The term database is used throughout this book to describe a relational database management system (RDBMS). Other systems with which DB2 Connect communicates may use the term database to describe a slightly different concept. The DB2 Connect term database can also refer to:
The LOCATION NAME can be determined by logging in to TSO and issuing the following SQL query using one of the available query tools:
select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1
LOCATION NAME is also defined in the Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) and is provided in the DSNL004I message (LOCATION=location), which is written when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started.
The LOCATION NAME can be determined by logging into TSO and issuing the following SQL query using one of the available query tools:
select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1
LOCATION NAME is also defined in the Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) as well as the DSNL004I message (LOCATION=location), which is written when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started.
To display the RDB Name of your AS/400 system execute the command WRKRDBDIRE on your AS/400. The RDB Name of your Local system has *LOCAL specified in the Remote Location column. To change the RDB Name use the command CHGRDBDIRE.