Your VTAM administrator and your host system administrator
must configure VTAM and OS/390 to receive inbound connection requests from
your DB2 Connect workstation. Usually your host system has already been
configured for communications. For more information, contact your VTAM
administrator and your host system administrator or refer to the Connectivity Supplement.
| This section assumes that your DB2 for OS/390 server has already been configured for remote client access, if this is not the case, refer to the Connectivity Supplement for the required VTAM configuration steps. |
Before you configure you OS/390 system to accept inbound requests for data from your DB2 Connect Personal edition workstation, you muse verify that the following PTFs have been applied:
Before you can use DB2 Connect, your DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 Administrator must configure DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 to permit connections from DB2 Connect workstations. This section indicates the minimum updates required in order to permit a DB2 Connect client to make a connection to the DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 database server. For more detailed examples, refer to the Connectivity Supplement, and the DB2 for OS/390 Installation Reference.
This section describes how to configure TCP/IP communications between your DB2 Connect workstation and DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 Version 5.1 or later. It assumes that:
OS/390 R3+ is the minimum operating system level required for TCP/IP support. OS/390 V2R5+ is the recommended operating system level, and the best performer.
The following informational APARS for DB2 for OS/390 are regularly updated with information about PTFs to install for various OS/390 components, particularly TCP/IP for OS/390. If you use TCP/IP connectivity with DB2 for OS/390, it is extremely important that you review and apply the following PTFs and APAR fixes:
Before you can use DB2 Connect over a TCP/IP connection, you must collect information about both the host database server and the DB2 Connect workstation. For each host server that you are connecting to via TCP/IP, you must have the following information:
Refer to your local network administrator and your DB2 for OS/390 administrator for help getting this information. Use one copy of the example work sheet, Table 5, to plan each TCP/IP connection between DB2 Connect and a host database server.
Table 5. Example Worksheet for Planning TCP/IP Connections to DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
Ref. | Description | Sample Value | Your Value |
User Information | |||
(TCP-1) | User Name | A.D.B.User |
(TCP-2) | Contact Info | (123)-456-7890 |
(TCP-5) | User ID | ADBUSER |
(TCP-6) | Database Type | db2390 |
(TCP-7) | Connection type (must be TCPIP). | TCPIP | TCPIP |
Network Elements at the Host | |||
(TCP-8) | Host name | nyx |
(TCP-9) | Host IP address | |
(TCP-10) | Service name | db2inst1c |
(TCP-11) | Port number | 446 |
(TCP-12) | LOCATION NAME | newyork |
(TCP-13) | User ID |
(TCP-14) | Password |
Network Elements at the DB2 Connect Workstation | |||
(TCP-18) | Host name | mcook02 |
(TCP-19) | IP address | |
(TCP-20) | Service name | db2inst1c |
(TCP-21) | Port number | 446 |
Use the manual steps in this section to complete the configuration and make the connection.
Complete a copy of the example worksheet for each TCP/IP host:
Note that some additional planning considerations may apply, refer to the DB2 Connect User's Guide for more information.
At your OS/390 host:
ping remote_host_name -p port_number