Administrative API Reference

sqleEndCtx - Detach and Destroy Application Context

Frees all memory associated with a given context.


The scope of this API is limited to the immediate process.



Required Connection




C API Syntax

int sqleEndCtx (
void           **ppCtx,
sqlint32       lOptions,
void           *reserved,
struct sqlca   *pstSqlca);

API Parameters

Output. A data area in private memory (used for the storage of context information) that is freed.

Input. Valid values are:

The context memory will be freed only if a prior detach has been done.
Note:pCtx must be a valid context previously allocated by sqleBeginCtx - Create and Attach to an Application Context.

If necessary, a call to sqleDetachFromCtx - Detach From Context will be made before the memory is freed.
Note:A detach will be done even if the context is still in use. If this option is used, the ppCtx parameter can be NULL, but if passed, it must be a valid context previously allocated by sqleBeginCtx - Create and Attach to an Application Context. A call to sqleGetCurrentCtx - Get Current Context will be made, and the current context freed from there.

Reserved for future use. Must be set to NULL.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see SQLCA.

Usage Notes

If a database connection exists, or the context has been attached by another thread, this call will fail.
Note:If a context calls an API that establishes an instance attachment (for example, sqlfxdb - Get Database Configuration), it is necessary to detach from the instance using sqledtin - Detach before calling sqleEndCtx.

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