Connectivity Supplement

Most Common Problems with DB2 UDB DRDA AS

This section lists the most common problem scenarios found when using DB2 UDB DRDA AS.

Communication Errors during CONNECT

Make sure the following are set properly at the DB2 UDB end.


  1. SNA configuration

    Make sure the TP name is configured if necessary.

    Also, if security SAME is to be used from the DRDA AR, ensure that it is enabled for the DRDA AR LU.

  2. Database manager configuration TPNAME parameter
  3. Environment variable DB2COMM set to include APPC

Make sure that db2start completes without any warning.


  1. Services file
  2. Database manager configuration SVCENAME parameter
  3. Environment variable DB2COMM set to include TCPIP. Make sure that db2start completes without any warning.

DRDA Error during CONNECT


If SNA Server for AIX is in use, make sure that the group name for the ~/sqllib/adm/db2sysc executable is in the "Trusted group names" field in the "SNA System Defaults" profile in the SNA configuration.


If the DRDA AR is DB2 for OS/390, make sure that the following fixes have been applied: APAR PQ05771/PTF UQ06843 and APAR PQ07537/PTF UQ09146.

Database Not Found Error during CONNECT

Make sure that the DRDA AR is configured with the database alias for the target DB2 UDB database.

Security Error during CONNECT Over APPC/SNA LU 6.2

There are special considerations with regard to the AUTHENTICATION setting in the DB2 UDB database manager configuration if the connection from a DRDA AR is over APPC/SNA LU 6.2. If you encounter a security error, please make sure that the database manager configuration AUTHENTICATION setting is set correctly as follows:

  1. Client

    With this setting, both security SAME and PROGRAM connections will work.

  2. Server

    With this setting, only security PROGRAM connections going to the DB2 UDB DRDA AS on AIX with SNA Server and on OS/2 with CS/2 V4 (with SPM configured) will work.

  3. DCS

    AUTHENTICATION DCS can now be used with DB2 UDB Version 7 DRDA AS to permit APPC connections from DRDA clients using security SAME (no password required), while at the same time enforcing SERVER authentication (which requires a password) for all other client requests.

    With this setting, the following will work:

    1. DB2 UDB DRDA AS on AIX with SNA Server and on OS/2 with CS/2 V4 (with SPM configured):
         Security SAME
    2. DB2 UDB DRDA AS on OS/2 with CM/2 1.11, Windows NT, and Sun Solaris:
         Security SAME or PROGRAM

These differences exist because some communications subsystems do not expose an incoming password to DB2 UDB.

Errors during BIND

An SQLCA with SQLCODE -4930 may be returned if a bind option specified by the DRDA AS is not supported. The SQLERRMC field contains information on the bind option causing the error.

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