Administrative API Reference

sqlxphqr - List Indoubt Transactions

Gets a list of all indoubt transactions for the currently connected database.


This API only affects the node on which it is issued.


One of the following:

Required Connection




C API Syntax

/* File: sqlxa.h */
/* API: List Indoubt Transactions */
/* ... */
extern int SQL_API_FN sqlxphqr(
   int                  exe_type,
   SQLXA_RECOVER        **ppIndoubtData,
   sqlint32             *pNumIndoubts,
   struct sqlca         *pSqlca
/* ... */

API Parameters

Input. If EXE_THIS_NODE is specified, the operation is executed only at this node.

Output. Supply the address of a pointer to an SQLXA_RECOVER structure to hold the indoubt transactions. This API allocates sufficient space to hold the list of indoubt transactions, and returns a pointer to this space. The space is released only when the process terminates. Do not use sqlefmem - Free Memory to free this memory, since it contains pointers to other dynamically allocated structures which will not be freed. For more information, see SQLXA-RECOVER.

Output. The API will return the number of indoubt transactions returned in ppIndoubtData.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see SQLCA.

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