Administrative API Reference

Data Manager Log Records

Data manager log records are the result of DDL, DML, or Utility activities.

There are two types of data manager log records:

Table 96. DMS Log Record Header Structure (DMSLogRecordHeader)
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Component identifier (=1) unsigned char 0(1)
Function identifiera unsigned char 1(1)
Table identifiers

  Table space identifier

  Table identifier

unsigned short

unsigned short



Total Length: 6 bytes

Values and Definitions

a Valid function identifier values

       102     Add columns to table
       104     Undo add columns
       106     Delete record
       110     Undo insert record record
       111     Undo delete record
       112     Undo update record
       113     Alter column length
       115     Undo alter column length
       118     Insert record
       120     Update record
       124     Alter table attribute
       128     Initialize table

Table 97. DOM Log Record Header Structure (DOMLogRecordHeader)
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Component identifier (=4) unsigned char 0(1)
Function identifiera unsigned char 1(1)
Object identifiers

  Table space identifier

  Object identifier

unsigned short

unsigned short



Table identifiers

  Table space identifier

  Table identifier

unsigned short

unsigned short



Object type unsigned char 10(1)
Flags unsigned char 11(1)
Total Length: 12 bytes

Values and Definitions

a Valid function identifier values

         2     Create index
         3     Drop index
         4     Drop table
        11     Truncate table (import replace)
        35     Reorg table
       101     Create table
       130     Undo create table

Note:All data manager log record offsets are from the end of the log manager record header.

All log records whose function identifier short name begins with UNDO are log records written during the UNDO or ROLLBACK of the action in question.

The ROLLBACK can be a result of:

Initialize Table

The initialize table log record is written when a new permanent table is being created; it signifies table initialization. This record appears after any log records that create the DATA storage object, and before any log records that create the LF and LOB storage objects. This is a Redo log record.

Table 98. Initialize Table Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DMSLogRecordHeader 0(6)
File create LSN SQLU_LSN 6(6)
Table directory record variable 12(72)
  record type unsigned char 12(1)
  reserved char 13(1)
  index flag unsigned short 14(2)
  index root page sqluint32 16(4)
  TDESC recid sqlint32 20(4)
  reserved char 24(56)
  flagsa sqluint32 80(4)
Table description length   84(4)
Table description record variable 88(variable)
  record type unsigned char 88(1)
  reserved char 89(1)
  number of columns unsigned short 90(2)
  array variable long 92(variable)
Total Length: 88 bytes plus table description record length

a Bit 0x00000020 indicates that the table was created with the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY option, and that no DML activity on this table is logged until the transaction that created the table has been committed.

Table Description Record: column descriptor array

(number of columns) * 8, where each element of the array contains:

  • field type (unsigned short, 2 bytes)
       SMALLINT    0x0000      CHAR          0x0100      GRAPHIC      0x0200
       INTEGER     0x0001      VARCHAR       0x0101      VARGRAPH     0x0201
       DECIMAL     0x0002      LONG VARCHAR  0x0104      LONG VARG    0x0202
       DOUBLE      0x0003      DATE          0x0105      DBCLOB       0x0203
       REAL        0x0004      TIME          0x0106
       BIGINT      0x0005      TIMESTAMP     0x0107
                               BLOB          0x0108
                               CLOB          0x0109
                               DATALINK      0x010E
  • length (2 bytes)
    • If BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB, this field is not used. For the maximum length of this field, see the array that follows the column descriptor array.
    • If not DECIMAL, length is the maximum length of the field (short).
    • If PACKED DECIMAL: Byte 1, unsigned char, precision (total length) Byte 2, unsigned char, scale (fraction digits).
  • null flag (unsigned short, 2 bytes)
    • mutually exclusive: allows nulls, or does not allow nulls
    • valid options: no default, type default, or user default

       ISNULL        0x01
       NONULLS       0x02
       TYPE_DEFAULT  0x04
       USER_DEFAULT  0x08
  • field offset (unsigned short, 2 bytes) This is the offset from the start of the formatted record to where the field's fixed value can be found.

Table Description Record: LOB descriptor array

(number of LOB, CLOB, and DBCLOB fields) * 12, where each element of the array contains:

  • length (MAX LENGTH OF FIELD, sqluint32, 4 bytes)
  • reserved (internal, sqluint32, 4 bytes)
  • log flag (IS COLUMN LOGGED, sqluint32. 4 bytes)

The first LOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB encountered in the column descriptor array uses the first element in the LOB descriptor array. The second LOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB encountered in the column descriptor array uses the second element in the LOB descriptor array, and so on.

Import Replace (Truncate)

The import replace (truncate) log record is written when an IMPORT REPLACE action is being executed. This record indicates the re-initialization of the table (no user records, new life LSN). The second set of pool and object IDs in the log header identify the table being truncated (IMPORT REPLACE). This is a Redo log record.

Table 99. Import Replace (Truncate) Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DOMLogRecordHeader 0(12)
internal variable 12(variable)
Total Length: 12 bytes plus variable length

Rollback Insert

The rollback insert log record is written when an insert row action (INSERT RECORD) is rolled back. This is a Compensation log record.

Table 100. Rollback Insert Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DMSLogRecordHeader 0(6)
Padding char[ ] 6(2)
RID sqlint32 8(4)
Record length unsigned short 12(2)
Free space unsigned short 14(2)
Total Length: 16 bytes

Reorg Table

The reorg table log record is written when the REORG utility has committed to completing the reorganization of a table. This is a Normal log record.

Table 101. Reorg Table Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DOMLogRecordHeader 0(12)
Internal variable 12(252)
Index tokena unsigned short 2(264)
Temporary tablespace IDb unsigned short 2(266)
Total Length: 268 bytes

a If not 0, it is the index by which the reorg is clustered (clustering index).

b If not 0, it is the system temporary table space that was used to build the reorg.

Create Index, Drop Index

These log records are written when indexes are created or dropped. The two elements of the log record are:

This is a Undo log record.

Table 102. Create Index, Drop Index Log Records Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DOMLogRecordHeader 0(12)
Padding char[ ] 12(2)
Index token unsigned short 14(2)
Index root page sqluint32 16(4)
Total Length: 20 bytes

Create Table, Drop Table, Rollback Create Table, Rollback Drop Table

These log records are written when the DATA object for a permanent table is created or dropped. The DATA object is created during a CREATE TABLE, and prior to table initialization (Initialize Table). Create table and drop table are Normal log records. Rollback create table and rollback drop table are Compensation log records.

Table 103. Create Table, Drop Table, Rollback Create Table, Rollback Drop Table Log Records Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DOMLogRecordHeader 0(12)
Internal variable 12(56)
Total Length: 68 bytes

Alter Table Attribute

The alter table attribute log record is written when the state of a table is changed VIA the ALTER TABLE statement or as a result of adding or validating constraints.

Table 104. Alter Table Attribute, Undo Alter Table Attribute
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DMSLogRecordHeader 0(6)
Padding char[ ] 6(2)
Alter bit (attribute) mask int 8(4)
Alter bit (attribute) values int 12(4)
Total Length: 16 bytes
Attribute Bits:
  0x00000001   Propagation
  0x00000002   Check Pending
  0x00010000   Append Mode
  0x00200000   LF Propagation
  0x00400000   LOB Propagation

If one of the bits above is present in the alter bit mask, then this attribute of the table is being altered. To determine the new value of the table attribute (0 = OFF and 1 = ON), check the corresponding bit in the alter bit value.

Alter Table Add Columns, Rollback Add Columns

The alter table add columns log record is written when the user is adding columns to an existing table using an ALTER TABLE statement. Complete information on the old columns and new columns is logged.

Alter table add columns is a Normal log record. Rollback add columns is a Compensation log record.

Table 105. Alter Table Add Columns, Rollback Add Columns Log Records Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DMSLogRecordheader 0(6)
Padding char[ ] 6(2)
Old column count int 8(4)
New column count int 12(4)
Old parallel arraysa variable 16(variable)
New parallel arraysb variable variable
Total Length: 40 bytes plus 2 sets of parallel arrays; array size is (old/new column count) * 20.

Array Elements <\p>

a Each element in this array is 8 bytes long.

b Each element in this array is 12 bytes long.

For information about the column descriptor array or the LOB descriptor array, see Table 98).

Insert Record, Delete Record, Rollback Delete Record, Rollback Update Record

These log records are written when rows are inserted into or deleted from a table. Insert record and delete record log records are generated during an update if the location of the record being updated must be changed to accommodate the modified record data. Insert record and delete record are Normal log records. Rollback delete record and rollback update record are Compensation log records.

Table 106. Insert Record, Delete Record, Rollback Delete Record, Rollback Update Record Log Records Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DMSLogRecordHeader 0(6)
Padding char[ ] 6(2)
RID sqlint32 8(4)
Record length unsigned short 12(2)
Free space unsigned short 14(2)
Record offset unsigned short 16(2)
Record header and data variable 18(variable)
Total Length: 18 bytes plus Record length
Record Header and Data Details:

Record header
4 bytes
  • Record typea (unsigned char, 1 byte). Records are one of two classes:
    • Updatable
    • Special control

    A value of 0 or 4 indicates that the record can be viewed.

    Each class has three types:

    • Normal
    • Pointer
    • Overflow
  • Reserved (char, 1 byte)
  • Record length (unsigned short, 2 bytes)

  • Record type (unsigned char, 1 byte). Updatable records are one of two types:
    • Internal control
    • Formatted user data

    A value of 1 signifies a formatted user data record.

  • Reserved (char, 1 byte)
  • The rest of the record is dependent upon the record type and the table descriptor record defined for the table. If the record type is internal control, the data cannot be viewed. The following fields apply to user data records:
    • Fixed length (unsigned short, 2 bytes). This is the length of all fixed portions of the data row.
    • Formatted record (fixed and variable length). For more information about formatted records, see "Formatted User Data Record".

a Record data can only be viewed if the record type (specified in the record header) is updatable (that is, not special control).

Formatted User Data Record

The formatted record can be a combination of fixed and variable length data. All fields contain a fixed length portion. In addition, there are eight field types that have variable length parts:

Field Lengths

The length of the fixed portion of the different field types can be determined as follows:

Note:For element addresses, see Table 98.

For more detailed information about field types, see the SQL Reference.

The following sections describe the location of the fixed portion of each field within the formatted record.

Table Descriptor Record

The table descriptor record describes the column format of the table. It contains an array of column structures, whose elements represent field type, field length, null flag, and field offset. The latter is the offset from the beginning of the formatted record, where the fixed length portion of the field is located.

Table 107. Table Descriptor Record Structure
Table Descriptor Record

record type number of columns column structure
  • field type
  • length
  • null flag
  • field offset
LOB information
Note:For more information, see Table 98.

For columns that are nullable (as specified by the null flag), there is an additional byte following the fixed length portion of the field. This byte contains one of two values:

If the null flag within the formatted record for a column that is nullable is set to 0x00, there is a valid value in the fixed length data portion of the record. If the null flag value is 0x01, the data field value is NULL.

The formatted user data record contains the table data that is visible to the user. It is formatted as a fixed length record, followed by a variable length section.

Table 108. Formatted User Data Record Structure
Formatted User Data Record

record type length of fixed section fixed length section variable data section
Note:For more information, see Table 106.

All variable field types have a 4-byte fixed data portion in the fixed length section (plus a null flag, if the column is nullable). The first 2 bytes (short) represent the offset from the beginning of the fixed length section, where the variable data is located. The next 2 bytes (short) specify the length of the variable data referenced by the offset value.

Update Record

The update record log record is written when a row is updated, and if its storage location does not change. There are two available log record formats; they are identical to the insert record and the delete record log records (see Insert Record, Delete Record, Rollback Delete Record, Rollback Update Record). One contains the pre-update image of the row being updated; the other contains the post-update image of the row being updated. This is a Normal log record.

Table 109. Update Record Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header DMSLogRecordHeader 0(6)
Padding char[ ] 6(2)
RID sqlint32 8(4)
New Record length unsigned short 12(2)
Free space unsigned short 14(2)
Record offset unsigned short 16(2)
Old record header and data variable 18(variable)
Log header DMSLogRecordHeader variable(6)
Padding char[ ] variable(2)
RID sqlint32 variable(4)
Old record length unsigned short variable(2)
Free space unsigned short variable(2)
Record offset unsigned short variable(2)
New record header and data variable variable(variable)
Total Length: 36 bytes plus 2 Record lengths

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