Information Catalog Manager Programming Guide and Reference



A person responsible for managing the content and use of the Information Catalog Manager.

A Grouping object that contains other objects, but is not contained by another Grouping object.

The category for object types used to attach additional information to another Information Catalog Manager object. For example, you can attach comments to an object.


To display information catalog objects that are grouped by subject. Contrast with search.


See information catalog and database catalog.

A classification for Information Catalog Manager object types. The category designates the:

Object types belong to one of the following categories:


CelDial sample data
A sample information catalog (ICMSAMP) available when you install the Information Catalog Manager that can be used for installation verification. This sample information catalog is also used in the exercises in theInformation Catalog Manager User's Guide.

A container for objects. A collection can be used to gather objects of interest for easy access.

A classification for objects that annotate another object in the Information Catalog Manager. For example, you may want to attach a Comments object to a chart object that contains notes about the data in the chart.

The Comments object type is with the Information Catalog Manager. You cannot add properties to it.

To make changes to information catalog database permanent. Contrast with roll back.

A reference for more information about an object. Further information might include the person who created the information that the object represents, or the department responsible for maintaining the information.

A category for the Contact object type and other object types that identify contacts.

Contact object type
A classification for objects that identify contacts.


database catalog
A collection of tables that contains descriptions of database objects such as tables, views, and indexes.

Double-byte character set.

decision-support system
A system of applications that help users make decisions. This kind of system allows users to work with information presented in meaningful ways; for example, spreadsheets, charts, and reports.

delete history
A log of delete activity, the capture of which is turned on and off by the Information Catalog Manager administrator. The log can be transferred to a tag language file.

derived data
Data that is copied or enhanced (perhaps by summarizing the data) from operational data sources into an informational database.

descriptive data
Data that identifies and describes an object, for example, the name of a table, the location of a spreadsheet, or the creator of a document. Also called metadata.

Description view
A view that lists the properties and property values for an object.

The category for object types that can be used to define terminology (for example, the "Glossary entries" object type in the sample information catalog).

dictionary facility
A collection of definitions or synonyms for the business terms you use in the information catalog. After it is created, the dictionary facility appears in every user's Catalog window as a saved search icon.

double-byte character set (DBCS)
A set of characters in which each character is represented by two bytes. Languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, which contain more symbols than can be represented by 256 code points, require double-byte character sets. Contrast with single-byte character set.

An identification for an object type that uniquely identifies it for import operations. Also called the short name of an object type.


echo file
A file produced by the Information Catalog Manager when it imports a tag language file. This file contains all the tags that have been processed since either the beginning of the tag language file or the point when the last COMMIT tag was processed.

The category for non-Grouping object types that are the building blocks for other Information Catalog Manager object types. Elemental object types are at the bottom of object type hierarchies. "Columns in relational tables," "Presentations {electronic and hardcopy}," and "Graphics and Images" are all examples of Elemental object types.

To copy metadata from the Information Catalog Manager, translate the metadata into tag language, and put this output in a tag language file for a subsequent import operation.

external name
The 80-byte name for an object type. Also called object type name.

extract control file
A file that contains statements that control the operation of an extractor utility program.

extract program
A utility program that copies from a metadata source, such as an RDBMS catalog, translates the metadata into tag language, and places this output in a tag language file.


File allocation table. A table used to allocate space on a disk for a file and to locate the file.

See object identifier.


The category for object types that can contain other object types. Examples of Grouping object types available in the sample information catalog included with the Information Catalog Manager are: "Tables or views in a relational database," which contains the Elemental object type "Columns in relational tables"; and "Multi-dimensional model," which contains another Grouping object type "Dimension."


High-performance file system. In OS/2, an installable file system that uses high-speed buffer storage, known as a cache, to provide fast access to large disk volumes. File names used with the HPFS can have as many as 254 characters.


To apply the contents of a tag language file to an Information Catalog Manager to initially populate the information catalog, change the information catalog contents, or copy the contents of another information catalog to the information catalog.

information catalog
The database managed by the Information Catalog Manager containing descriptive data that helps users identify and locate the data and information available to them in the organization.

Information Catalog Manager application program interface (API)
The portion of the Information Catalog Manager that processes application program requests for the Information Catalog Manager services and functions.

information source
An item of data or information, such as a table or chart, that is represented by an Information Catalog Manager object.

informational application
A program or system that lets users retrieve and analyze their data.

informational database
A database that contains derived data and is intended for business decision making.

input structure
A self-defining data structure used to submit data to the Information Catalog Manager application program interface.

See object.

instance identifier
A 10-digit numeric identifier generated by the Information Catalog Manager for each object. The identifier is unique for that object within a given object type (an object of another object type may have the same identifier), and within a given information catalog database (an object in another information catalog database may have the same identifier).

I/O structure
See input structure and output structure.


An element of the Information Catalog Manager tag language that identifies the meaning of a data value imported into or exported out of an information catalog.

keyword search
See search.


A connection between two or more objects involved in a linked relationship.

linked relationship
A relationship between objects in an information catalog. Objects in a linked relationship are peers, rather than one an underlying object of the other.

For example, in the sample information catalog included with the Information Catalog Manager, the object called CelDial Sales Information is linked with various objects describing CelDial advertisements for the year.

log file
A file produced by the Information Catalog Manager when it imports a tag language file or exports objects in the information catalog. This file records the times and dates when the import or export started and stopped and any error information for the process.


Data about information sources. See descriptive data.

multiple character wildcard
A character used to represent any series of characters of any length. By default, the multiple character wildcard is an asterisk (*). See also wildcard and single character wildcard.


not-applicable symbol
A character that indicates that a value for a required property was not provided when an object was created. The not-applicable symbol is a hyphen (-) by default, but you could have identified a different symbol when you created the information catalog.


An item that represents a unit or distinct grouping of information. Each Information Catalog Manager object identifies and describes information, but does not contain the actual information. For example, an object can provide the name of a report, list its creation date, and describe its purpose.

object identifier
A 16-digit identifier for an object that is made up of its 6-digit object type identifier and its 10-digit instance identifier that is used with some API calls. See object type identifier and instance identifier.

object type
A classification for objects. An object type is used to reflect a type of business information, such as a table, report, or image.

The Information Catalog Manager provides a set of sample object types, which you can modify. You can also create additional object types to meet the needs of your organization.

object type identifier
A 6-digit numeric identifier generated by the Information Catalog Manager for each object type. The identifier is unique within the information catalog database.

object type registration
With the Information Catalog Manager application program interface, the basic information about an object type that you must define in the Information Catalog Manager before you can define the properties for the object type. This information includes the category, the name, the icon, and the name of the table containing the object information.

operational data
Data used to run the day-to-day operations of an organization.

In Information Catalog Manager tag language, a parameter of the ACTION tag that defines the action to be performed on objects or object types in the î database when the tag language file is imported.

output structure
A self-defining data structure produced by the Information Catalog Manager when returning data produced by an Information Catalog Manager API call.


physical type name
The name of the table in the information catalog database that contains metadata for instances of a specific object type.

To add object types, objects, or metadata to the Information Catalog Manager.

Program category
The category for the Programs object type.

Programs object type
A classification for objects that identify and describe applications capable of processing the actual information described by Information Catalog Manager objects.

The Programs object type is included with the Information Catalog Manager.

A characteristic or attribute that describes a unit of information. Each object type has a set of associated properties. For example, the "Graphics and Images" object type in the sample information catalog includes the following properties:
Image type
Image filename

For each object, a set of values are assigned to the properties.

property name
The 80-byte descriptive name of a property that is displayed in the Information Catalog Manager user interface. Contrast with property short name.

property short name
An 8-character name used by the Information Catalog Manager to uniquely identify a property of an object or object type.

property value
The value of a property.

See physical type name.


Relational database management system.

RDBMS catalog
A set of tables that contain descriptions of SQL objects, such as tables, views, and indexes, maintained by an RDBMS.

relational database management system
A software system, such as DB2 UDB for OS/2, that manages and stores relational data.

See object type registration.

roll back
To remove uncommitted changes to the information catalog database. Contrast with commit.


saved search
A set of search criteria that is saved for subsequent use. Appears as an icon in the Catalog window.

Single-byte character set.

To request the display of the Information Catalog Manager objects that meet specific criteria.

search by subject
See browse.

search by term
See search.

search criteria
Options and character strings used to specify how to perform a search. This can include object type names, property values, whether the search is for an exact match, and whether the search is case sensitive.

single-byte character set (SBCS)
A character set in which each character is represented by a one-byte code. Contrast with double-byte character set.

single character wildcard
A character used to represent any single character. By default, the single character wildcard is a question mark (?). See also wildcard and multiple character wildcard.

subject search
See browse.

The category for object types that provide additional information about your information catalog or enterprise (for example, the " Information Catalog Manager News" object type in the sample information catalog).

support facility
A collection of information you consider helpful for users of your information catalog, such as announcements of changes or updates to the information catalog. After it is created, the support facility appears in every user's Catalog window as a saved search icon.


An element of the tag language. Tags indicate actions to be taken when the tag language file is imported to the information catalog.

tag language
A format for defining object types and objects, and actions to be taken on those object types and objects, in the Data Warehouse Center or the information catalog.

tag language file
A file that contains tag language that describes objects and object types to be added, updated or deleted in the Data Warehouse Center or in the information catalog, when the file is imported. A tag language file is produced by exporting objects from the Data Warehouse Center or from the Information Catalog Manager.

In the Information Catalog Manager, a tag language file is also produced by:

Tree view
A view that displays hierarchically an object and the objects it contains.


unit of work
A recoverable sequence of operations within an application process. A unit of work is the basic building block a database management system uses to ensure that a database is in a consistent state. A unit of work is ended when changes to the database are committed or rolled back.

universal unique identifier (UUI)
A key for an object. The key is comprised of up to five properties, which, when concatenated in a designated order, uniquely identify the object during import and export functions.

A person who accesses the information available in the information catalog but who is not an administrator.

Some Information Catalog Manager users, if they have been granted authority, can perform some object management tasks normally performed by administrators.


A special character that is used as a variable when specifying property values in a search. See also single character wildcard and multiple character wildcard.

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