Quick Beginnings for Linux**

DB2 Connect

DB2 Connect provides connectivity to mainframe and midrange databases from Windows, OS/2, and UNIX-based platforms. You can connect to DB2 databases on OS/400, VSE, VM, MVS, and OS/390. You can also connect to non-IBM databases that comply with the Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA).
DB2 Product Family

The following DB2 Connect products are available:

DB2 Connect Personal Edition provides a direct connection from one Windows, OS/2, or Linux operating system to mainframe and midrange databases. It is designed for a two-tier environment, where each client connects directly to the host. DB2 Connect Personal Edition does not accept inbound client requests for data.

DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, installed on a gateway server, connects an entire LAN to mainframe and midrange databases. It is designed for a three-tier environment, where clients connect to a host through a gateway server.

DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition provides an unlimited number of DB2 Connect Personal Edition and DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition licenses. You get all of these licenses for one price, based on the size of the OS/390 system that is being accessed.

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