OLAP Setup and User's Guide

The Full DB2 OLAP Server product

The IBM DB2 OLAP Server is an online analytical processing (OLAP) product that you can use to create a wide range of multidimensional planning, analysis, and reporting applications.

DB2 OLAP Server is based on the OLAP technology that was developed by Hyperion Solutions Corporation. You will see references to Hyperion Essbase and Hyperion Integration Server in the interface and throughout the documentation.

DB2 OLAP Server includes all of the capabilities of Hyperion Essbase. In addition, it offers the option of storing multidimensional databases as sets of relational tables. Regardless of the storage management option that you choose, you can use the Essbase Application Manager and Essbase commands to create an Essbase application and its associated databases. You can also use over 70 Essbase-ready tools provided by independent software vendors that can access multidimensional databases transparently.

Figure 1 shows the main components in the DB2 OLAP Server environment.

Figure 1. DB2 OLAP Server components

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