Warehouse Manager Installation Guide

Installing the AIX and Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agents

Before you install the AIX or Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agents, you must remove any Visual Warehouse Version 5.2 or earlier AIX or Solaris Operating Environment agents that are located on that workstation.

Removing the Visual Warehouse AIX agent

To remove the Visual Warehouse AIX agent:

  1. Log on to AIX as root.
  2. Enter smit.

    The System Management window opens.

  3. Select Software Installation and Maintenance.

    The Software Installation and Maintenance window opens.

  4. Select Maintain Installed Software.

    The Maintain Installed Software window opens.

  5. Select Remove Software Products.

    The Remove Software Products window opens.

  6. Click the arrow next to the Software Name field.
  7. Select IWH.agent from the list.
  8. Click OK.

    The Remove Software Products configuration window opens.

  9. Type No in the Preview only? field.
  10. Click OK.

    A confirmation window opens.

  11. Click OK to confirm your selection.

After the Visual Warehouse AIX agent is removed, the Output window opens. The Results column at the bottom of the Output window displays the status of the removal process. If the removal process fails, contact IBM Software Support.

Removing the Visual Warehouse Solaris Operating Environment agent

To remove the Visual Warehouse Solaris Operating Environment agent, enter the following command at a command prompt:

usr/sbin/pkgrm IBMiwh

To confirm the removal of the Visual Warehouse Solaris Operating Environment agent, enter yes in the confirmation display.

Installing the AIX or the Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agents

Use the db2setup utility to install a warehouse agent on AIX.

See Appendix C, Warehouse agent environment structures for information about the AIX and Solaris Operating Environment directory structure.

Before you install the warehouse agent, you should create and configure at least one DB2 instance. For more information, see DB2 for UNIX Quick Beginnings.

To install the warehouse agent using the db2setup utility:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.
  2. Insert and mount the Warehouse Manager CD-ROM. For information about mounting a CD-ROM, see DB2 for UNIX Quick Beginnings.
  3. Change to the directory where the CD-ROM is mounted by entering cd /cdrom, where cdrom is the mount point of your product CD-ROM.
  4. Enter the ./db2setup command. After a few moments, the Install DB2 V7 window opens.
  5. Select the products that you want to install and are licensed to install. Press Tab to change the highlighted option. Press Enter to select or deselect an option. When you select an option, an asterisk is displayed next to it.

    To select or deselect optional components for a DB2 product that you want to install, select the Customize option. To go back to a previous window at any time, select the Cancel option.

  6. When you have finished selecting the DB2 product and its components, select OK to continue with the installation.

    For more information or assistance during the installation of any DB2 product or component, select the Help option.

  7. Log out.

When the installation process completes, your warehouse agent is installed in the following directory:

Follow the instructions in Configuring the AIX and Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agent environments to configure the warehouse agent environment and to catalog the DB2 nodes and databases.

If the installation failed, contact IBM Software Support.

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