OLAP Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel

Disconnecting from Hyperion Essbase

When you finish using Drill-Through, disconnect from the Hyperion Essbase server to free up a port on the server for other Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in users.

To disconnect from the server:

  1. Choose Essbase > Disconnect.

    Hyperion Essbase displays the Essbase Disconnect dialog box, where you can disconnect any sheet that is connected to a database.

    Figure 200. Essbase Disconnect Dialog Box

    Figure sddiscon not displayed.

    Note:Hyperion Essbase may return an error message when you attempt to disconnect after using Drill-Through. If an error message is returned, choose Essbase > Retrieve from the sheet and then disconnect.

  2. Select a sheet name from the list and click Disconnect.
  3. Repeat Step 2 until you have disconnected from all active sheets.
  4. Click Close to close the Essbase Disconnect dialog box.
    Note:You can also disconnect from the server by closing Excel. An abnormal termination of an Excel session, such as a power loss or system failure, does not disconnect your server connection.

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