed according to relationships between data items. A relational database contains a collection of relational tables, views, and indexes. You can store many multidimensional applications and databases in a single relational database.

Relational cube
A set of data and metadata stored in a relational database that together define a multidimensional database. A relational cube is similar to a multidimensional database, but it refers to the portion of a multidimensional database that is stored in a relational database.

Star schema
A fact table and a set of dimension tables. The fact table holds the actual data values for the database, and the dimension tables hold data about members and their relationships. When you use the Application Manager to create a multidimensional database, the relational storage manager creates this type of relational database schema.

SQL application
An application that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) statements. You can use SQL applications to access data in a relational cube.

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