System Monitor Guide and Reference

db2eva - Event Analyzer

Starts the event analyzer, allowing the user to trace performance data produced by DB2 event monitors that have their data directed to files.


None, unless connecting to the database and selecting from the catalogs (-evm, -db, and -conn); then one of the following is required:

Required Connection


Command Syntax

      |                      '--conn--+-----------------------+--' |
      |                               '--db---database-alias--'    |

Command Parameters

-path evmon-target
Specifies the directory containing the event monitor trace files.

Requests that db2eva maintain a connection to the database specified with -db, or if -db is not used, then to the database specified in the event monitor trace header. Maintaining a connection allows the event analyzer to obtain information not contained in the trace files (for example, the text for static SQL). A statement event record contains the package creator, package, and section number; when -conn is specified, db2eva can retrieve the text from the database system catalog (sysibm.sysstmt).

-db database-alias
Specifies the name of the database defined for the event monitor. If -path is specified, the database name in the event monitor trace header is overridden.

-evm evmon-name
Specifies the name of the event monitor whose traces are to be analyzed.

Usage Notes

Although there is no required connection, db2eva will attempt to connect to the database if the -conn, or the -evm and the -db options are used. If the user can access the database and has the appropriate authorization, the SQL text for static statements can be displayed. Without the required access or authority, only the text for dynamic statements is available.

There are two methods for reading event monitor traces:

  1. Specifying the directory where the trace files are located (using the -path option). This allows users to move trace files from a server and analyze them locally. This can be done even if the event monitor has been dropped.
  2. Specifying the database and event monitor names allows automatic location of the trace files. The event analyzer connects to the database, and issues a select target from sysibm.syseventmonitors to locate the directory where the event monitor writes its trace files. The connection is then released, unless -conn was specified. This method cannot be used if the event monitor has been dropped.
Note:The event analyzer can be used to analyze the data produced by an active event monitor. However, event monitors buffer their data before writing it to disk; therefore, some information may be missing. Turn off the event monitor, thereby forcing it to flush its buffers.

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