System Monitor Guide and Reference

API Changes

Obsolete sqlmonss() Request Type Description Replacement


Get snapshot for agent Replaced with SQLMA_APPL which will report a breakdown per agent, if and when applicable.
SQLMA_COORD_AGENTS List all coordinator agents Replaced with SQLMA_appl_info_ALL, which returns appl_info for each application. It identifies the node where the coordinator agent runs and provides both its application handle and agent thread or process ID.


Get Fast Communication Manager Replaced with SQLMA_DB2, which gets all database manager information and returns FCM information (if applicable).


Get snapshot for all agents
Get snapshot for coordinator agents

In PE V1.2, returned an SQLMA_AGENT_AGENTID snapshot for all agents, including the coordinators (or the coordinators only). Replaced with SQLMA_APPL_ALL (GET SNAPSHOT FOR APPLICATIONS). Note that information is not returned for agents that are not associated with any applications, as their counts would be zeroes.
SQLMA_DBASE_AGENTS Get snapshot for all agents for a database Replaced with SQLMA_DBASE_APPLS.

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