Table 19 contains variables defined for programs that use the
Information Catalog Manager API calls to access the Information Catalog
Manager functions.
Table 19. Constants defined in DG2API.H
Input or output structure header area constants | Bytes | Defines length of: |
FLG_H_IDENT_LEN | 8 | Structure identifier (FLG-HEAD) |
FLG_H_DEFAREA_LEN | 8 | Definition length |
FLG_H_OBJAREA_LEN | 8 | Object area length |
FLG_H_OBJAREAENT_LEN | 8 | Object area entry count |
FLG_H_CATEGORY_LEN | 1 | Category |
FLG_H_OBJTYPID_LEN | 6 | Object type ID |
FLG_H_RESERVED_LEN | 121 | Reserved area |
FLG_HEADER_SIZE | 160 | Header area |
Input or output structure definition area lengths | Bytes | Defines length of: |
FLG_D_PROPNM_LEN | 80 | Property name |
FLG_D_DATATYP_LEN | 30 | Data type value |
FLG_D_DATA_LEN | 8 | Data length value |
FLG_D_PPN_LEN | 8 | Property short name |
FLG_D_VF_LEN | 1 | Value flag |
FLG_D_US_LEN | 1 | UUI sequence number |
FLG_D_CS_LEN | 1 | Case- sensitivity flag |
FLG_D_FS_LEN | 1 | Fuzzy-search flag |
FLG_D_RESERVED_LEN | 30 | Reserved area |
FLG_DEFINITION_SIZE | 160 | Definition area record |
Information Catalog Manager string lengths | Byte length | Defines length of: |
FLG_OBJTYPID_LEN | 6 | Object type ID |
FLG_INSTIDNT_LEN | 10 | Instance ID |
FLG_INST_NAME_LEN | 80 | Instance name |
FLG_UPDATIME_LEN | 26 | Time stamp for when the object type is created or updated |
FLG_UPDATEBY_LEN | 8 | User ID of the person who performed the update |
FLG_ID_LEN | 16 | FLGID value |
FLG_EXTERNAL_NAME_LEN | 80 | Object type external name |
FLG_PTNAME_LEN | 30 | Object type physical type name |
FLG_DPNAME_LEN | 8 | Object type short name |
FLG_CREATOR_LEN | 8 | User ID of the creator of the object type |
FLG_USERID_LEN | 8 | Log on user ID |
FLG_PASSWORD_LEN | 8 | Log on password |
FLG_DATABASENAME_LEN | 8 | Name of the Information Catalog Manager database |
Data type maximum lengths | Bytes | Defines maximum length for: |
FLG_CHAR_MAXLEN | 254 | CHAR data type |
FLG_VARCHAR_MAXLEN | 4000 | VARCHAR data type |
Maximum values | Value | Defines maximum for: |
FLG_REG_NUM_PROPERTIES | 6 | Number of registration properties |
FLG_ICON_FILE_ID_MAXLEN | 259 | Length of the path, file name, and extension of the icon file |
FLG_TAG_FILE_ID_MAXLEN | 259 | Length of the path, file name, and extension of the tag language file |
FLG_LOG_FILE_ID_MAXLEN | 259 | Length of the path, file name, and extension of the log file |
FLG_ECHO_FILE_ID_MAXLEN | 259 | Length of the path, file name, and extension of the echo file |
FLG_ICON_PATH_MAXLEN | 246 | Length of the icon path |
FLG_ICON_MAXLEN | 30000 | Size of the icon file |
FLG_UUI_MAXLEN | 254 | Length in bytes of a UUI property value |
FLG_MAX_PROPERTIES | 255 | Number of properties in an object type |
FLG_MAX_NUM_LONG_VARCHARS | 14 | Number of properties with the LONG VARCHAR data type |
FLG_MAXLEN_SEARCH_LONGVARCHAR | 3000 | Length of search criteria for a property with the LONG VARCHAR data type |
FLG_MAX_IMP_EXP_OBJTYPES | 3500 | Number of unique object types processed in a single tag language file |
FLG_MAX_ANCHOR_NUM | 1600 | Number of object instances returned by FLGListAnchors |
FLG_MAX_ORPHAN_NUM | 1600 | Number of object instances returned by FLGListOrphans |
FLG_MAX_CONTAINEE_NUM | 1600 | Number of object instances returned by FLGFoundIn |
Input parameters for FLGConvertID | Value | Description |
FLG_DPNAME | 'D' | Object type short name to convert to object type ID |
FLG_FLGID | 'F' | Object instance ID to convert to extended object instance name |
Input options for FLGFoundIn, FLGListAssociates, and FLGListOrphans | Value | Description |
FLG_LIST_PROGRAM | 0x00000001 | Retrieve Program object instances associated with specified object type |
FLG_LIST_CONTAIN | 0x00000002 | Retrieve object instances contained by a specified instance |
FLG_LIST_CONTACT | 0x00000003 | Retrieve Contact object instances associated with specified instance |
FLG_LIST_ATTACHMENT | 0x00000004 | Retrieve object instances attached to specified instance |
FLG_LIST_COMMENTS | 0x00000005 | Retrieve Comments object instances attached to specified instance |
FLG_LIST_LINK | 0x00000006 | Retrieve object instances linked to specified instance |
Platform options for FLGManageIcons | Length | Description |
FLG_PLATFORM_OS2 | 0x00000100 | OS/2 icons |
FLG_PLATFORM_WINDOWS | 0x00000200 | Windows icons |
Output options for FLGManageIcons | Length | Description |
FLG_ICON_EXIST | 0x00000001 | Specified icon exists |
FLG_ICON_NOTEXIST | 0x00000002 | Specified icon does not exist |
Options of FLGRelation | Value | Description |
FLG_CREATE_RELATION | 'C' | Create option |
FLG_DELETE_RELATION | 'D' | Delete option |
Types of relationships defined by FLGRelation | Value | Description |
FLG_ATTACHMENT_RELATION | 'A' | Attachment relationship |
FLG_CONTAINER_RELATION | 'C' | Contains relationship |
FLG_CONTACT_RELATION | 'T' | Contact relationship |
FLG_LINK_RELATION | 'L' | Link relationship |
File options for FLGXferTagBuf | Value | Description |
FLG_TAGOPT_NEW | 0x00000001 | Create a new file into which to transfer delete history |
FLG_TAGOPT_REPLACE | 0x00000002 | Transfer delete history into an existing file, replacing former contents |
Input/output options for FLGManageTagBuf | Value | Description |
FLG_TAGBUF_RESET | 0x00000001 | Remove existing entries from delete history log |
FLG_TAGBUF_QUERY | 0x00000002 | Query whether delete history log contains entries |
FLG_TAGBUF_EMPTY | 0x00000001 | Delete history log contains no entries |
FLG_TAGBUF_NOT_EMPTY | 0x00000002 | Delete history log contains entries |
Delete options for FLGDeleteTree | Value | Description |
FLG_DELTREE_REL | 0x00000001 | Delete Grouping object instance and its underlying tree structure |
FLG_DELTREE_ALL | 0x00000002 | Delete Grouping object instance and its underlying tree structure, including underlying objects |
FLGManageCommentStatus output structure property short names | Value | Description |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS1_PPN | "CSTATUS1" | First available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS2_PPN | "CSTATUS2" | Second available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS3_PPN | "CSTATUS3" | Third available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS4_PPN | "CSTATUS4" | Fourth available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS5_PPN | "CSTATUS5" | Fifth available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS6_PPN | "CSTATUS6" | Sixth available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS7_PPN | "CSTATUS7" | Seventh available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS8_PPN | "CSTATUS8" | Eighth available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUS9_PPN | "CSTATUS9" | Ninth available status choice for comments |
FLG_COMMENT_STATUSA_PPN | "CSTATUSA" | Tenth available status choice for comments |
User type options for FLGManageUsers | Value | Description |
FLG_USERTYPE_PADMIN | 'A' | Primary administrator |
FLG_USERTYPE_BADMIN | 'B' | Backup administrator |
FLG_USERTYPE_POWERUSER | 'D' | User authorized to perform additional object management tasks |
Trace level options set with FLGTrace | Value | Description |
FLG_TRACE_ON | 1 | Turn tracing on |
FLG_TRACE_OFF | 0 | Turn tracing off |
FLG_TRACELEVEL_0 | 0 | Default trace level |
FLG_TRACELEVEL_1 | 1 | Include function entry and exit records |
FLG_TRACELEVEL_2 | 2 | Include function-level information |
FLG_TRACELEVEL_3 | 3 | Include input and output parameters |
FLG_TRACELEVEL_4 | 4 | Include all input and output structures passed to or used by the Information Catalog Manager |
Actions performed by the Information Catalog Manager | Value | Description |
FLG_ACTION_CREATE | 0x00000001 | Creates; for example, adds an icon to an object type or user to an information catalog |
FLG_ACTION_DELETE | 0x00000002 | Deletes; for example, deletes an icon from an object type |
FLG_ACTION_UPDATE | 0x00000004 | Updates; for example, changes the list of available status choices for comments, or toggles on or off recording of delete history |
FLG_ACTION_GET | 0x00000008 | Retrieve current setting or list |
FLG_ACTION_QUERY | 0x00000010 | Determine existence |
FLG_ACTION-LIST | 0x00000020 | Retrieve list of users |
Category types | Value | Description |
FLG_GROUPING_OBJ | 'G' | Grouping category |
FLG_ELEMENTAL_OBJ | 'E' | Elemental category |
FLG_CONTACT_OBJ | 'C' | Contact category |
FLG_DICTIONARY_OBJ | 'D' | Dictionary category |
FLG_PROGRAM_OBJ | 'P' | Program category |
FLG_SUPPORT_OBJ | 'S' | Support category |
FLG_ATTACHMENT_OBJ | 'A' | Attachment category |
Yes and no values | Value | Description |
FLG_YES | 'Y' | Yes |
FLG_NO | 'N' | No |
Value flags | Value | Description |
FLG_REQUIRED | 'R' | Required property |
FLG_OPTIONAL | 'O' | Optional property |
FLG_SYSTEM | 'S' | System- generated property |
Universal unique identifier sequence numbers | Value | Description |
FLG_UUI_1 | '1' | First property in UUI |
FLG_UUI_2 | '2' | Second property in UUI |
FLG_UUI_3 | '3' | Third property in UUI |
FLG_UUI_4 | '4' | Fourth property in UUI |
FLG_UUI_5 | '5' | Fifth property in UUI |
FLG_BLANK | ' ' | A single blank character |
Property short names of required properties | Value | Description |
FLG_PPN_INST_NAME | "NAME" | Name of object instance |
FLG_PPN_UPDATIME | "UPDATIME" | Time stamp of date and time last updated |
FLG_PPN_UPDATEBY | "UPDATEBY" | User ID of person who performed the last update |
FLG_PPN_EXTERNAL_NAME | "NAME" | External name of object type |
FLG_PPN_PTNAME | "PTNAME" | Physical type name of object type |
FLG_PPN_DPNAME | "DPNAME" | DP NAME (short name) of the object type |
FLG_PPN_CREATOR | "CREATOR" | User ID of the person who created the object type |
Common property short names--Information Catalog Manager-defined object types | Value | Description |
FLG_PPN_UUICLASS | "UUICLASS" | Defines object class |
FLG_PPN_UUIQUAL1 | "UUIQUAL1" | First qualifier property used to ensure that the identifier UUI value is unique within the UUI class. |
FLG_PPN_UUIQUAL2 | "UUIQUAL2" | Second qualifier property used to ensure that the identifier UUI value is unique within the UUI class. |
FLG_PPN_UUIQUAL3 | "UUIQUAL3" | Third qualifier property used to ensure that the identifier UUI value is unique within the UUI class. |
FLG_PPN_UUIDENT | "UUIDENT" | Unique object instance-level identifier used as part of the UUI. |
FLG_PPN_HANDLES | "HANDLES" | Identifies object type handled by the program association. |
FLG_PPN_STARTCMD | "STARTCMD" | Command to invoke program associated with an object type |
FLG_PPN_PARMLIST | "PARMLIST" | Parameter list to pass to program upon invocation |
FLG_PPN_SHRTDESC | "SHRTDESC" | Short description for object instances |
FLG_PPN_CREATSTP | "CREATSTP" | Creation date timestamp for Comments objects |
FLG_PPN_STATUS | "STATUS" | Status of Comments object instances |
FLG_PPN_ACTIONS | "ACTIONS" | Actions to be taken against an object instance, for example, starting a program |
FLG_PPN_EXTRA | "EXTRA" | Reserved |
FLG_PPN_LONGDESC | "LONGDESC" | Long description of an object instance |
FLGImport restart options | Value | Description |
FLG_RESTART_BEGIN | 'B' | Import the tag language file from the beginning |
FLG_RESTART_CHECKPT | 'C' | Import the tag language file starting at the last committed checkpoint. |
Export input structure property names | Value | Description |
FLG_EXPORT_DEFAREA_FLGID | "FLGID" | Property passing the FLGID of the object to be exported |
FLG_EXPORT_DEFAREA_ATTACHMENT_IND | "ATTACHMENT-IND" | Property indicating whether to export associated Attachment objects |
FLG_EXPORT_DEFAREA_CONTAINEE_IND | "CONTAINEE-IND" | Property indicating whether to export contained objects |
FLG_EXPORT_DEFAREA_CONTACT_IND | "CONTACT-IND" | Property indicating whether to export associated Contact objects |
FLG_EXPORT_DEFAREA_LINK_IND | "LINK-IND" | Property indicating whether to export linked objects |
Data types | Value | Description |
FLG_DTYPE_CHAR | "CHAR" | Fixed-length character |
FLG_DTYPE_VARCHAR | "VARCHAR" | Variable length character |
FLG_DTYPE_LONGVARCHAR | "LONG VARCHAR" | Long variable length character |
Header area structure identifier | Value | Description |
FLG_H_IDENT | "FLG-HEAD" | First value in an Information Catalog Manager input or output structure |
Database platform identifiers | Value | Description |
FLG_DG2_DB22 | 0 | The Information Catalog Manager using DB2 UDB for OS/2 |
FLG_DG2_DB2 | 1 | The Information Catalog Manager using DB2 UDB for OS/390(R) or DB2 for OS/390 |
FLG_DG2MVS | 2 | Reserved |
FLG_DG2_DB400 | 4 | The Information Catalog Manager using DB2 UDB for AS/400 |
FLG_DG2_DB6000 | 6 | The Information Catalog Manager using DB2 UDB for AIX |
FLG_DG2_DB26000PE | 7 | The Information Catalog Manager using DB2 PE for AIX or DB2 UDB EEE |
FLG_DG2_DB2NT | 8 | The Information Catalog Manager using DB2 UDB for Windows NT |
FLG_DG2_DB295 | 9 | The Information Catalog Manager using DB2 UDB for Windows 95 |